- 发源地:birthplace
- 文化遗址:the culture site
- ……的象征:the symbol of...
- 杰作、代表作:masterpiece
- 见证、经历:witness
- 世界文化遗产名录:lists of World Heritage
- 奠基者:founder
- 著名的:renowned
- 文明:civilization
- 吉祥物:mascot
- 纪念:commemorate
- 吉利的:auspicious
- 由......组成:be comprised of
- 追溯到:date back to
- 继承:inherit
- 发扬:carry forward/promote
- 传统的:traditional
- 特征:characteristic
- 特产:specialty
- 独特的:unique
- 民间的:folk
- 传说的:legendary
- 元素:element
- 文化遗产:cultural heritage
- 文化交流:cultural exchange
- 名垂青史:win sb’s place in history
- 发红包 hand out red envelopes
- 贴春联 paste New Year scrolls
- 灯笼 lantern
- 压岁钱 lucky money
- 探亲访友 visit relatives and friends
- 中国戏曲 Chinese opera
- 戏剧 drama
- 京剧 Beijing Opera
- 珍品、瑰宝 treasure
- 团圆饭 family reunion dinner
- 唐宋时期 the Tang and Song Periods/Dynasties
- 秦朝 the Qin Dynasty
- 四大发明 the four great inventions
- 唐诗 poetry of the Tang Dynasty
- 造纸 paper-making
- 宋词 Song poems
- 火药 powder
- 汉字 Chinese characters
- 指南针 compass
- 印刷术 printing
- 地方小吃 local food/snack
- 饺子 dumpling
- 八大菜系the eight major components of Chinese cuisine
- 长江 Yangtze River
- 黄河 Yellow River
- 十二生肖 the twelve Chinese zodiac signs
- 本命年 one's year of birth considered in relation to the 12 Terrestrial Branches
- 传统节日 traditional holidays
- 春节 the Spring Festival
- 元宵节 the Lantern Festival
- 清明节 the Pure Brightness Festival/the Tomb-sweeping Day
- 端午节 the Dragon Boat Festival
- 中秋节 the Moon Festival/the Mid-Autumn Day
- 重阳节 the Double Ninth Day/the Aged Day
- 《三国演义》 Three Kingdoms
- 《西游记》 Journey to the West; Pilgrimage to the West
- 《水浒传》 Water Margin
- 《红楼梦》 Dream of the Red Mansions
- 皇室的:imperial
- 朝代:dynasty
- 历史的:historic
- 妃嫔:concubine
- 庆典:celebration
- 祭祀:sacrifice
- 等级制度:hierarchy system
- 鼎盛时期:flourishing period
- 儒家的:Confucian
- 瓷器:porcelain
- 象形文字:pictographic character
- 原始社会:primitive society
- 封建的:feudal
- 古老的:ancient
- 革命:revolution
- 爱国的:patriotic
- 兴起于......:prosper in...
- 迄今为止:up till now
- 闭关政策:exclusion policy
- 大使:ambassador
- 帝国:empire
- 摇篮:cradle
- 神话:myth
- 统一:unify
- 发掘:excavate
- 遗迹:relic
- 发源于:originate from...
- 合资企业:joint venture
- 私营企业:private enterprise
- 改革开放政策:the reform and opening-up policy
- 购买力:purchasing power
- 通货膨胀:inflation
- 附加值的:value-added
- 稳健的货币政策:a prudent monetary policy
- 资金:capital
- 预算:budget
- 社会福利:social welfare
- 财政的:fiscal
- 经济调节:economic regulation
- 公平竞争:fair competition
- 收支平衡:make ends meet
- 技术密集型产业:technology-intensive industry
- 劳动密集型产业:labor-intensive industry
- 进口:import
- 出口:export
- 专利:patent
- 退休金:pension
- 生产力:productivity
- 大萧条:recession
- 零售:retail
- 销售额:sales volume
- 供给:supply
- 长期国债:long-term government bonds
- 增至三倍:triple
- 城镇化:urbanization
- 房地产:real estate
- 科技创新 the innovation of science and technology
- 随着生活水平的提高 with the advance of living standards
- 随着科技的快速发展 with the rapid development of science and technology
- 丝绸之路 the Silk Road
- 据世界贸易组织估计 according to the estimation by World Trade Organization
- 经济繁荣 economic prosperity
- 经济增长 economic growth
- 社会稳定 social stability
- 国家富强 national prosperity
- 人民幸福 people’s happiness
- 教育制度:educational system
- 科教兴国:rejuvenate our country through science and education
- 把......放在优先发展的战略地位:place strategic priority on...
- 共同努力:joint effort
- 实施:implement
- 推行:carry out
- 就业机会:job opportunity
- 缓解:relieve
- 改善:improve
- 投入使用:be put into use
- 辉煌的成就:brilliant achievements
- 初步成效:initial effect
- 自然资源丰富:rich natural resources
- 人才资源:human resources
- 重要指标:key index
- 使丰富:enrich
- 一带一路:the Belt and Road
- 着手解决:deal with
- 将近 almost/nearly
- 多于 more than
- 少于 less than
- 占据 account for/take up
- 总计达 add up to/amount to
- 十亿 billion
- 百万 million
- 千 thousand
- 成千上万的 hundreds and thousands of
- 公里 kilometer
- 面积 area
- 深度 depth
- 长度 length
- 宽度 width
- 高度 height
- 平方公里 square kilometer