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Writing phrases.

1.Contrasting phrases:(对比)

(1)Although…+ subject + verb…尽管

Even though…/ Though….尽管

Despite the fact that…/ In spite of the fact that…尽管

Despite the fact that China is now the second largest economy in the world, …..尽管中国是世界第二大经济体

(2) Despite + noun/-ing….; in spite of …尽管

Despite China’s rapid economic growth,…, 尽管中国的经济增长非常快

(3) but,…但是/ even so,…尽管是这样/ However,…可是/ Nevertheless,…即使/ Nonetheless,…即使

(4) On the one hand,…, on the other hand,…从一方面来说..,从另一方面来说../ on the contrary,…相反的/ Whereas in contrast,…相反的

2. Expressing effect and reason:(效果和理由)

So,…所以/ therefore,…所以/ Consequently,…所以/ As a consequence,…所以/ As a result,…结果是

Due to + noun/-ing…; Owing to + noun/-ing….; On account of …/ Because of…因为;由于

Due to China’s rapid economic growth,…由于中国的经济增长迅速

Owing to becoming the second largest economy,由于中国变成了世界第二大经济体

Due to the fact that…由于

Due to the fact that China has become the second largest economy,…由于中国变成了世界第二大经济体

3.Clarifying or rephrasing(澄清或换种方法说)

In other words,…换句话说/ To put it another way,..换种方法来说/ To put it simply,..简单来说/ That is to say,…也就是说

责任编辑: 鲁达

