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US soccer player Alex Morgan is heading into the 2016 Rio Olympics with an already substantial fanbase. Following her team’s gold medal win at the 2012 London Olympics, which she played a huge role in assuring, Morgan became a big celebrity in America, and not just because of her athletic accomplishments. Morgan, who is 5’7” and plays forward for the Orlando Pride of the National Women’s Soccer League(NWSL), is one of the most beautiful athletes in the world.美国足球运动员阿莱克斯·摩根在参加2016年里约奥运会之前就已经拥有了坚实的粉丝基础了。2012年伦敦奥运会上,由于阿莱克斯·摩根的出色表现,她所在的足球队赢得了金牌,此后她便在美国一举成名,这一切并不仅仅只是源于她的体育成绩。阿莱克斯·摩根身高大约一米七,是全国女子足球联赛“奥兰多的骄傲队”中的前锋,被认为是全世界最美的运动员之一。



Sprinters have some of the best bodies in all of sports, and Pearson is no exception. From the neck down, she has the body of an elite athlete—5’5” and 130 lbs., with ripped six-pack abs and muscular legs—yet from the neck up she looks like your typical Australian beauty with golden blonde hair.短跑运动员几乎是所有运动员中身材最好的,佩尔森也不例外。从脖颈处开始,她的身材完全就是一个优秀运动员的范本——身高大约一米六五、体重大约一百三十磅,并拥有六块腹肌和肌肉发达的腿部——不仅如此她脖子以上也是典型的澳大利亚金发美女。



At 16th in the world rankings, Ana Ivanovic is unlikely to challenge Serena for the gold medal in Rio, but she’s certainly a challenger in terms of looks. The 6-foot tall, 28-year-old Serbian was ranked first overall in 2008, when she won theFrench Openand made it to the finals of the Australian Open.阿娜•伊万诺维奇世界排名16位,不太可能在里约奥运会上撼动塞丽娜的金牌地位,但是从颜值上来说,她绝对是个强手。28岁的塞丽娜身高一米八,在2008赢得法国网球公开赛已经澳大利亚网球公开赛的决赛后排名世界第一。



Comedian Norm MacDonaldonce joked that the only time North Americans care about sports like gymnastics and track and field is during the Olympics. Women’s field hockey isn’t exactly a major sport in North America, either, but if anyone has a chance of making it one, it’s Ellen Hoog of the Netherlands. 30-year-old Hoog is a two-time gold medal winner at the Olympics, and she’ll look to become a three-time winner in Rio. 喜剧演员诺姆·麦克唐纳德曾经开玩笑说:北美只有在奥运会的时候才会在乎体操和田径这类运动。女子曲棍球也并不是北美的主要运动项目,但是如果有人能够让它成为大家瞩目的焦点的话,那一定就是艾伦·胡戈。30岁的胡戈曾在奥运会上获得过两次金牌,并且有望在本次里约奥运会上第三次夺得金牌。



This one’s more of a bonus entry, since Russian long jumper Darya Klishina, who lives and trains out of Florida, has virtually no chance of making the Olympics in 2016. But if ever there were an Olympic event for beauty, Klishina would be a lock for the gold medal. 25-year-old Klishina, who’s also listed as a model, has yet to qualify for the Russian Olympic team, but she has represented her country at several international competitions, including most recently at the World Championships in Beijing.这位可以算是一个打擦边球入选本榜单的,因为在佛罗里达州居住和训练的达里娅•克里什娜其实无缘参加本次里约奥运会。但是如果奥运会有选美比赛的话,克里什娜必然会是金牌获得者。今年25岁的克里什娜也是一位注册模特,但尚未有资格成为俄罗斯奥运代表队的成员。然而她已经代表俄罗斯参加了数场国际比赛,包括最近在北京的世界锦标赛。

Throughout her career, Darya has often been named the most beautiful female athlete in the world, and it’s easy to see why. Hopefully one day she’ll get a little closer to being named the best female long jumper in the world.在达里娅是事业生涯中,她常常被提名全球最美的女运动员,原因自然不言而喻。希望有一天她能够有机会被提名为全球最棒的跳远女运动员。



Born in Sheffield, Yorkshire, England, Jessica Ennis-Hill is one of the best overall athletes in Britain. She competes in the heptathlon, which is made up of seven separate events. So if you’re into superfit, multi-talented women, Jessica Ennis-Hill is the woman for you.杰西卡·恩尼斯出生于英国约克郡谢菲尔德,是英国最棒的全能运动员之一。她参加的体育项目为女子七项全能。因此如果你要寻找的女性是超级健美且拥有多项才能的,那么杰西卡·恩尼斯就是了。

