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量子资源理论的核心问题之一是提供给定资源一个可操作意义,刻画物理任务,其中量子资源可以比所有无资源状态有明显的优势。Ryuji Takagi等人证明所有凸资源理论都可以实现这一点。他们特别确定,任何一种资源态都能在通道识别中发挥优势,考虑到其比没有给定资源的任何态都有更大的成功概率。此外,他们发现广义的鲁棒性度量可以作为一类子信道区分问题中给定资源状态所能获得的最大优势的精确度量,为基本资源量化提供了通用的可操作解释。他们还考虑了更广泛的子信道识别任务,并表明广义鲁棒性仍然是几个著名理论的操作优势量度,如纠缠理论,相干理论和魔术(magic)理论。(崔石峰)

Operational Advantage of Quantum Resources in Subchannel Discrimination

Ryuji Takagi, et al

PRL 122140402 (2019)




Robustness of Measurement, Discrimination Games, and Accessible Information

Paul Skrzypczyk and Noah Linden

Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 140403 (2019)


We formally extend the notion of Markov order to open quantum processes by accounting for the instruments used to probe the system of interest at different times. Our description recovers the classical property in the appropriate limit: when the stochastic process is classical and the instruments are noninvasive, i.e., restricted to orthogonal, projective measurements. We then prove that there do not exist non-Markovian quantum processes that have finite Markov order with respect to all possible instruments; the same process exhibits distinct memory effects when probed by different instruments. This naturally leads to a relaxed definition of quantum Markov order with respect to specified instrument sequences. The memory effects captured by different choices of instruments vary dramatically, providing a rich landscape for future exploration.

Quantum Markov Order

Philip Taranto, et al.

Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 140401 (2019)



We show that every entangled state provides an advantage in ancilla-assisted bi- and multichannel discrimination that singles out its degree of entanglement, quantified in terms of the Schmidt number. The Schmidt-number robustness provides a compelling quantification of such an advantage, and, remarkably, the well-known robustness of entanglement exactly provides the largest multiplicative advantage an entangled state can provide compared to the case where no ancilla is used in a channel discrimination task.

More Entanglement Implies Higher Performance in Channel Discrimination Tasks

J. Bae, D. Chruściński, Marco Piani

Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 140404 (2019)


Contextuality is a fundamental nonclassical property of quantum theory, which has recently been proven to be akey resource for achieving quantum speed-ups in some leading models of quantum computation. However, which of the forms of contextuality, and how much thereof, are required to obtain a speed-up in an arbitrary model of quantum computation remains unclear. In this Letter, we show that the relation between contextuality and a computational advantage is more complicated than previously thought. We achieve this by proving that generalized contextuality is present even within the simplest subset of quantum operations, the so-calledsingle-qubit stabilizer theory, which offers no computational advantage and was previously believed to be completely noncontextual. However, the contextuality of the single-qubit stabilizer theory can be confined to transformations. Therefore, our result also demonstrates that the commonly considered prepare-and-measure scenarios (which ignore transformations) do not fully capture the contextuality of quantum theory.

Contextuality and the Single-Qubit Stabilizer Subtheory

P. Lillystone, J. Wallman, J. Emerson

Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 140405 (2019)


Holonomic quantum computation uses non-Abelian geometric phases to realize error resilient quantum gates. Nonadiabatic holonomic gates are particularly suitable to avoid unwanted decoherence effects, as they can be performed at high speed. By letting the computational system interact with a structured environment, we show that the scope of error resilience of nonadiabatic holonomic gates can be widened to include systematic parameter errors. Our scheme maintains the geometric properties of the evolution and results in an environment-assisted holonomic quantum map that can mimic the effect of a holonomic gate. We demonstrate that the sensitivity to systematic errors can be reduced in a proof-of-concept spin-bath model.

