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Pile [pail] n. 堆,堆


Piles of work大量工作

【习语】a pile of dough很多钱make one's pile赚钱,有钱的话pile in [into]挤进来。[口]暴力攻击;[口]狼吞虎咽

pilgrim[pil]n .朝圣者

皮拉[菲尔(r)] n .支柱;董良

Pillow [pilu] n .枕头

He used his boots for a pillow。他用靴子做枕头。

【习惯用语】①consult [advise] with one's pillow (=carry a matter to one's pillow) 把问题留到第二天解决;整夜思考,认真考虑②sew pillows under people's elbows 使人产生虚假的安全感,使人麻痹大意,高枕无忧③take counsel of one's pillow (=consult with one's pillow)

pilot [ˈpailət] n. 飞行员;引航员

pinch [pintʃ] n. ①拧,掐 ②(一)撮,微量 v. 捏,掐

pine [pain] n. 松树,松木

【习惯用语】①pine away 因忧伤而憔悴;因疾病而消瘦②pine for 渴望,怀念;因想望而烦恼

pint [paint] n. ①品脱②一品脱啤酒

【习惯用语】sink one's pints[口]喝啤酒

pioneer [paiəˈniə(r)] n. 开拓者;先驱;轻工兵

Doctor Smith was one of the______in cancer research.

A. pioneers

B. advocates

C. engineers

D. founders

【答案】A.pioneer n. 先驱者,创始人;开拓者,开发者。advocate (of) n. 提倡者,拥护者;辩护人,律师。engineer n. 工程师。founder n. 创始人。

pipe [paip] n. ①管道;烟斗


【习惯用语】①dance after [to] sb's pipe [piping, whistle] 听从某人指挥,百依百顺地服从别人②fill one's pipe 致富③hit the pipe 吸鸦片,吸毒

pistol [ˈpist(ə)l] n. 手枪

【习惯用语】①best the pistol(赛跑时)枪响前冲出,起跑犯规②discharge [fire] one's pistol in the air 朝天放枪;故意不使对手受伤;假打架;与想象的论敌争论③hold [put] a pistol to sb's head 用手枪抵着某人的脑袋;胁迫某人;迫使某人就范

piston [ˈpist(ə)n] n. 活塞

pit [pit] n. 坑;矿井

【习惯用语】①dig a pit for sb 为某人挖陷阱,使某人陷入圈套②fly (shoot) the pit(斗鸡)飞出斗鸡场;不付房钱而逃③snake pit[美俚]管理不当的精神病院;恐怖混乱的地方[局势]

pitch [pitʃ] vt. 投掷

n. 沥青

【习惯用语】pitch into 投入(工作);开始大吃大嚼;攻击

plague [pleiɡ] n. ①瘟疫


plane [plein] n. ①飞机;平面


Keep your work on a high plane. 使你的工作保持高水平。

【习惯用语】①plane away [off] 刨掉②plane down 把……刨薄,刨平

planet [ˈplænit] n. 行星

plantation [ˌplænˈteiʃ(ə)n] n. 种植园,大农场,林场

plaster [ˈplɑːstə(r)] n. ①灰泥


plate [pleit] vt. 电镀

plateau [ˈplætəu] n. 高原

platform [ˈplætfɔːm] n. ①平台,讲台;站台


【习惯用语】be at home on the platform 善于(或习惯于)演说

plausible [ˈplɔːzib(ə)l] a. 似有道理的,似乎正确的,貌似可信的

plea [pliː] n. ①恳求,请求


plead [pliːd] v. 请求,恳求

pledge [pledʒ] n. ①誓约,保证


plentiful [ˈplentiful] a. 富裕的,丰富的

plight [plait] n. 困难处境,恶劣的状态

plot [plɔt] n. 小块地;情节;阴谋

plough (=plow) [plau] n. 犁

vt. 犁,耕

plug [plʌɡ] n. 塞子,插头

plumber [ˈplʌmə(r)] n. 管子工,水暖工

plunge [plʌndʒ] vt. ①使投入,使刺进


plural [ˈpluər(ə)l] a. 复数的

n. 复数

plus [plʌs] prep. 加,加上

a. 加的,正的

n. 加号,正号

pneumonia [njuːˈməuniə] n. 肺炎

poetry [ˈpəuitri] n. 诗歌

poke [pəuk] vt. 戳,捅

polite [pəˈlait] a. 有礼貌的;有教养的

political [pəˈlitik(ə)l] a. ①政治(上)的


He has very strong political opinions. 他有强烈的政见。

politician [pɔliˈtiʃ(ə)n] n. 政客,政治家

politics [ˈpɔlitiks] n. ①政治;政治学②政治策略;政治手腕;政治活动 Politics have never interested me. 政治从未引起我的兴趣。③政论;政见;政纲What are your politics? 你的政见如何?

