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1、Nothing worth having comes ea will test if you really deserve what you want.You have to show them that you are more than worthy for it.If something comes easy, then maybe it’s not for you.Easy come, easy go.


2、The quieter you become, the more you can have to settle down and listen to the voices around you.Make use of them to improve and learn.And most importantly, don't forget to listen to your heart.


3、Life is not a race, it is a ba have different battle to take on in our lives.Struggles and problems to just have to figure out that it is the foundation of our we will be ourselves after winning the battle.


4、Calm down, never is the best way to think better ways.You have to stay be out of your mind–you can’t think better with it.


5、 Go to a party! Do not exclude yourself in a social nig’s free for all! Everyone can go crazy! Enjoy your li can wait but your age can’t.You’ll not forever be young.Remember, the best moments are spent while you’re young.


6、You’re so boastful!Stop biting off more than you can c will end up lo will reject you.


7、Failure is your best learn how to get up in the times of how to be strong in the times of weakness.


8、 Be optimistic every morning.It will help you have a good mood the whole day.You won’t take things everything as a challenge.


9、What are you doing today?Are you spending time wisely?If yes, keep moving and keep learning.If not, then you must see how important time is.


10、 Move on, even though it’s have to accept the fact that you have to keep moving and leave something in the moving, leave are far better things in the future than in the past.


11、You’re very proud!It seems that you know something like the back of your boastful was never good, remember that!Once in a while you have to respect others to gain re it be a cycle and a process.


12、Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.


13、 Love doesn't last. People change fast. But life just goes on.


14、The worst feeling isn't being lonely.It's being forgotten by someone you would never forget.


15、 When we love someone, we'd do anything for them; but sometimes we go to the end of the world just to realize that they aren't there.


16、If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away. If he doesn't, nothing can make him stay.


17、Sometimes tiredness is also something to be enjoyed, as it shows that you're living life to the full.


18、Don’t look back, let it go.


19、Sloth, like Rust, consumes the body more than labor; Always use the key, always shiny.


20、A woman, especially, if she has the misfortune of knowing anything, should conceal it as well as she can.


21、I told you, you're important, but you make me unhappy, and I have to throw it away.


22、No one can degrade us except ourselves; that if we are worthy, no influence can defeat us. —--- Booker Taliaferro Washington


— 布克·华盛顿

23、The bad past has become the past, the future has not yet come, we only cherish the present, cherish the present!


24、Only by cultivating a quiet heart, life will be clear. Health needs exercise, mentality needs cultivation, fate is only in oneself.


25、I love waking up in the morning and not knowing what's going to happen, or who I'm going to meet, where I'm going to wind up. 


26、Like a fairy tale, because as a boy.


27、I trusted you. But now your words mean nothing, because your actions spoke the truth.


28、Love is the most expensive gift. Make sure you don't give it to someone that's cheap.


29、Life is measured by thought and action not by time.


30、Promise me you’ll never forget all the times we spent together and promise me no one will ever take my place in your heart.


责任编辑: 鲁达

