1.fee: 和 fee 相关的费用很多,有不符点费,滞期费,银行杂费等。比如:
any fees associated with discrepancy notification, payment refusal/rejection and/or payment will be deducted from the porceeds
A discrepance of USD80.00 or equivalent thereof is payable by the beneficiary for each drawing presented which does not strictly comply with the terms of this letter of credit and which has to be referred to the applicant.
译文:如每次提交的议付单证与本信用证条款不完全相符,在接洽申请人的情况下,由此产生的不符点费用80美元或等额货币将由受益人支付,(discrepancy fee 不符点费)
All banking charges outside Vietnam and handling fee are for the account of beneficiary.
译文:越南境外的一切银行杂费及手续费均由受益人承担(handling fee (不符点费)处理费/手续费)
Bill (s) of lading showing costs additional to the freight charges pre-paid mentioned in article 26 of the Uniform Customs and Practice for documentary credits 2007 revision publication No.600 are not accetable except where such additional costs are demurrage fees for containers.
译文: 提单上如标有《跟单信用证统一惯例》UCP600 第26条款上(2007版)所述运费预付外所发生的额外费用将不予接受,除非相关的附加费用为集装箱的滞期费。
(demurrage fees 滞期费)
2.charges 杂费: 实际上,在信用证中,可以把charges 理解为commissions (佣金), fees(手续费), costs or expenses(成本或开支) 的总称,然后再细化。
All bank charges and commissions outside Tunisia including confirmation fees are for beneficiary's account even in case of unutilization or cancellation of this L/C.
译文:突尼斯境外的一切银行杂费及佣金包括保兑费均由受益人承担,即便信用证未用或取消。(bank charges 银行杂费)
All bank charges other than issuing bank's charges are for beneficiary's account.
A handling charge of HKD450.00 will be assessed for each set of documents containing discrepancy (ies) presented under this documenary credit.
3.expenses 费用,开支:
All bank expenses and commissions outside of Japan including bank charges are for account of the beneficiary.
译文:日本之外的一切银行费用和佣金(包括银行手续费)均由受益人支付(bank expenses 银行杂费/开支)
4.cost 费用,成本:
Costs additional to the freight charges are not acceptable.
5.commission 佣金:
Acceptance commission and discount charges are for seller's account.
All banking charges outside L/C issuing bank's counter and expired L/C commission are for account of beneficiary.
6.proceeds 款项:
The discrepancy fee of USD50 (or equivalent) will be deducted from proceeds by us if documents are presented with discrepancy (ies).
译文:如果提交含有不符点的单证,不符点费用50美金(或等额)将由我方从货款中扣除。(proceeds 这里指货款/款项)
We shall remit the proceeds to the bank designated by negotiating bank upon receipt of all documents and drafts in confirmity with terms and conditions of this credit.
7.fund 资金:
For any request to transfer funds to a bank, or to issue an official check, a fee of U.S. dollars 20.00 will be decuted from proceeds.
8.remittance 汇款:
A discrepany fee for each set of documents will be deducted from any remittance made to the beneficiary under this credit.