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conquer usually means to take control of a country or city and its people by force.“conquer”通常表示用武力征服并控制(一个地方或一个民族)。

or to defeat sb, especially in a competition, race, etc.或者指击败某人,尤指在竞争、比赛等中。

“The king conquered the city and made it apart of his empire.”“国王征服了这座城市,使它成为帝国的一部分。”

“The world champion conquered another challenger last night.昨晚这位世界冠军又战胜了一名挑战者。”

overcome is to to defeat sb/sth or to succeed in dealing with or controlling a problem that has been preventing you from achieving sth."overcome"是指击败某人/某物或成功地处理或控制一个妨碍你取得某项成就的问题。

“I overcame my fear of heights and went on an airplane today.”“我克服了恐高症,今天上了飞机。”

责任编辑: 鲁达