Environment-Assisted Holonomic Quantum Maps

Nicklas Ramberg and Erik Sjöqvist

Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 140501 (2019)




Heralded Bell State of Dissipative Qubits Using Classical Light in a Waveguide

Xin. Zhang and Harold U. Baranger

Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 140502 (2019)


One of the most important characteristics of a quantum graph is the average density of resonances, ρ=(L/π), where L denotes the length of the graph. This is a very robust measure. It does not depend on the number of vertices ina graph and holds also for most of the boundary conditions at the vertices. Graphs obeying this characteristic are called Weyl graphs. Using microwave networks that simulate quantum graphs we show that there exist graphs that do not adhere to this characteristic. Such graphs are called non-Weyl graphs. For standard coupling conditions we demonstrate that the transition from a Weyl graph to a non-Weyl graph occurs if we introduce a balanced vertex. A vertex of a graph is called balanced if the numbers of infinite leads and internal edges meeting at a vertex are the same. Our experimental results confirm the theoretical predictions of [E. B. Davies and A. Pushnitski, Analysis and PDE 4, 729 (2011)] and are in excellent agreement with the numerical calculations yielding the resonances of the networks.

Non-Weyl Microwave Graphs

M. Ławniczak, J. Lipovský, L. Sirko

Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 140503 (2019)


使用量子计算机寻找哈密顿量基态能量的问题目前是使用量子相位估计(QPE)或变分量子本征解(VQE)算法来解决。对于精度ε,QPE要求O(1)电路重复度,该电路深度为O(1 /ε),而VQE内的每个期望估计子程序需要从深度为O(1)的电路中抽取O(1 /ε2)样本。作者提出了一种广义VQE算法,它通过自由参数α∈[0,1]在这两种方案之间进行插值,它可以在O(1 /εα)电路深度上利用量子相干性来将样本数量减少到O(1/ε2(1-α))。在此过程中,作者提供了一个新的例程,用于在有限的量子资源下进行期望估计,这是独立有趣的。(朱文静)

Accelerated Variational Quantum Eigensolver

Daochen Wang, O. Higgott, S. Brierley

Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 140504 (2019)



We investigate the localization of two incoherent point sources with arbitrary angular and axial separations in the paraxial approximation. By using quantum metrology techniques, we show that a simultaneous estimation of the two separations is achievable by a single quantum measurement, with a precision saturating the ultimate limit stemming from the quantum Cramér-Rao bound. Such a precision is not degraded in the subwavelength regime, thus overcoming the traditional limitations of classical direct imaging derived from Rayleigh’s criterion. Our results are qualitatively independent of the point spread function of the imaging system, and quantitatively illustrated in detail for the Gaussian instance. This analysis may have relevant applications in three-dimensional surface measurements.

Towards Superresolution Surface Metrology: Quantum Estimation of Angular and Axial Separations

Carmine Napoli, et al.

Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 140505 (2019)



Spurious Topological Entanglement Entropy from Subsystem Symmetries

D. Williamson, A Dua, and Meng Cheng

Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 140506 (2019)


与相应的宏观机器相反,纳米级机器会受热涨落的强烈影响。因此,甚至这种微型机器的效率也会成为一个涨落随机变量。利用几何性质和总熵产生的涨落定理,Verley等人提出了一种适用于有限状态空间机器的长时间“效率涨落的普适理论”[Nat. Commun. 5, 4721 (2014); Phys. Rev. E 90, 052145 (2014)]。作者把这个理论推广到具有任意状态空间的机器上。因此,作者为“普适特性”提出了更详细的先决条件,并解释了在什么情况下会发生偏差。作者还用两个非平凡的胶体引擎模型的精确结果来说明他们的发现。(孙生红)

Efficiency Fluctuations in Microscopic Machines

S. Manikandan et al.

Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 140601 (2019)





作者报告了XENON1T暗物质搜索实验中自旋相关弹性弱相互作用大质量粒子(WIMP)核子散射的第一个实验结果。该分析使用XENON1T的全吨年曝光来约束自旋相关的仅有质子和仅有中子的情况。没有观察到显著的信号过量,并且使用轮廓似然比分析来设定WIMP-核子相互作用的排除限制。这包括迄今为止对WIMP中子截面的最严格约束,在30 GeV/ c2和90%置信水平下最小值为6.3×10-42 cm2。该结果可以与来自碰撞器搜索的结果进行比较,并可用于在具有轴向矢量介体的等标量理论中排除新的参数空间。

Constraining the Spin-Dependent WIMP-Nucleon Cross Sections with XENON1T

XENON Collaboration

Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 141301 (2019)



Abundance of Primordial Black Holes Depends on the Shape of the Inflationary Power Spectrum