【长难例句】As far as I am concerned, his politics are rather conservative compared with other politicians. 就我看来,同其他政治家们相比,他的政治观点相当保守。

poll [pəul] n. 投票,投票数,民意测验

v. 投票,进行民意测验

pollutant [pəˈluːtənt] n. 污染物质

ponder [ˈpɔndə(r)] v. 仔细考虑,沉思

pool [puːl] n. 池,撞球,联营,石油层

pope [pəup] n. (Pope)天主教教皇

popular [ˈpɔpjulə(r)] a. 流行的,普及的;大众的;广受欢迎的,便宜的(价格)

Canned foods are______with housewives because it takes so little time to cook them.

A. usual

B. welcome

C. desirable

D. popular

【答案】D.popular (with sb) a. 广受欢迎的,有名的;流行的,通俗的,大众的。usual a. 通常的,平常的。welcome a. 受欢迎的;be welcome to 欢迎到……来(作形容词时不能说welcome with)。desirable a. (定语或表语)可取的;值得想望的,值得拥有的(在句型It is desirable that… 中,从句谓语需用虚拟语气)。

popularity [ˌpɔpjuˈlæriti] n. 普及,流行;名望

population [ˌpɔpjuˈleiʃ(ə)n] n. ①人口


The population in these villages still uses well water. 住在这些乡村里的人依然饮用井水。

porcelain [ˈpɔːslin] n. 瓷,瓷器

porch [pɔːtʃ] n. ①门廊②接待室,休息室

porter [ˈpɔːtə(r),ˈpəu˗] n. ①搬运工人



portion [ˈpɔːʃ(ə)n] n. ①部分,一份


She only eats a small portion of food. 她只吃分得的一小部分食物。


portrait [ˈpɔːtrit] n. ①肖像,画像

portray [pɔːˈtrei] vt. ①描写,描绘


position [pəˈziʃ(ə)n] n. ①位置;职务;见解


the position of the players on the field 球员在球场上的适当位置


in a favorable position 处于有利地位

【试题精练】It is improper for a person in such a high______in the company to behave so badly in public.

A. position

B. condition

C. profession

D. authority

【答案】A. position n. 职位,职务;姿势,姿态;见解,立场。condition n. 条件;状态,状况;(pl.)环境(be in condition〈运动员〉身体条件好;be in good condition〈货物抵达〉完好无损)。profession n. 职业(一般指受过高等教育的人所从事的职业,如教师、医生、律师等)。authority n. 权力,权威;当权者;(pl.)当局(a person in authority 当权人士)。

positive [ˈpɔzitiv] a. ①肯定的;积极的;正面的;正数的;阳性的


It was a positive delight to hear her sing so beautifully. 听她美妙的歌声绝对是一种享受。


【习惯用语】be positive about [of] 确信,确知

They had to examine the dead fish before they had a______answer as to what killed them.

A. positive

B. possible

C. tentative

D. normal

【答案】A. positive a. 确实的,明确的;积极的,肯定的;正的,阳性的(如 I gave you positive instructions. There is positive proof that he did it. Can you be positive of/about what you saw? She was positive she had seen it)。tentative a. 试探(性)的,试验(性)的。normal a. 正常的,平常的;正规的。

possess [pəˈzes] vt. ①拥有,占有

【同】have, hold, own, deep, occupy




【同】command, seize, control

【习惯用语】①be possessed by [with] 被(鬼怪、思想等)缠住,迷住②be possessed of 拥有,占有,具有,享有③be exclusively possessed by 在……把持下

【派】possession, possessive, possessor

possession [pəˈzeʃ(ə)n] n. 拥有,占有,所有,着迷,领土,领地,财产(常pl.)

postage [ˈpəustidʒ] n. 邮资,邮费

postcard [ˈpəustkɑːd] n. 明信片

poster [ˈpəustə(r)] n. 海报,招贴,(布告、标语、海报等的)张贴者

postgraduate [pəustˈɡrædjuit] n. 研究生

postman [ˈpəustmən] n. 邮递员

postpone [pəustˈpəun] vt. 延期,推迟

pot [pɔt] n. 罐,壶

poultry [ˈpəultri] n. 家禽;食用家禽

pound [paund] n. 磅;英镑 v. 敲击;捣碎

pour [pɔː(r)] v. ①倒,灌,注;流出

practical [ˈpræktik(ə)l] a. ①实际的;实用的;可行的



【试题精练】Without telephone it would be impossible to carry on the functions of______every business operation in the whole country.

A. preferably

B. precisely

C. practically

D. presumably

【答案】C. practically ad. 几乎,简直;实际上。preferably ad. 最好是。precisely ad. 准确地,确切地;恰好是。presumably ad. 大概,可能,据推测。

practically [ˈpræktikəli] ad. 实际上;几乎,简直

practice [ˈpræktis] n. 实践,做法;练习;业务

【试题精练】My golf is not very good just now. I've been busy and I'm out of______.

A. condition

B. place

C. fashion

D. practice

【答案】D. be out of practice 久不练习(技术已荒疏)(如 The basketball team got out of practice during the Christmas holidays. He was out of practice at batting.)(反义短语:be in practice)。be out of condition 身体状况不好。be out of place (本义)不在应该在的位置上;(引申)(话语)不合适,不恰当;(人与环境)不协调,不相称,格格不入。be out of fashion 过时的,不时兴。

practitioner [prækˈtiʃənə(r)] n. ①开业医生


关于作者: admin

