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【onlylove】赞菲尔排箫演绎Nana Mouskouri经典——《ONLY LOVE》(唯一的爱)


据称唱过1000多首畅销歌曲,用多种语言灌制过唱片,创下300个百万唱片发行记录。被誉为 "希腊国宝"、“雅典的白玫瑰”。


从50年代末至今“Weisse Rosen Aus Athen 雅典白玫瑰”、“Au Coeur De Septembre 九月情怀”、“Over And Aver”、“Only Love”......这些脍炙人口的歌曲曾在每个时代人们的耳边传颂不已,很直接的触动人们的心灵深处。以她那清澈透明且无比感性的声线,一次又一次地感动着每个爱乐的人们。而这把和她说话时完全不同的独特声线,源于她天生拥有两条不同的声带。

Nana是一位永恒的歌者,对于流行、爵士、民谣、古典等多种音乐形式都有自己独到的诠释,美丽歌声萦绕乐坛超过40年,以希腊文、法文、意大利文、 西班牙、 葡萄牙、英文等语言灌录,音乐类型涵盖流行摇滚/传统爵士/法国香颂/古典歌剧/福音歌/希腊民谣,总计获得350张白金/金唱片认证,其中还包括一张在 荷兰获得的钻石唱片奖,至少出现在65个国家的舞台上。Nana擅长在音乐中溶入Classics和Jazz风格,她丰富的想象力使得她具有地域特色的音乐更具吸引力。她不但是法国乐坛近20年来销售最惊人的女歌手,更以全球逾2亿张的销售傲视乐坛,成为全球最畅销的女艺人。

这首《Only Love》选自于她的《Les triomphes de Nana Mouskouri》专辑第2首。


Only love can make a memory.

Only love can make a moment last.

You were there and all the world was young

and all it's songs unsung.

and I remember you then,

when love was all,

all you were living for,

and how you gave that love to me.

Only then I felt my heart was free.

I was part of you and you were all of me.

Warm were the days and the nights

of those years.

Painted in colors to outshine the sun.

All of the words and the dreams

and the tears live in my remembrance.

Only love can make a memory.

Only love can make a moment last.

Life was new, there was a rage to live,

each day a page to live,

and I remember you then,

when love was all,

all you were living for

and how you gave that love to me

Only then I knew my heart was free.

I was part of you and you were all of me.

今天和广大的排箫爱好者分享排箫天王格尔奥基赞菲尔(Gheorghe Zamfir)演绎的排箫版本,选自赞菲尔1986年发行的专辑《Harmony》第一首。赞菲尔使用Bass和Alto两支排箫构成的大音域,极大地丰富了乐曲的表现力,听起来又是别样的味道。

关于作者: admin

