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Topic2 We should learn teamwork.


1. 词形转换

(1) adj. + ly → adv.

loud → loudly soft → softly quiet → quietly

clear → clearly angry → angrily easy → easily


fall → fell break → broke lose →lost throw → threw feel → felt


ill (同义词)sick (名词)illness





important(比较级) more important


9.invent(名词)invention; inventor




feel (名词)feeling



1. have a soccer game 进行一场足球赛

2. fall ill 病倒了

3. be a little far from… 离……有点远

4. right away = at once 立刻;马上

5. miss a good chance 错过一个好机会

6. get/miss a goal 得到/失去一分

7. shame on sb. 为某人感到羞耻

8. do one’s best 尽某人的力

9. say sorry to sb. 对某人说抱歉

10. be sure to do sth. 确定做某事

11. be angry with… 生某人的气

12. with one’s help= with the help of sb. 在某人的帮助下

13. serve food 上菜

14. turn up/down… 调高/低(音量)

15. keep sb. doing sth. 让某人一直做某事

16. in a minute 一分钟后;马上

17. on the phone 在电话中

18. take a seat 就坐

19. never mind 不要紧

20. a lot of traveling 一系列旅行

21. love/enjoy doing sth. 喜爱做某事

22. have a very exciting life 过着非常兴奋的生活

23. as well 也

24. throw…into… 把……投进……

25. follow/obey the rules 遵守规则

26. over a century later 一个多世纪后

27. more and more people 越来越多的人

28. feel tired 感到疲劳

29. instead of… 替代……

30. ask sb. to do sth. 叫某人做某事

31. make a plan for sb. 为某人订一份计划

32. build up 增进;增强

33. have fun doing sth. 乐于做…..做某事

34. be important to 对于......来说是重要

35. in a minute/ at once/ right away 立刻/马上


1. Could you please do me a favor? = Could you help me? = Could you give me a hand? 你能帮我吗?

2. Would you mind teaching me? = Would you please teach me? 你教我好吗?

3. Would you mind not smoking here? 你不要在这里抽烟好吗?

4. You are always so careless. 你总是这样粗心大意.

5. I’m very sorry for what I said. 我为所说感到到道歉。

6. We are sure to win next time 下次,我们一定回赢。

7. Let me buy you a new one. = Let me buy a new one for you. 让我为你买一个新的。

8. He invented an indoor game for his students so that they could play it even in bad weather. 他为他的学生们发明了一项室内运动以便他们甚至在恶劣的天气也能玩。

9. And you can throw it with one hand or both hands.你能用一只手或两只手投掷它。

10. I have great fun running and I feel well and look fit 我总是快乐地跑步和我感到很好,看上去很健康。


1. ill 与 sick 都表示 “生病的”, ill只能作表语,而sick既可作表语也可作定语。

The man is ill/sick. 那个男人病了. (作表语)

He is a sick man. 他是个病人. (作定语)

2. Would you mind (not) doing sth? 表示“(不)做某事介意/好吗?”

Would you mind coming and checking it? 来修理它好吗?

Would you mind not smoking here? 不要在这儿吸烟好/介意吗?

3. one of + 名词复数,表示 “其中之一……”, 主语是one,表单数。

One of my teammates is strong and tall. 其中我的一个队友又高又壮。

4. miss 错过,思念,遗失

I missed the last bus yesterday. 昨天我错过最后一班车.

He missed his mother. 他想念他的母亲.

My God! I missed(=lost) my key. 天啊! 我把钥匙弄丢了.

5. be sure to do sth. = be sure that + 句子 “确定做某事”

We are sure to win next time. = We are sure that we will win next time.


6. be sorry for… “为某事抱歉”

be sorry to do sth. = be sorry (that) + 句子 “很抱歉做了某事”

I am very sorry for what I said. 我为我所说的话感到抱歉。

I’m sorry I lost your book. = I’m sorry to lose your book. 很抱歉弄丢你的书。

7. tired adj. “(感到)疲惫的” , 主语是人。

如:I feel tired today. 今天我感到累了.

tiring adj. “令人疲劳的”, 主语是事物

如:This job is tiring. 这份工作令人疲惫.

类似的有: excited 感到兴奋的 exciting 令人兴奋的

interested 感到有趣的 interesting 有趣的

8. 15-year-old “15岁的”;15 years old “15岁”

如:He is a 15-year-old boy. = The boy is 15 years old.

9. instead “替代,相反”, 一般单独使用,放在句末,前面用逗号隔开。

instead of…“替代……;而不是……”

I won’t go to Shanghai. I’ll go to Beijing, instead. 我不会去上海而会去北京。= I’ll go to Beijing instead of Shanghai.

I drank a lot of milk instead of water. 我喝了许多牛奶而不是水。

10. have fun doing sth. = enjoy doing sth. 表示 “从做…….中获得乐趣”

如:I have great fun running. = I enjoy running.我总能在跑步中得到很大乐趣。


1. 请求和回答



Could you please do me a favor?

Sure. What is it?

Will you join us?

I’d be glad to.

Would you mind teaching me?

Not at all. Let’s go and practice.

2. 道歉和回答



I’m sorry I didn’t call you last night.

Never mind. I guess you were busy last night.

I’m sorry I’m late for class.

That’s OK. Please take a seat.

I’m sorry I lost your book.

It doesn’t matter. That book isn’t important to me.

I’m sorry I broke your pen.

Don’t worry. I have another pen.

责任编辑: 鲁达