Cristiano Germani and Ilia Musco

Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 141302 (2019)




作者定义了一种叫做奇纠缠熵(OEE)的新的信息理论量 ,允许人们用来计算全息共形场论中的纠缠楔子截面。该散射截面是被作为纠缠楔子的最小散射截面引入的,是Ryu-Takayanagi面的自然的推广。用本科的一些技巧,作者计算了二位全息共形场论的OEE并发现和纠缠楔子截面相同。作者因此猜测这个联系在一般维度下都成立。

Entanglement Wedge Cross Section from the Dual Density Matrix

Kotaro Tamaoka

Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 141601 (2019)


作者发展了一套计算1+1维量子场论中两个约化密度矩阵间的迹距离的系统方法 。该方法使用了约化密度矩阵的路径积分表示以及即兴的技巧。作者将这个方法大量应用于计算共形场论中,本征态间距长度为l的约化矩阵间的距离。当距离小的时候,作者通过算符乘积展开,得到了普适的,以l做展开的领头阶迹距离的形式。作者计算了二维自由无质量玻色子和费米子理论中几个低能态的约化密度矩阵间的迹距离。在XX和Ising自旋链模型中,作者将他们得到的解析的共形结果和数值结果作对比,发现了完美的一致性。

Subsystem Trace Distance in Quantum Field Theory

Jiaju Zhang et al.

Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 141602 (2019)



Magnetohydrodynamics as Superfluidity

Jay Armas et al.

Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 141603 (2019)



Accessing Gluon Parton Distributions in Large Momentum Effective Theory

Jian-Hui Zhang et al.

Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 142001 (2019)

精确测量η ′衰变的分支比

BESIII测量了J/ψ→γη′的分支比为±0.03±0.05)×103。首次测得了五个主导的衰变道的绝对分支比为B (η ′ → γ π + π − )= ( 29.90 ± 0.03 ± 0.55 ) % , B ( η ′ → η π + π − ) = ( 41.24 ± 0.08 ± 1.24 ) % , B ( η ′ → η π 0 π 0 ) = ( 21.36 ± 0.10± 0.92 ) % , B ( η ′ → γ ω ) = ( 2.489 ± 0.018 ± 0.074 ) % , 以及B ( η ′ → γ γ ) = ( 2.331 ± 0.012 ± 0.035 ) % 。这里第一个误差为统计误差,第二个为系统误差。

Precision Measurement of the Branching Fractions of η ′Decays

M. Ablikim et al.

(BESIII Collaboration)

Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 142002 (2019)




Kurkela和Mazeliauskas利用第一性原理方法- - QCD有效动力学理论(该方法在弱耦合极限下是精确的)--研究了非平衡夸克-胶子等离子体中的化学平衡。他们发现,在与相对论原子核碰撞相关的纵向膨胀系统中,对于现实的耦合强度,化学平衡发生在流体动力学平衡之后,但在局部热平衡之前。他们估计,对于末态带电粒子多重性 dNch/dη>≈102(Nch指带电粒子的数目,η是粘度系数)的强子碰撞,其持续时间足以达到近似化学平衡,这与在质子-质子,质子-原子核和原子核-原子核碰撞中观察到的奇异性增强的饱和性一致。(肖杨)

Chemical Equilibration in Hadronic Collisions

AleksiKurkela and A. Mazeliauskas

Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 142301 (2019)






Four-Body Scale in Universal Few-Boson Systems

B. Bazak, et al.

Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 143001 (2019)


Engineering controllable, strongly interacting many-body quantum systems is at the frontier of quantum simulation and quantum information processing. Arrays of laser-cooled neutral atoms in optical tweezers have emerged as a promising platform because of their flexibility and the potential for strong interactions via Rydberg states. Existing neutral atom array experiments utilize alkali atoms, but alkaline-earth atoms offer many advantages in terms of coherence and control,and also open the door to new applications in precision measurement and time keeping. In this Letter, we present a technique to trap individual alkaline-earth-like ytterbium (Yb) atoms in optical tweezer arrays. The narrow 1S03P1intercombination line is used for both cooling and imaging in a magic-wavelength optical tweezer at 532 nm. The low Doppler temperature allows for imaging near the saturation intensity, resulting in a very high atom detection fidelity. We demonstrate the imaging fidelity concretely by observing rare (<1 in 104images) spontaneous quantum jumps into and out of a metastable state. We also demonstrate stochastic loading of atoms into a two-dimensional, 144-sitetweezer array. This platform will enable advances in quantum information processing, quantum simulation, and precision measurement. The demonstrated narrow-line Doppler imaging may also be applied in tweezer arrays or quantumgas microscopes using other atoms with similar transitions, such as erbium and dysprosium.

