根据贝恩公司与意大利奢侈品行业协会Fondazione Altagamma联合发布《2019年全球奢侈品行业研究报告(秋季版)》显示,2019年中国奢侈品市场整体销售额增长26%。中国籍消费者对全球个人奢侈品市场持续性增长的贡献率达到90%。
Chinese consumers were expected to snap up more than 100 billion U.S. dollars in luxury goods at home and abroad in 2019, according to consulting firm McKinsey – a third of the global spend on all things flashy, opulent and high-end.
And with the majority of Chinese consumers being millennials, who know their way around technology and trends and can tell their Guccis from their Pradas, shopping is no longer the same.
Young Chinese consumers are into brands with a unique story and original design since they see purchasing luxury items as a lifestyle rather than just a way to show off on social media.
"Younger shoppers in China who are born in the post-90s contribute a large part of spending, and actually they are even more informed. They also put a large emphasis on elements beyond brands," said Daniel Zipser, senior partner at McKinsey.
McKinsey's China Luxury Report 2019 says that competition between international brands and domestic ones is intensifying in the country as China transitions to a digital era. Zipser says that European brands are still the darlings of shoppers born in the '90s, among whom only 10 percent go for local names.
"New Chinese homegrown brands still have a long way to go," he added.
根据Retail Gazette报道,英国老牌奢侈品店哈罗德百货(Harrods)宣布,将于2020年在中国上海浦东开设首家海外永久旗舰店,专门为中国的消费者特别是千禧一代提供优质的环境和服务。
哈罗德百货负责人Michael Ward曾公开表示,中国消费者在哈罗德百货的消费已经超过英国本土消费者,中国顾客已成为公司最大的单一国家客户群。Michael Ward此前在《英国电讯报》一则采访中透露,哈罗德百货伦敦骑士桥门店20%的销售额是由中国游客贡献的。随着消费的不断回流,中国人的消费力开始向国内市场转移。
China is welcoming its first Harrods department store this year in Shanghai’s Pudong district.
“If you look at all of the reports, they say, quite categorically that all of the growth in the next five years is going to come from Southeast Asia. And it's going to come from millennials,” Harrods Managing Director Michael Ward told The Telegraph about the store’s eastward push.
“So we’ve got to go after that. It’s very important that you follow the money. We see the continued growth of China, but we see a need to be a more permanent resident in China.”
While China's luxury goods market continues to grow, analysts believe the development of the market is uncertain and closely linked to the global economy. Since the second half of 2018, observers have pointed out that the global fashion industry may be exposed to downside risks due to geopolitical and economic conditions.
或许在分析中国奢侈品消费市场时,经济学中的概率分布模型——“肥尾效应”(Fat tail),值得大众去思考。事物的运作都有波峰波谷,当经济增速到一定程度,增长放缓,回归常态化是一个趋势。但经典产品的生命周期往往影响力和持续力会更久。
In China at least, second- and third-tier cities are expected to provide big potentials for both domestic and international luxury brands.