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The Palace Museum in Beijing. [Photo/Xinhua]

>Happiest tourist attractions


The China Tourist Attractions Association and a research institution under the OCT Group, a leading theme park developer and operator in the country, jointly released a happiness index for tourist attractions on Monday. 20日,中国旅游景区协会与国内领先主题公园开发商和运营商华侨城集团的下属研究机构联合发布了"旅游景区欢乐指数"。

The Palace Museum in Beijing ranked first among the top 100 happiest tourist attractions in 2019, followed by the Shanghai Disney Resort and the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding. 在2019年中国旅游景区欢乐指数排名前100的景点中,北京故宫博物院位居第一,上海迪士尼度假村和成都大熊猫繁育研究基地位列第二和第三位。

The index was compiled based on online comments of tourists who had visited the 1,181 tourist attractions sampled in the research, with their abstract emotions, feelings and experiences transformed into visualized and measurable data, according to the OCT institution. 华侨城研究机构称,该指数是根据在调查中抽样的1181个旅游景点的游客的在线评论编制的,将他们的抽象情感、感受和体验转化为可视化、可测量的数据。

The index aims to help tourism practitioners better track consumer preferences and adjust their business strategies, while it also offers references for tourists to choose travel destinations, the institution said.该机构表示,该指数旨在帮助旅游从业者更好地跟踪消费者偏好,调整经营策略,也为游客选择旅游目的地提供参考。

Two telescopes at the site of the Saishiteng mountain observatory. [Photo/Xinhua]

>Powerful survey telescope


Chinese scientists are building the most powerful wide-field survey telescope of its class in the northern hemisphere in Qinghai province. Construction of the telescope is due to be completed by 2022 and it will begin surveying the night sky around 2023. 我国科学家正在青海省打造北半球最强大的大视场巡天望远镜,有望于2022年建成,2023年前后开始巡天。

Scientists hope its panoramic views will lead to new astronomical discoveries, such as finding faint celestial bodies or studying how the structure of galaxies changes over time. 科学家们希望,这台望远镜的大视场能带来新的天文发现,如搜寻遥远的天体,研究星系结构的演化等。

It can also be used to monitor space debris to ensure the safety of spacecraft during future explorations. 这台望远镜还可以用来监测空间碎片,以保障未来探索太空的航天器的安全。

The instrument is called the Wide Field Survey Telescope, or WFST, and has an estimated cost of 200 million yuan. It boasts an optical telescope with a diameter of 2.5 meters and a 750-million-pixel, 1.5 metric ton camera, making it the most capable wide-field survey telescope of its class north of the equator.这台名为"大视场巡天望远镜(WFST)"的仪器预计耗资2亿元人民币,光学望远镜口径2.5米,配备7.5亿像素、重1.5公吨的摄像头,使之成为赤道以北具备最高巡天能力的大视场望远镜。

US President Donald Trump addresses the daily coronavirus task force briefing at the White House in Washington, US, April 22, 2020. [Photo/Agencies]

>Trump suspends immigration


US President Donald Trump said on Tuesday he will be issuing a temporary suspension of immigration into the US and the measure will be in effect for 60 days and then be re-evaluated. 美国总统特朗普21日称,他将签署一项暂停移民美国的行政命令,有效期为60天,之后会重新评估。

Trump said his administration will be examining additional immigration-related measures "to protect American workers." 特朗普称,政府将审查更多与移民相关的措施以"保护美国劳动者"。

He said the order would "only apply to individuals seeking a permanent residency - in other words, those receiving green cards." "It will not apply to those entering on a temporary basis," he added. 特朗普称,这项政令将"只适用于寻求永久居留权的人——换句话说,就是那些希望获得绿卡的人,不适用于那些临时入境的人。"

"This pause on new immigration will also help to conserve vital medical resources for American citizens," Trump said at the daily coronavirus news briefing. 特朗普在每日新冠肺炎疫情简报会上表示:"暂停新的移民也将有助于为美国公民保存重要的医疗资源。"

He added that his move would help Americans who have lost their jobs during the ongoing shutdown. 他还称,此举还将帮助停工期间失业的美国人。

"By pausing immigration, it will help put unemployed Americans first in line for jobs as America reopens," Trump said.他表示:"通过暂停移民,将帮助失业的美国人在美国重新开放时优先就业。"

Small bottles labeled with "Vaccine" stickers stand near a medical syringe in front of displayed "Coronavirus COVID-19" words on April 10, 2020. [Photo/Agencies]

>Joint effort for vaccine


Two of the world's biggest vaccine companies have joined forces in an "unprecedented" collaboration to develop a COVID-19 vaccine. 世界上最大的两家疫苗公司展开"前所未有"的合作,联手研发新冠肺炎疫苗。

GlaxoSmithKline and Sanofi, which combined have the largest vaccine manufacturing capability in the world, are working together on a high-tech vaccine they say could be in human trials within months. 英国葛兰素史克公司和法国赛诺菲集团正在合作研发一种高科技疫苗,这两家公司加起来拥有世界上最大规模疫苗生产能力。两家公司称,这种疫苗可能在数月后开始进行人体试验。

The pairing is significant because, if successful, the two companies have the capacity to manufacture the hundreds of millions of doses that are likely to be required worldwide. 这一合作意义重大,因为一旦成功,两家公司有能力生产出全世界可能需要的数亿剂疫苗。

Paul Hudson, the chief executive of Sanofi, said: "As the world faces this unprecedented global health crisis, it is clear that no one company can go it alone. That is why Sanofi is continuing to complement its expertise and resources with our peers, such as GSK, with the goal to create and supply sufficient quantities of vaccines that will help stop this virus."赛诺菲首席执行官保罗·赫德森说:"在世界面临这一前所未有的全球性卫生危机之际,显然没有任何一家企业能够单打独斗。正因为如此,赛诺菲将继续与葛兰素史克等同行企业互相补充专业技能和资源,目标是生产和供应足够数量的疫苗,从而帮助遏制新冠病毒。"

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责任编辑: 鲁达

