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1. Standing/ ˈstændɪŋ/ adj [attrib 作定语] (esp sport 尤用於体育) performed without a run; done from a standing position 没有助跑的; 站着进行的: a standing start/jump 立定起跑[起跳].

2. Beat/ biːt/ v (pt beat, pp beaten / (a) [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb (at sth) defeat sb; win against sb; do better than sb 打败某人; 打赢某人; 胜过某人: Our team was easily beaten. 我队被对方轻易打败了.

3. Winger) (in football, hockey, etc) either of the forward players whose place is at the extreme end of the forward line (足球﹑ 曲棍球等的)边锋队员: the team's new left wing 这个球队新的左边锋.

4. Transition / trænˈzɪʃn/ n [C, U] ~ (from sth) (to sth) (instance of) changing from one state or condition to another 过渡; 转变; 变迁: the transition from childhood to adult life 从童年到成年的过渡阶段; 足球常说的“转会”更多是 Transfer

5. Snap / snæp/ v snap sth upbuy or seize sth quickly and eagerly 抢购或迅速抓取某物: The cheapest articles at the sale were quickly snapped up. 大减价货物中最便宜的物品很快抢购一空.

6. Talented adj having talent; gifted 有才能的; 有才干的; 天才的: a talented musician 天才的音乐家.

7.Potential / pəˈtenʃl/ qualities that exist and can be developed 潜力; 潜能: exploit/fulfil/realize one's potential 发掘[发挥/认识]自己的潜力 * She has artistic potential/potential as an artist. 她有做艺术家的潜质.

8. Dressing room 球员更衣室

9. No-brainer: something that requires a minimum of thought 无需过多考虑的事

10. Rip / rɪp/ v (-pp-) (a) [Tn, Tn.pr] divide or make a hole in (sth) by pulling sharply 撕裂或拉破(某物): I've ripped my trousers. 我把裤子撕破了 Rip the team's defence 撕破对方的防线

11. Fullback 边后卫 Leftback 左后卫 Rightback 右后卫 Centerback/centerhalf 中后卫

责任编辑: 鲁达

