《诗经》:The Book of Songs
《书经》:The Book of History
《易经》:The Book of Changes
《礼记》:The Book of Rites
《春秋》:The Spring and Autumn Annals
《大学》:The Great Learning
《论语》:The Analects of Confucius
《中庸》:The Doctrine of the Mean
《孟子》:The Words of Mencius
《三国演义》:Romance of the Three Kingdoms
《水浒传》:Water Margin
《西游记》:Pilgrimage to the West/Journey to the West
《红楼梦》:A Dream in Red Mansions/ The Story of the Stone
《山海经》:The Classic of Mountains and Rivers
《三字经》:Three-Character Classic
《西厢记》:Romance of the Western Chamber
《楚辞》:The Songs of Chu
《警世通言》:Convincing Arguments Warning the World
《资治通鉴》:History as a Mirror
《战国策》:Strategies of the Warring States
《史记》:Historical Records
《本草纲目》:Compendium of Materia Medica
《聊斋志异》:Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio
《儒林外史》:The Scholars
《古文观止》:The Notes of Classical Chinese
《道德经》:Tao Te Ching
《孙子兵法》:The Art of War
《黄帝内经》:Huangdi Neijing
《唐诗三百首》:Three hundred Poems of the Tang Dynasty