She excels in various individual track events, including the 100 meter hurdles and the high jump, both of which she broke the British record in.杰西卡在多项个人径赛中表现出色,包括100米跨栏和跳远,这两项运动都是由她创造了英国记录。



We recognize that some men, perhaps due to a feeling of intimidation or inferiority, are not into the strong, muscular look, so for those who prefer their female athletes with a little less meat on their bones, Genevieve LaCaze is perfect for you. 26-year-old LaCaze is an Australian track and field athlete who specializes in the 3,000-meter steeplechase.我们发现有些男性可能出于恐惧或自卑而不喜欢强壮的肌肉女,所有对于那些喜欢肌肉不那么明显的女性运动员的人们,吉纳维芙•拉卡兹是最佳选择。26岁的拉卡兹是一位澳大利亚3000米障碍越野赛田径运动员。



18-year-old Amber Hill, who was born in Windsor, Berkshire, England, has the distinction of being an athlete in the most obscure sport on this list. She’s a sport shooter, specializing in the skeet, which are those round clay targets that look like Frisbees being flung through the air. Hill, who took up shooting at the age of 10 thanks to her grandfather, is considered a phenom in the shooting world. By 12 years old she was already chosen for England’s national women’s team, and by 15 she was setting records. 2016 will be her first time in Olympic competition, and despite being much younger than most of her competitors, she’s expected to do quite well.18岁的安珀·伊尔出生于英国伯克郡温莎,与其他在本榜单上的运动员不同,她所参加的体育项目是边界最为模糊的。安珀是一位射击手,专长是飞靶射击,就是那些圆形的、看上去像飘在空中的飞盘的陶土做的靶子。伊尔10岁就由祖父带领入门射击,并被认为是射击届的天才。12岁时她就成为了英国女子国家队的队员,15岁时便创下了记录。2016年将是她首次参加奥运会,尽管比其他对手年纪都小,但是仍然被大家所看好。

With her small stature, her fresh-faced smile, and her long blonde hair, Hill isn’t exactly what you’d expect an elite shooter to look like, but we wouldn’t be surprised to find out that the boys in her school were too intimidated to ask her out.身材娇小、笑容清新,再加上她那长长的金发,伊尔并不是人们眼中传统射击运动员的形象,但可以想象她学校的男生可不敢约她。



Believe it or not, Zsuzsanna Jakabos, who is only 27 years old, has already competed in four Olympic Games. A swimmer from Hungary whose best event is the 200m freestyle, she finished in sixth place in the 4x200m freestyle relay race in Beijing in 2008. However, she won gold for the same event this year at the European Championships in London. Scrolling through Jakabos’ images on Google might give you the impression that she’s a professional model, but we swear she’s an athlete. Despite her lack of success on the international scale, Jakabos has a significant following on social media, and it’s probably fair to assume that not all of them are Hungarian swimming fans.不管你信不信,27岁的苏萨娜·洁卡波斯已经参加了四次奥运会。这位来自匈牙利的游泳健将最擅长的项目是200米自由泳。在2008年北京奥运会上她在4x200自由泳接力赛上获得了第六名。而在今年伦敦的欧洲锦标赛的同一个项目上她夺得了金牌。在谷歌上搜索洁卡波斯的照片你会以为她是一名职业模特,但我们发誓她真的是一个运动员。尽管洁卡波斯在国际赛事中尚未取得辉煌成绩,她在社交网站的粉丝爆棚,不难想象其中许多人并不是匈牙利游泳队的粉丝。



Jaqueline Carvalho is a Brazilian volleyball player. She already has all the ingredients necessary to be one of the hottest female athletes in the world. In 2016, Carvalho will be making her third Olympic appearance, and it’s a special one since it takes place in her home country. She played a big role in her team winning the gold both in 2008 and 2012, and at 32 years old she’ll be looked upon as a veteran leader this summer as they look to defend their title.杰奎琳·卡瓦霍是巴西的一名女排运动员。她具有所有成为最火辣女运动员所必需特质。2016年,卡瓦霍将参加第三次奥运会,值得注意的是,这一次的奥运会在她的家乡巴西举办。2008年和2012年她在其队赢得金牌中扮演了重要的角色。今年32岁的她将可能在今夏成为一名富有经验的队长来维护本队的头衔。





责任编辑: 鲁达

