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"The beauty and clearness of 21st century...is at present obscured by Duo Mi.”—Someone hunted down by William Thomson (Kelvin)

丨词源/The Origin of the Word


朵蜜是“do mi”的音译, 该词出自前段时间在中国热播的少年魔幻剧集系列动画片《舞法天女》,是片中人物——朵蜜天女的出场台词。漫长的跳舞变身后,“让我来朵蜜你吧”脱口而出,简直羞耻play。这部剧也因此被大家纷纷吐槽为“年度神剧”,进而走红网络。

Translated from “do mi”, Duo Mi came from a Chinese magic TV series named Magic Dancing Girl. After long time dancing, Muse Duo Mi always spoke out the sentence ——” Let me come to Do Mi you”. What a shame!But the most unexpected thing is that, when the e-pals began to bitching it and upload the show, it suddenly becomes popular over the Internet, someone even has a crash on it.


It is said that some people even fall in love with this series.


朵蜜还有两个小伙伴,分别是 “fa so”法苏, “la si”拉提。三个天女用的法术是舞法,名字也都与音阶有关。

Muse Duo Mi also has two partners,“fa so” Fa Su and “la si” La Ti. Three girls’ spells are dancing, and all of their names come from musical scale. This creative is absolutely awesome.




Using in different context, Duo Mi may have different meaning, such as “destroy you”, “blind you” and “embarrassed you”. It also has a deeper meaning which is assimilate you.


After e-pals played, the meaning of the word changed into “Let me blind your eyes, and then you will understood my beauty and fall in love with me.”



Duo Mi is an incantation. Just like “Autobot, transform and roll out!”, it means that I will kill you and tell you first, do you have a problem?


What's more, incantation exists from the ancient times.



“I saw that Taoist using footwork and fingering and reading mystic words: lin bing dou zhe jie zhen lie qian hang!” compared to “let me come to Duo Mi you”, the Taoism incantation have more imposing manner. What? You think Duo Mi put a magic spell on you? Yes, I think so.

丨相关/Relevant information


A "cartoon despise chain" is quietly circulating online as netizens bemoan that "what the children are doing wrong and why they want to show it to them".



In this picture, the domestic cartoon is in the lowest position. In recent years, domestic cartoons become lower aged suitable, and fewer cartoons are popular with children and parents.

像《巴啦啦小魔仙》、 《舞法天女》等这类虽然是真人出演,但内容低幼的儿童电视剧层出不穷,其势头直追国产雷剧,大有“天不生我朵法拉,动画界万古如长夜”之势。

Low quality domestic cartoon emerging endlessly, it seems that domestic cartoon is overtaking the position of domestic production series.



On the contrary, parents' impression of foreign cartoons is teaching through lively activities, and could even teach their children to learn English.



In fact, the domestic cartoon has always been make efforts in the combining education with recreation and naive content. But according to the shows like Magic Dancing Girl , there is still a long way to go.


So, when the Third Season of Magic Dancing Girl is going to come out?

关于作者: admin

