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(前情报道:关注“基因编辑婴儿”事件!Ethics debate rages as scientist refuses to comment)



1. 校方不知情


2. 脱靶风险低 且家长完全知情、自愿



在演讲中,贺建奎表示,虽然基因测序发现了一个潜在的脱靶风险,但是距离其他的基因都很远,“之前我们发现过这个问题,也告诉过婴儿的父母”。志愿者对 HIV 均有很高的了解程度,甚至带了脱靶效应的文献来提问。


3. 关于伦理道德问题




Geneticist He Jiankui, who says he has altered the genes of twin girls born this month, has spoken out about the details of his controversial medical procedure at the Second International Summit on Human Genome Editing at the University of Hong Kong on Wednesday.

He started his speech by apologizing for the "leak" of his work before the conference, and said the Southern University of Science and Technology in Shenzhen, where he works, was unaware of the trial he conducted.

In gene editing, any off-target effects would pose very serious consequences, and extend through the whole body, the researcher admitted, adding that his team carried out embryo off-target detection assessment prior to the trial taking into consideration potential off-target sites mentioned in previous studies.

"We identified one potential off-target in the intragenic region, although we could not identify if it is hereditary or related to editing," noted He.

The volunteering couple was briefed about the potential off-target site and chose to start a two-embryo pregnancy.

He said the husband is HIV positive, while the spouse is HIV negative. The twin baby girls, born a few weeks ago, are said to be resistant to HIV infection thanks to their edited genes.

No off-target site was observed genome-wide after birth testing, the researcher assured.

"We plan to monitor the twin babies for the next 18 years until they are adult and give their consent for further monitoring," said He.

The researcher also said another potential pregnancy with gene-edited embryos is currently underway.

责任编辑: 鲁达

