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me : ' what is the attitude towards environment issues about ava rage people in France?'


Chloe : ' in France almost every one cares about the environment but to a different extent regarding the people . some would even become vever people




Me: " What would be the difference for environmental awareness between China and where you're from?"



Chloe: " I guess people in France watch more documentaries that will make them aware. Also there are more people that are eco friendly in their daily life so meeting those people will make you think. In China many people don't know it is bad for the environment to use a lot of plastic and to eat meat. Also French government is taking some measures such as replacing plastic bags by paper bags in supermarkets. And many organic food shop have opened in the past few years, that use almost no packaging. People sera those shops and it will make mentaly evolve. To finish the garbage is treated very différently: every inhabitant will separate the recycle and the non recycle garbage. We are not allowed to throw glass and electric items in the normal bin, etc. Regarding the transportation, it seems that Chinese government has taken great measures (e cabs, not easy to get the permit to ride a car etc). In France we have tramways and ready to use electronic cars in the big cities."





I didn't know it was bad for the environment if we have meat before I chatted with Chloe. I would not want meat for every meal, but I am definitely not a vegetarian.



I really appreciate Chloe and her boyfriend from France. It makes me know more about the differences between China and France by talking to them. Actually, I have asked Chloe some other questions, but she is too busy to answer them all. Therefore I wrote some words based on what she told me, I wish I could share her environmental ideas to more people, we work on it together by starting from ourselves, from picking up trashes with Green Foot, from Shenzhen, then influence more people```


责任编辑: 鲁达

