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又一个外国快时尚品牌败走中国。这次是万千中国少女买过的美国品牌Forever 21。

Via Global Times Twitter

据报道,美国快时尚品牌Forever 21正在撤出中国市场。


Forever 21此前在其中国官网、天猫与京东旗舰店发布公告,宣布这些电商平台于4月29日起暂停运营。

据《环球时报》英文版记者Xie Jun了解,在上海的Forever 21众多门店都在打折清仓。

Via Xie Jun/GT; A Forever 21 store in Shanghai

Via Wang Han/GT; 上海市静安区的一家门店在打折促销;多数商品已被买空

Via Wang Han/GT; 上海市静安区的一家门店在打折促销;多数商品已被买空

On Thursday afternoon, the three-story Forever 21 store on Changde Road in Shanghai was in disarray. The store was holding a big fire sale to liquidate its inventory, with all items selling for 30 yuan ($4.38) or less.

上周四下午,上海常德路上的一家Forever 21的三层门店内一片混乱。该门店正在举行大促销来清除库存;该门店内所有商品只卖30元(4.38美元左右),有的卖得甚至更便宜。

A salesperson at the store told the Global Times on Sunday that Forever 21 is soon going to exit the mainland market, but she said she hadn't heard from the company about the exact date.

上周日,该门店一名销售人员告诉《环球时报》英文版,Forever 21 这个品牌很快将撤出中国市场,但目前公司并未告诉她撤出的具体日期。

The Global Times dialed the customer service hotline of Forever 21 on Thursday and Sunday, but nobody answered the phone. Nor did the US-based fashion brand reply to e-mails from the Global Times requesting details about its mainland strategy.

上周四和周日,《环球时报》英文版记者拨打了Forever 21的客服热线,但都无人接听。《环球时报》英文版记者也发了一封邮件给该品牌,询问在中国市场撤离的具体情况,但目前还未收到回复。

Via Global Times

在中国曾有众多门店的Forever 21,为何宣布退出中国市场?这个当年被中国人追捧的时尚品牌到底怎么了?

我们来看一下中国年轻消费者对于Forever 21这类外国快时尚品牌的态度变化...

A Shanghai-based white-collar worker surnamed Wang, who is 27 years old, said that five years ago when she was a student, her wardrobe was filled with overseas fast fashion apparel like Zara, but she rarely buys those brands anymore.


"I think the reason for this change is because five years ago, there were not many clothing brands in China for me to choose from, particularly as online shopping was not very common at that time. But now, there are numerous choices on online shopping platforms like Tmall with all sorts of fashion styles and all sorts of price ranges," she told the Global Times on Thursday afternoon.


Quality is another thing that bothers her about overseas fast fashion brands. "For me, all the overseas fast fashion brands in the mainland can be categorized into two types: cheap with bad quality like Forever 21 and H&M, or cheap with just so-so quality such as Zara," she said.

海外快时尚品牌另一个困扰她的问题是质量。“对我而言,大陆所有的海外快时尚品牌都可以被归为两类:一类是质量低劣的廉价品牌,比如Forever 21和H&M;另一类是质量一般的廉价品牌,比如Zara。”她说。

Fang Shaoqing, a 20-something woman now living in Shanghai, said that her addiction to overseas fast fashion brands has become increasingly weak in recent years.


"I still have a habit of looking around in Zara or H&M shops, but nowadays I don't buy many of those clothes, even after trying them on. I think now I tend to buy clothes that don't easily become outdated in their design, even if they are priced relatively higher than many of those fast fashion clothes," she told the Global Times.


Via Global Times

Forever 21 并不是唯一一家在中国市场“遇冷”的外国时尚品牌。据报道,快时尚品牌在中国闭店或退出中国市场已经是近年来的常态。

Via 新浪财经

此前,英国快时尚品牌TOPSHOP、New Look、Marks & Spencer也宣布关闭中国的门店。

Via Bloomberg

British fashion brand Marks & Spencer announced in January (2018 )that it would end online sales in China through its store on Tmall – this after closing all its brick and mortar stores in the country in 2016.



A lack of understanding of Chinese consumers and how they shop has cost many international fashion brands dearly as they try to make it in the China market.





Via ;Forever 21 has opened nine stores with plans for a further 50 on the mainland. (Forever 21在中国已经开了9家门店,计划再开50多家门店。)


International fast-fashion brands continue their aggressive expansion on the mainland, changing the landscape of the country's retail property sector.


"H&M has around 250 stores in China and is actively seeking space for 80 new stores this year; Zara has its sights set on 60 new stores and Uniqlo plans another 100, having already opened 100 last year," said Rebecca Tibbott, head of retail leasing at JLL Shanghai.

Rebecca Tibbott是仲量联行(JLL)在上海的零售业房产租赁的负责人。 Tibbott表示:“H&M 在中国已经有250多家门店,今年(2015年)还将增设80家新门店;Zara计划增设60家门店;优衣库计划增设100家。去年(2014年),优衣库已经在中国开设100家门店。”

New brands are also emerging. US-based Forever 21 has opened nine stores and has plans for a further 50. Gap has opened 32 stores since 2013, according to JLL.

仲量联行(JLL)的报告指出,新的国际快时尚品牌持续进驻中国,比如美国的Forever 21已经开了9家门店;未来在中国会开设更多。Gap 自2013年以来也在中国开设了32家门店。



对于Forever 21撤出中国市场的消息,中国网友们的态度呢,差别挺大的。有的网友吐槽该品牌质量差,而有的则挺惋惜的。





Via 新浪微博


文:Xie Jun; Wang Han; 整合自Global Times;

图: Xie Jun; Wang Han; Twitter; 新浪财经;Bloomberg; 网络

整合:Wang Han

责任编辑: 鲁达

