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【airplanes】专题每日新闻播报(April 24)

China Mobile technicians climb Qomolangma, also known as Mount Everest, to work on the installation of a new 5G base station on Saturday. CHINA DAILY

>5G networks reach Qomolangma


With the north side of Qomolangma recently covered by 5G networks, netizens can now enjoy livestreaming videos from the world's highest mountain.随着最近5G网络覆盖珠穆朗玛峰北侧,如今网友可以欣赏来自这座世界最高峰的直播视频。

Offered by China Telecom and China Mobile, two of the nation's leading telecommunication providers, the livestreaming videos display the beauty of the mountain. 中国最大的两家电信运营商中国电信和中国移动提供的直播视频展示了这座山峰的美丽。

On April 19, China Telecom teamed up with China Central Television to provide a round-the-clock, live, high-definition broadcast with a 360-degree view. 本月19日,中国电信联手中央电视台提供全天候、实时、高清、360度的珠峰全景直播。

Meanwhile, China Mobile offered a livestreaming video showing a 360-degree view of Qomolangma between April 19 and 20 via the company's video platform MIGU Video. 与此同时,中国移动于本月19-20日通过其视频平台咪咕视频直播珠穆朗玛峰的360度全景。

"We want to provide a chance for Chinese people who are staying at home due to the coronavirus to enjoy panoramic views of the mountain's beauty through cutting-edge technology," a representative of China Telecom said. 中国电信发言人称:"我们想通过尖端科技,为因新冠病毒待在家里的国人提供欣赏这座山峰全貌的机会。"

Most routes in the Qomolangma peak region are closed due to COVID-19 control and for environmental reservation and protection. 由于新冠肺炎疫情管控和环保等原因,珠穆朗玛峰地区的大部分道路已封闭。

Chinese netizens were enthusiastic about the livestream. Some said they would love to see a livestream of a summit attempt in the future. 国内网友对直播反响热烈。一些网友称今后还想看到挑战登顶的直播。

Customers read e-books at a cafe in Nanjing, capital of Jiangsu province. [Photo by Wang Luxian / For China Daily]

>More adults listen to audiobooks


Chinese adults per-capita read on average 4.65 physical books in 2019, slightly lower than 4.67 in 2018, according to a national reading report revealed ahead of the 25th World Book and Copyright Day, which falls on Thursday. The survey conducted by the Chinese Academy of Press and Publication shows that among China's adult citizens, 11.1% read 10 or more physical books a year. 今年4月23日是第25个世界图书与版权日。中国新闻出版研究院近日发布第十七次全国国民阅读调查报告,报告显示,2019年我国成年国民人均纸质图书阅读量为4.65本,略低于2018年的4.67本。11.1%的成年人年均阅读10本及以上纸质图书。

Meanwhile, 79.3 of Chinese adults read digitally either online or via apps on smart mobile devices, up 3.1 percentage points from that in 2018. 与此同时,79.3%的成年人通过网络或智能移动设备上的应用程序进行数字化阅读,较2018年上升了3.1个百分点。

More than 30% of Chinese adults listened to audiobooks, 4.3 percentage points higher than in 2018, said the report. 听有声书的成年人比例超过30%,较2018年提高4.3个百分点。

The survey, the 17th of its kind, had a sample size of 21,270 people from 29 provincial-level regions.此次调查涉及有效样本量21270个,覆盖29个省区市。

Physicist Stephen Hawking sits on stage during an announcement of the Breakthrough Starshot initiative with investor Yuri Milner in New York on April 12, 2016. [Photo/Agencies]

>Hawking's ventilator donated


The family of the late Stephen Hawking has donated his respirator to the Royal Papworth Hospital in Cambridge, UK, to help treat coronavirus patients. 斯蒂芬·霍金的家人将他生前所用的呼吸机捐赠给了英国剑桥皇家帕普沃斯医院,来帮助救治新冠肺炎患者。

Hawking died just over two years ago from motor neurone disease. At the time of his death, at age 76, the celebrated British theoretical physicist, cosmologist and best-selling author was the director of research at the Center for Theoretical Cosmology at the University of Cambridge. 霍金是英国著名理论物理学家、宇宙学家和畅销书作家,两年多前,他因运动神经元疾病去世,享年76岁。霍金生前是剑桥大学理论宇宙学中心研究主任。

On Wednesday, his daughter, Lucy, said that the family wanted to donate the equipment to UK's National Health Service in return for the "brilliant, dedicated and compassionate medical care" he received from both Royal Papworth and Addenbrooke's hospitals in Cambridge.22日,霍金的女儿露西表示,为了感谢皇家帕普沃斯医院和阿登布鲁克医院为霍金提供的"卓越、专注和慈悲的医疗服务",霍金家族想把该设备捐赠给英国国民医疗服务体系。

A China Southern Airlines worker loads medical supplies, including masks and protective suits, at Shenyang Taoxian International Airport in Northeast China's Liaoning province, on March 16, 2020. [Photo provided to c]

>Planes refitted to haul cargo


China's top aviation regulator is encouraging airlines to help fill the severe shortage in freight capacity by turning passenger jets, which sit idle at airports due to the coronavirus outbreak, into cargo-only airplanes to haul medical supplies, daily necessities and production materials. 民航总局正鼓励各大航空公司将因新冠肺炎疫情而闲置在机场的客机改造成全货机来运输医疗物资、生活必需品和生产物资,以此来弥补当前严重不足的货运运力。

Among this week's 1,989 international cargo flights, 939 trips, or over 47%, were made by passenger aircraft refitted into cargo-only airplanes, said Jin Jun'hao, an official in the Civil Aviation Administration of China's Department of Transport, on Wednesday. 民航局运输司官员靳军号22日表示,本周执行的1989班国际货运航班中,939班由客机改造成的全货机执行,占比超过47%。

Jin added that the administration has established an international air freight flight information system allowing 24-hour online approval and has approved 3,178 added charter cargo flights by domestic and overseas carriers since February, as well as 1,873 all-cargo flights by refitted passenger aircraft.靳军号还说,民航局开设了国际货运航班信息系统,提供全天24小时在线审批,2月份以来,民航局已累计批复中外航空公司全货运加班包机3178班,批复"客改货"加班包机1873班。

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责任编辑: 鲁达

