>Pronunciation sparks confusion 教育部回应’错别字转正’ Following online criticism of suggestions the pronunciation of some Chinese characters should be changed, the education authorities have responded by saying the changes have yet to be approved and members of the public should stick with what they were taught was correct for now. The criticism was sparked by an online article that went viral recently. It listed new pronunciations for some characters. One example is the first character in the word "shui fu", which means persuade in English. The list said it should be pronounced "shuo", but school students have been told for years that is the wrong way to pronounce it. Examples of words with altered pronunciation on the list can also be found in some famous ancient poems, prompting concerns among educators that the poems might lose their original rhymes. The article said the changes had been proposed because most people made the same mistakes when pronouncing the words and the education authorities decided to follow the choice of the majority, since language should keep up with the times. 部分汉字更改读音的建议在网上招致批评,对此教育主管部门回应称,改后的审音表尚未通过审议,目前应以原读音为准。事件的起因是,近日网上一篇刷屏文章称,部分汉字读音将修改,还列举了一些汉字的新读音。其中一个例子是"说服"一词中的"说"应该读成"shuo",但多年来学校一直教大家在这里"shuo"是错误读音。文章中列举的示例中还包括一些著名古诗词中的字音,教育家担忧,这会导致古诗词失去原有的韵律。文章称,建议更改读音的初衷是因为多数人会把这些汉字错读成某一个音,所以就服从多数将错就错了,因为语言也要与时俱进。
>Choupette, world's richest cat? '老佛爷'爱猫将继承遗产 As the fashion world mourns Chanel icon Karl Lagerfeld, his beloved cat Choupette is one of a number who could be set to inherit his £150 million fortune, along with his model godson. One of the designer's most important companions in later life was his Birman cat Choupette, who he has called his one true love and said he would marry if it were legal, and the feline has enjoyed a life of luxury, making more than £2.5 million herself. The cat's jet-set lifestyle, traveling the world at Lagerfeld's side, became social media legend; her personal Instagram account has 120,000 followers, tracing her every move around the world. She boasts her own bodyguard, personal chef and two maids who tend to her every need. Last April Lagerfeld told Numero magazine: "I've asked to be cremated and want my ashes to be scattered along with my mother's...and Choupette's, if she dies before I do." 在时尚界悼念香奈儿品牌偶像卡尔•拉格菲尔德之际,身为模特的教子等人以及他的爱猫舒佩特将共同继承他1.5亿英镑的财产。拉格菲尔德晚年最重要的"伴侣"就是伯曼猫舒佩特,他曾称舒佩特是自己的挚爱,还曾说如果和猫结婚合法的话,他会迎娶舒佩特。舒佩特的生活非常奢华,而且已拥有超过250万英镑收入。舒佩特还是"空中飞猫",陪伴拉格菲尔德一起环游世界,成为了社交媒体上的传奇,她的Ins个人账号记录了她在世界各地的一举一动,拥有12万粉丝。她还拥有私人保镖、私人厨师和全方位照料它的两名佣人。去年四月,拉格菲尔德向Numero杂志表示:"我去世后要求火葬,一部分骨灰和母亲的骨灰一同挥撒,另一部分骨灰和爱猫舒佩特撒在一起,如果她先我而去的话。"
The Prince of Wales chats with Emily, nine, in a year five class at at Leighterton Primary School, Gloucestershire, where he is there to see the new school building and watch pupils take part in a Christmas performance.
>Naughty or nice name list 好孩子常叫艾米雅各布? Children called Amy or Jacob are little angels – but watch out if you have an Ella or Joseph, according to a study which has compiled a list of the names of the nicest children in Britain, based on their school reports. Researchers looked at over 63,000 schoolchildren and revealed that children called Amy and Jacob were among the best behaved in class. The best behaved girls names included: Amy, Georgia, Charlotte, Grace, Sophie, Abigail, Hannah, Emily and Alice. When it comes to the boys, the best behaved names were: Jacob, Daniel, Thomas, James, Adam, Harry, Samuel, Jack, Oliver and Ryan. The names of naughtiest girls were found to be Ella, Bethany, Eleanor, Olivia, Laura, Holly, Courtney, Amber and Caitlin. The names of the naughtiest boys were revealed to be Joseph, Cameron, William, Joshua, Jamie, Lewis, Benjamin, Ethan and Luke. 英国一项调查根据在校成绩编纂了一份"好孩子"名单,名单显示,叫"艾米"和"雅各布"的孩子都是小天使,但如果你家有名叫"艾拉"或"乔瑟夫"的孩子,那可得当心了。研究人员通过对6.3万名在校生进行调查,发现名叫"艾米"和"雅各布"的小孩在班级里的成绩最优异。"好女孩"名字包括:艾米、乔治娅、夏洛特、格蕾丝、苏菲、阿比盖尔、汉娜、艾米丽和爱丽丝。"好男孩"名字包括:雅各布、丹尼尔、托马斯、詹姆斯、亚当、哈里、塞缪尔、杰克、奥利弗和瑞恩。最淘女孩名字包括艾拉、宝芬妮、埃莉诺、奥利维亚、劳拉、霍利、考特尼、艾梅柏和凯特琳。最淘男孩名字包括:乔瑟夫、卡梅伦、威廉、约书亚、杰米、刘易斯、本杰明、伊森和卢克。
>Burberry apologizes for noose 巴宝莉'绞索'连帽衫挨批 Fashion brand Burberry has apologized for showcasing a hoodie that featured a noose around the neck during its show at London Fashion Week. The retailer said it has removed the item from its collection, after criticism from one of its own models led to an online backlash. "Suicide is not fashion," model Liz Kennedy, who was featured in the show, wrote on Instagram. "It is beyond me how you could let a look resembling a noose hanging from a neck out on the runway." The UK's Mental Health Foundation was also critical of the concept, and said the incident demonstrated the need for fashion houses to examine their creative processes. 近日,时尚品牌巴宝莉就伦敦时装周走秀期间展示的一款脖子上套着"绞索"的连帽衫致歉。巴宝莉表示已将这款衣服从其系列产品中撤出,此前该品牌旗下的一位模特对这款衣服提出批评,引发了一场在线抵制。参加了这场走秀的模特利兹•肯尼迪在Ins上写道:"自杀不是时尚,我不懂展台上怎么会出现这种类似绞索挂在脖子上的造型。"英国精神健康基金会也对该创意进行了批评,并表示该事件表明时装品牌有必要审视其创意流程。
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