语言特性 | 提案 |
Allow lambda capture [=, this] | P0409R2 |
Familiar template syntax for generic lambdas | P0428R2 |
Simplifying implicit lambda capture | P0588R1 |
Default constructible and assignable stateless lambdas | P0624R2 |
Lambdas in unevaluated contexts | P0315R4 |
Allow pack expansion in lambda init-capture | P0780R2 |
P2095R0 | |
Deprecate implicit capture of this via [=] | P0806R2 |
lambda捕获 [=, this]
捕获 是零或更多捕获符的逗号分隔列表,可选地以 默认捕获符 开始。仅有的默认捕获符是
- &(以引用隐式捕获被使用的自动变量)
- = (以复制隐式捕获被使用的自动变量)
#include <iostream> #include <type_traits> struct LT{ void f(){ [=]{ std::cout << typeid(this).name() << this->val << std::endl; }(); //从 C++20弃用, 传引用捕获 this } void g(){ [=, *this]{ std::cout << typeid(this).name() << this->val << std::endl; }(); // 从 C++17, 传值捕获 this } void h(){ [=, this]{ std::cout << typeid(this).name() << this->val << std::endl; }(); //从 C++20, 传引用捕获 this } int val = 1; }; int main() { LT lt; lt.f(); lt.g(); lt.h(); return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <type_traits> #include <vector> // 完美转发 template <typename... T> void print(T &&... t) { (std::cout << ... << t) << std::endl; } int main() { std::vector<int> ivec = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; // lambda 期望 std::vector<T> // 在 C++20前 [](auto vec){ using T = typename decltype(vec)::value_type; for(auto& v : vec) { T t = v; std::cout << t << std::endl; } }(ivec); // 从 C++20后 []<typename T>(std::vector<T> vec){ for(auto& v : vec) { std::cout << v << std::endl; } }(ivec); // 使用参数类型 // 在 C++20前 [](const auto& x){ using T = std::decay_t<decltype(x)>; T copy = x; using Iterator = typename T::const_iterator; Iterator iter = x.cbegin(); std::cout << *iter << std::endl; }(ivec); // 从 C++20后 []<typename T>(const T& x){ T copy = x; using Iterator = typename T::const_iterator; Iterator iter = x.cbegin(); std::cout << *iter << std::endl; }(ivec); // 完美转发 // 在 C++20前 [](auto&&... args){ print(std::forward<decltype(args)>(args)...); }(1, 2.2, 'c'); // 从 C++20后 []<typename... Ts>(Ts&&... args){ print(std::forward<Ts>(args)...); }(1, 2.2, 'c'); // 混合auto和T []<typename T>(const T& a, auto b){ std::cout << a << b << std::endl; }(1,"hello"); return 0; }
// 以下模板是两个不同的声明 template<class T> void f(decltype([]{}) (*s)[sizeof(T)]); template<class T> void f(decltype([]{}) (*s)[sizeof(T)]);
template<typename T> int counter(){ static int value{0}; return ++value; } inline int f(){ return counter<decltype([]{})>(); } template<auto> struct S{ int call(){static int value{0};return ++value;} }; // cast lambda to pointer inline S<+[]{}> g_s;
#include <iostream> #include "a.h" void func(){ auto v = f(); std::cout << "f:" << v << std::endl; int gv = g_s.call(); std::cout << "g:" << gv << std::endl; }
#include <iostream> #include "a.h" void func(); int main() { auto v = f(); std::cout << "f:" << v << std::endl; int gv = g_s.call(); std::cout << "g:" << gv << std::endl; func(); return 0; }
f:1 g:1 f:2 g:1
#include <iostream> #include <type_traits> #include <map> int main() { auto greater = [](auto x,auto y){ std::cout << x << y << std::endl; return x > y; }; // 需要是默认可构造的类型 std::map<std::string, int, decltype(greater)> map1; // 需要是默认可赋值的类型 auto map2 = map1; map2["1"] = 1; map2["2"] = 2; map2["3"] = 3; return 0; }
12 21 21 13 23 32 32
#include <iostream> #include <type_traits> #include <map> void f(double, double){std::cout << "fd" << std::endl;} void g(int, int,double){std::cout << "gi" << std::endl;} // C++17 template<class F, class... Args> auto delay_apply(F&& f, Args&&... args) { return [f=std::forward<F>(f), tup=std::make_tuple(std::forward<Args>(args)...)]() -> decltype(auto) { return std::apply(f, tup); }; } // C++20 template<typename F, typename... Args> auto delay_call(F&& f, Args&&... args) { return [f = std::forward<F>(f), ...f_args=std::forward<Args>(args)]() -> decltype(auto) { return f(f_args...); }; } int main() { delay_apply(f, 1.1, 2.2)(); delay_call(g, 1, 2, 3.3)(); return 0; }