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charge [tʃɑrdʒ]


n. 钱

admission charge 入场费

be free of charge 免费的

Is there a charge for admission? 入场需要收费吗?

n. 指控;控告

criminal charges 刑事控告

drop charges 撤销控诉

The police have had to drop charges against the man because they couldn't find evidence. 警察没有找到证据,不得不撤销对这个男人的控诉。

n. 指责;谴责

leave oneself open to charges 给自己留下把柄

The president responded angrily to the charge that he treat his people badly. 总统生气地回应他恶劣对待人民的谴责。

n. 主管;掌管;照顾

in charge of 负……责任

take charge of 掌管……

Who will be in charge of the department when our boss leaves? 我们老板走后谁来掌管这个部门呢?

v. 收费;向……要价

charge high 要价高

charge low 要价低

The restaurant only charged me half price for dinner. 这家餐厅只收了我一半的饭钱。

v. 把……记在账上

charge the expenses to sb' s acount. 把费用记在某人账上

Charge the bill to my account, please. 请把账单记在我的账上。

v. 控告;起诉

charge sb with sth/ with doing sth 以某事起诉某人

He was charged with murder. 他被指控范下谋杀罪。

v. 谴责;指责

charge sb with sth/ with doing sth 以某事指责某人

Trump was charged with circumventing state law. 特朗普被指责规避州法律。

v. 给……充电

My phone's dead. I need to charge it now. 我的手机没电了,我现在要给它充电。


责任编辑: 鲁达

