Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim arr()
arr = A("所有支持文件 (*.xls;*.xlsx;*.CSV),*.xls;*.xlsx;*.csv,Excel 文件 (*.xls),*.xls,Excel2007 文件 (*.xlsx),*.xlsx,CSV 文件 (*.csv),*.csv", , "选择文件", , True)
For i = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)
Tex = arr(i)
End Sub
Private Sub 全自动发送邮件_Click()
'要能正确发送并需要对Microseft Outlook进行有效配置
On Error Resume Next
Dim rowCount, endRowNo, endColumnNo, sFile$, sFile1$, A&, B&
Dim objOutlook As Object
Dim objMail As MailItem
Dim myAttachments As ou
Dim MyItem As ou
If Tex = "" Then
MsgBox "未选择文件"
MsgBox "发送邮件"
End If
endRowNo = Ac
endColumnNo = Ac
sFile1 = Ac
Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Ou;)
For rowCount = 2 To endRowNo
Set objMail = objOu(olMailItem)
Set MyItem = objOuFromTemplate("d:\02.oft")
With objMail
MyI = objMail.Se(1)
MyI = Cells(rowCount, 2)
'MyI = ";"
MyI = Format(Date, "yyyy年m月d日") + "测试"
'align 单元格文本显示方式 left(向左)、center(居中)、right(向右),默认是center, width-宽 height-高 border 单元格线粗细,bordercolor返回或设置对象的边框颜色
MyI (Tex)
B = 1
For A = 1 To endColumnNo
If A(Cells(1, A), "*X*") = 0 Then
If B = 1 Then
sFile = sFile + "<tr><Font Face='微软雅黑' Color=red> <td width='20%' height='25' align='center' > " + Cells(1, A).Text + " </td> <td width='30%' height='25' align='center'> " + Cells(rowCount, A).Text + "</td>"
B = 0
sFile = sFile + "<td width='20%' height='25' align='center' > " + Cells(1, A).Text + " </td> <td width='30%' height='25' align='center'> " + Cells(rowCount, A).Text + "</td> </tr>"
B = 1
End If
End If
' .HTMLBody = sFile
' .A (Tex)
End With
Set objMail = Nothing
Set MyItem = Nothing
Set objOutlook = Nothing
MsgBox rowCount - 2 & " 份订单发送成功!"
Tex = ""
' S("全自动发送邮件").Delete
End Sub