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2005 年,「校内网」成立了。

2009 年 8 月 4 日,9 年前的今天,「校内网」改名,「人人网」就这样诞生了。

Founded in 2005, Renren.com (formerly Xiaonei.com) is the leading real name Social Networking Services (SNS) in China.

人人网前身为校内网,成立于 2005 年,是中国领先的实名制的 SNS 网络平台。

而 9 年过去了,那个承载着 80 后 90 后们青春记忆的「人人网」,那个 00 后可能都不知道它的存在的「人人网」,那个曾经风靡一时中国领先的实名制社交网络平台「人人网」,如今怎么样了。

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LR 找回了以前的账号试着登了上去。


顺手签了个到,总登录 1314 天,历史上最长连续登录 1127 天,时间都去哪儿了,LearnAndRecord 的运营转眼也已经持续了 1274 天。


翻到了尽头,发现自己 2009 年 7 月 7 日就已经加入了「人人」,那是才初中毕业...


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Renren, which means ‘Everyone’ in Chinese, enables users to connect and communicate with each other, share information, create user generated content, play online games, watch videos, access mobile live streamingand enjoy a wide range of other features and services.


英文媒体 Pandaily 在上月的一篇报道中将曾经堪比 Facebook 的人人网比作了坟场、僵尸,称其正努力摆脱这一形象,

Once upon a time, the graveyard that is Renren was worth US $8 billion. The former “Chinese version of Facebook” imploded after building the country's largest social media network.

○ shed 意思是“去除,摆脱〔不需要或不想要的东西〕”(to get rid of something that you no longer need or want).

举个,The company is planning to shed about a quarter of its workforce. 这家公司正计划裁减约四分之一的人员。

○ implode意思是“突然瓦解,崩溃”(If something such as an organization or a system implodes, it suddenly ends completely because it cannot deal with the problems it is experiencing.)

举个,Will the mayor let the city's desperate health care system implode? 该市长是否会让这座城市的危机四伏的医疗体系就此崩溃呢?

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对于人人网的介绍,往往都把其称作「中国版 Facebook」,

◉ 如 Pandaily 所用的:The former “Chinese version of Facebook”

◉ 经济学人在 2011 年 5 月一篇讲述「新科技泡沫」The new tech bubble 的文章中用了: Renren, hailed as "China's Facebook"

There has been a stampede for shares in Renren, hailed as “China's Facebook”, and other Chinese web giants listed on American exchanges.


○ hail: 就是“把…称赞为,把…誉为”to describe someone or something as being very good.

○ stampede: /stæmˈpiːd/ 在这里意思是“热潮”(If a lot of people all do the same thing at the same time, you can describe it as a stampede.),此外,它还有“(人群或兽群的) 狂奔”的意思 (If there is a stampede, a group of people or animals run in a wild, uncontrolled way.)

举个,There was a stampede for the exit. 出现了人群向出口的狂奔。

◉ 亚洲科技媒体 TechinAsia 则称人人网为 China's Facebook-ish Social Network.

○ -ish 后缀意思就是像Facebook一样的,跟Facebook差不多的。

对-ish 后缀的常见用法可以参考>>>

-ish 作为后缀的常见用法

◉ 而 2016 年 8 月 6 日,经济学人一篇题为「China's tech trailblazers」,讲述中国互联网公司的文章中,则称其为:an ailing knock-off of Facebook.

The government has indeed restricted competition in some areas—which is why China has subpar clones of Western firms, such as Baidu in search or Renren, an ailing knock-off of Facebook.

○ trailblazer /'treɪl‚bleɪzə/意思是“开路者;先驱,创始人”

举个,a trailblazer in the field of computer science research 计算机科学研究领域的先驱

○ subpar: 意思是“不到一般(或预期)水平的;低于标准的”below a level of quality that is usual or expected, 经济学人就是爱讽刺咱们...学他们的公司还学的不怎么样,一个百度,一个人人网???

○ an ailing knock-off of Facebook

knock-off 在昨天


一文中刚出现过,knockoff 就是仿制品,冒牌货的意思,而 ailing 作形容词表示“不景气的,状况不佳的,处境困难的”,说的就是人人网这个中国版Facebook如今已经不怎么景气了,

举个,the ailing car industry 不景气的汽车工业。

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人人网 CEO 陈一舟说过,




责任编辑: 鲁达