Narrow-Line Cooling and Imaging of Ytterbium Atomsin an Optical Tweezer Array

S. Saskin, et al.

Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 143002 (2019)



We report a polarization-entangled photon-pair source obtained via spontaneous four-wave mixing (SFWM) in a Doppler-broadened atomic ensemble of 87Rbatoms using a Sagnac interferometer. Collective two-photon coherence occurs in the Doppler-broadened ladder-type atomic system with bidirectional counterpropagating two-photon resonant pump and coupling fields; hence, polarization-entangled photon pairs are collectively radiated in the phase-matched direction. Without phase stabilization of the interferometry for polarization entanglement, we robustly produce all four Bell states via apolarization Sagnac configuration. The brightness, stability, and temporal purity advantages provided by our polarization-entangled SFWM photon-pairsource have very important applications in the context of a practical scalable quantum network.

Polarization-Entangled Photons from a Warm Atomic Ensemble Using a Sagnac Interferometer

Jiho Park, et al.

Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 143601 (2019)


不可区分的粒子之间的多体干扰可以产生源于量子统计的强相关性。文章就是研究了这种关于超冷大量费米子数态的Hanbury Brown-Twiss型相关性。借助于光镊中确定性制备的6Li原子,作者使用单原子敏感的飞行时间成像方案测量了动量相关性。该实验将高度难以区分的粒子的按需状态制备与高保真度检测相结合,在固定的费米子粒子数的范围内提供了两体和三体相关性。作者发现成对的原子会产生干扰且其对比度接近80%,且进一步证明了二阶密度相关性是由所有双粒子对的贡献所产生,并检测了内在的三阶相关性。

High-Contrast Interference of Ultracold Fermions

Philipp M. Preiss, et al.

Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 143602 (2019)






Polarization-Tailored Raman Frequency Conversion in Chiral Gas-Filled Hollow-Core Photonic Crystal Fibers

S. Davtyan, et al.

Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 143902 (2019)


We characterize topological phases in photonic lattices by unveiling a formal equivalence between the singular value decomposition of thenon-Hermitian coupling matrix and the diagonalization of an effective Hamiltonian. Our theory reveals a relation between topological insulators and directional amplifiers. We exemplify our ideas with an array of photonic cavities which can be mapped into an AIII topological insulator. We investigate stability properties and prove the existence of stable topologically nontrivial steady-state phases. Finally, we show numerically that the topological amplification process is robust against disorder in the lattice parameters.

Topological Amplification in Photonic Lattices

Diego Porras, et al.

Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 143901 (2019)




Superfluid Helium in Three-Dimensional Counterflow Differs Strongly from Classical Flows: Anisotropy on Small Scales

L. Biferale, et al.

Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 144501 (2019)


The ground breaking extension of the key concept of phase structure to nonequilibrium regimes was only recently achieved in Floquet systems, characterized by atime-dependent quantum Hamiltonian with a periodic driving source. However,despite the theoretical advances, only very few systems are known to display experimental Floquet phases, not one of them employing a laser emission-based mechanism. Here we report the first experimental observation of a Floquet phasein a photonic system, a disordered fiber laser with spatial eigenmode localization. We apply a periodically oscillating cw pumping source that drives the random couplings of the Floquet Hamiltonian. A photonic Floquet spin-glass phase is demonstrated in the random-lasing regime by extensive measurements of the Parisi overlap parameter and asymmetry properties of its distribution. In contrast, in the fluorescent regime below threshold, the absence of mode localization prevents the stabilization of a Floquet phase. Our results are nicely described by theoretical arguments.

Evidence of a Floquet Phase in a Photonic System

Ernesto P. Raposo, et al.

Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 143903 (2019)






Universal Origin of Boson Peak Vibrational Anomalies in Ordered Crystals and in Amorphous Materials

Matteo Baggioli and A. Zaccone

Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 145501 (2019)



迄今为止,GeTe(一种原型相变材料)中的压力诱导相变已被研究证实可以衍射,该衍射对非谐性引起的动态效应不敏感。GeTe也容易发生表面氧化,这可能会影响对表面敏感的物理量的测量。这些因素可能导致GeTe相图中相位和相变缺乏清晰度。作者使用高压拉曼散射和ab initio赝势密度泛函计算方法明确地建立了高压相图,并在高达57GPa压力下识别出三种相位:低压菱形相、中压立方相和高压正交相。他们检测到低压下拉曼模式的显著增宽和软化,并确定了过渡区域和可能的中间相。(王婧瑶)

Pressure-Induced Phase Transitions in Germanium Telluride: Raman Signatures of Anharmonicity and Oxidation

Amit Pawbake, et al.

Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 145701 (2019)

MnAs中β – γ相变过程的


作者使用静态时间演化的x-射线衍射,研究了在GaAs(001)表面外延生长的MnAs层中的正交形变和结构动力学。布拉格反射的激光感应振荡,反映出了相关的光学声子行为以及正交形变,并且可以观察到材料向六方对称的无形变结构演化的过程。该材料的感应振荡频率是THz量级,这与最近的计算结果相吻合。β – γ相变过程中不完全的软化,表明该相变是一个纯粹的二阶错位相变。(张陆峰)

Ultrafast Structural Dynamics along the β - γ Phase Transition Path in MnAs

Franck Vidal, et al

Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 145702 (2019)




Phonon Magnetochiral Effect

T. Nomura, et al

Phys. Rev. Le, 145901 (2019)





[编辑推荐语] 数值计算表明,过去认为关键的积分来获得大体系多体Chern数的方法并不是必要的,进而可以显著降低计算多体Chern数的数值成本。

Niu、Thouless和 Wu通过将Chern数推广到多体系统中,证明了多体相互作用下霍尔电导依然存在量子化。Niu等人工作中的Chern数是根据边界条件的扭角而不是单个粒子动量来表示的,它包含了对所有可能扭角的积分。然而,这个公式在物理上是不自然的,因为在一个固定的边界条件下,应该为每个哈密顿量定义与可观测量直接相关的拓扑不变量。在本文中,作者通过数值计算表明,由于被积函数本身是有效量子化的,且误差随体系增大呈指数衰减,所以在计算体系Chern数的积分过程是不必要的。作者指出,当体系足够大时,仅计算一个扭曲边界条件下的贝里(Berry)连接就能够知道体系的Chern数,这意味着计算多体Chern数的数值成本原则上可以显著降低。(刘钱)

Many-Body Chern Number without Integration

K. Kudo et al.

Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 146601 (2019)




Tunneling Spectroscopy of Quantum Hall States in Bilayer Graphene p-nJunctions

Ke Wang et al.

Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 146801 (2019)




由于在电荷中性点附近存在几乎无色散的平带,因此ABC堆垛的三层石墨烯(TLG)被预测会表现出新奇的多体现象。在这里,Yin等人使用高磁场扫描隧道显微镜,展示了石墨上高品质ABC堆垛的TLG的朗道能级(LL)能谱。他们观察到ABC堆垛的TLG上谷劈裂和自旋劈裂近似线性的磁场标度。他们的实验表明,随着朗道能级指数的增加,自旋劈裂显著减少。当最低朗道能级被部分填充时,他们发现自旋劈裂明显的增强,归因于强的多体效应。此外,他们观察到准粒子寿命倒数的线性能量标度,为ABC堆垛的TLG中强的电子 - 电子相互作用提供了额外的证据。这些结果意味着在高磁场存在的情况下,ABC堆垛的TLG中可能出现有趣的对称破缺态和新奇的电子关联效应。(方子明)

High-Magnetic-Field Tunneling Spectra of ABC-Stacked Trilayer Graphene on Graphite

Long-Jing Yin et al.

Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 146802 (2019)




Deterministic Creation and Braiding of Chiral Edge Vortices

C. W. J. Beenakker et al.

Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 146803 (2019)





Quantized Conductance in Topological Insulators Revealed by the Shockley-Ramo Theorem

Paul Seifert et al.

Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 146804 (2019)




The newly discovered noncentrosymmetric superconductor ThCoC2exhibits numerous types of unconventional behavior in the field dependent heat capacity data. Here we present the first measurement of the gap symmetry of ThCoC2 by muon spin rotation and relaxation (μSR) measurements. The temperature dependence of the magnetic penetration depth measured using the transverse field μSR experiment reveals the evidence of a nodal pairing symmetry. To understand this finding, we carry out calculations of the superconducting pairing eigenvalue and eigenfunction (pairing symmetry) due to the spin-fluctuation mechanism by directly implementing the ab initio band structures. We find that the system possesses a single Fermi surface with considerable three dimensionality and a strong nesting along the kz direction. Such nesting promotes a superconducting state with a cos kz-like pairing symmetry witha prominent nodal line on the kz=π/2 plane. The result agrees well with the experimental data.

Evidence of a Nodal Line in the Superconducting Gap Symmetry of Noncentrosymmetric ThCoC2

A. Bhattacharyya et al.

Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 147001 (2019)




自旋阀是自旋电子学器件中的重要组成部分,广泛应用于磁阻读头和自旋转移力矩振荡器中。本文中,作者对自旋阀中的磁阻尼现象进行相关研究,阐明了自由层磁阻尼与固定层平衡磁化角度的关系。首先,作者发现,在自旋阀中,由自旋泵浦效应产生的阻尼是个张量且具有各向异性,同时具有类吉尔伯特项(Gilbert- like)和类布洛赫项(Bloch-like)。进一步地,通过调节固定层的磁化方向,作者发现可将自由层阻尼调整到较大值。此外,作者预期由于非磁层内纵向自旋积累导致的布洛赫型阻尼,在自旋阀的其他现象中也将发挥重要作用。(刘钱)

Anisotropic and Controllable Gilbert-Bloch Dissipation in Spin Valves

Akashdeep Kamra et al.

Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 147201 (2019)




We demonstrate a unidirectional motion of a quasiparticle without explicit symmetry breaking along the space-time coordinate of the particle motion. This counterintuitive behavior originates from a combined action of two intrinsica symmetries in the other two directions. We realize this idea with the magnon-driven motion of a magnetic domain wall in thin films with interfacial asymmetry. Contrary to previous studies, the domain wall moves along the same direction regardless of the magnon-flow direction. Our general symmetry analysis and numerical simulation reveal that the odd order contributions from the interfacial asymmetry is unidirectional, which is dominant over bidirectional contributions in the realistic regime. We develop a simple analytic theory on the unidirectional motion, which provides an insightful description of this counterintuitive phenomenon.

Unidirectional Magnon-Driven Domain Wall Motion Due to the Interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction

Kyoung-Whan Kim et al.

Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 147202 (2019)



We investigate signatures of topological quantum phase transitions (TQPTs) between the Z2 quantum spin liquids (QSLs). In two spatial dimensions, Z2QSLs and their TQPTs are only well defined at zero temperature (T=0), and it is imperative to clarify their observable signatures under nonzero temperatures. Here, we present the vestiges of TQPTs between Z2QSLs with Majorana fermions in terms of thermal Hall conductivity κxy at nonzero temperatures. The κxy/Tshows characteristic temperature dependences around TQPTs. We argue that an exponential upturn near T=0 and the peak of κxy/T around massive excitation energy are observable smoking-gun signals of the TQPTs. Quantum critical fan-shape temperature dependences are uncovered across TQPTs. We also perform the parton mean-field analysis on a modified Kitaev model with next-nearest neighbor interactions finding TQPTs between the phases with different Chern numbers and their vestiges self-consistently. We discuss the implication of our results to the recent experiments in α−RuCl3.

Vestiges of Topological Phase Transitions in Kitaev Quantum Spin Liquids

Ara Go et al.

Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 147203 (2019)




Magnetic structures of organic Mott insulators X[Pd(dmit)2]2(X=Me4P,Me4Sb), of which electronic states are located near a quantum spinliquid (X=EtMe3Sb ), are demonstrated by13C nuclear magnetic resonance. Antiferromagnetic spectra and nuclear relaxations show two distinct magnetic moments within each Pd(dmit)2molecule, which cannot be described by single band dimer-Mott model and requires intramolecular electronic correlation. This unconventional fragmentation of S=1/2 electronspin with strong quantum fluctuation is presumably caused by nearly degenerated intramolecular multiple orbitals, and shares a notion of quantum liquids where electronic excitations are fractionalized and S=1/2 spin is no longer an elementary particle.

Fragmented Electronic Spins with Quantum Fluctuations in Organic Mott Insulators Near a Quantum Spin Liquid

S. Fujiyama and R. Kato

Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 147204 (2019)




We report on the experimental evidence for a nanosecond timescale spin memory based on nonradiative excitons with large in-plane wave vector. The effect manifests itself in magnetic-field-induced oscillations of the energy of the optically active (radiative) excitons. The oscillations detected by a spectrally resolved pump-probe technique applied to a GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well structure in a transverse magnetic field persist over a timescale, which is orders of magnitude longer than the characteristic decoherence time in the system. The effect is attributed to the spin-dependent electron-electron exchange interaction of the optically active and inactive excitons. The spin relaxation time of the electrons belonging to nonradiative excitons appears tobe much longer than the hole spin relaxation time.

Nanosecond Spin Coherence Time of Nonradiative Excitons in GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Wells

A. V. Trifonov et al.

Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 147401 (2019)




Ba(Ni1-xCox)2As2 is astructural homologue of the pnictide high temperature superconductor, Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2, in which the Fe atoms are replaced by Ni. Superconductivity is highly suppressed in this system, reaching a maximum Tc = 2.3 K, compared to 24 K in its iron-based cousin, and the origin of this Tc suppression is not known. Using x-ray scattering, we show that Ba(Ni1-xCox)2As2 exhibits a unidirectional charge density wave (CDW) at its triclinic phase transition. The CDW is incommensurate, exhibits a sizable lattice distortion, and is accompanied by the appearance of α Fermi surface pockets inphotoemission [B. Zhou et al., Phys. Rev. B 83, 035110 (2011)], suggesting it forms by an unconventional mechanism. Co doping suppresses the CDW, paralleling the behavior of antiferromagnetism in iron-based superconductors. Our study demonstrates that pnictide superconductors can exhibit competing CDWorder, which may be the origin of Tc suppression in this system.

Unconventional Charge Density Wave Order in the Pnictide Superconductor Ba(Ni1xCox)2As2

Sangjun Lee et al.

Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 147601 (2019)




Hayami等人报导了烧绿石金属Cd2Re2O7中序参量的理论结果,其经历了具有反演对称性破缺的神秘相变。通过仔细检查基于晶格对称性的有效电子自由度,他们提出室压下烧绿石四面体单元中两个宇称破缺相可由非常规多极子, 即分别具有不同组分x2-y2和3z2-r2的电环形四极子(ETQs)来描述。他们阐明ETQs是通过Re-Re键上的键有序或自旋电流有序来实现的。他们的ETQ假设,通过测量ETQ的独特现象,例如电子能带结构中的特殊自旋劈裂,磁电流效应和磁场下的单向传输,提供了调和实验矛盾的关键。(方子明)

Electric Toroidal Quadrupoles in the Spin-Orbit-Coupled Metal Cd2Re2O7

Satoru Hayami et al.

Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 147602 (2019)





Decays of Majorana or Andreev Oscillations Induced by Steplike Spin-Orbit Coupling

Zhan Cao et al.

Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 147701 (2019)







Flexoelectret: An Electret with a Tunable Flexoelectric like Response

Xin Wen , et al.

Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 148001 (2019)



Ortlieb等人介绍了在绿藻Chlamydomonas reinhardtii的稀悬浮液中胶体的实验轨迹的统计分析。胶体位移的测量概率密度函数(pdf)覆盖7个数量级。pdfs具有中间时间间隔的非高斯尾部特征,但当按标准偏差进行标度时,它们会崩溃。当长时间间隔的扩散标度律不适用时,pdf变成高斯分布。然而,示踪剂位置的均方位移在整个测量时间间隔内是线性的。他们对不同的示踪剂直径、游泳者浓度和平均游泳者速度进行了实验(微型游泳者即自驱动粒子或主动布朗粒子),并与几个理论模型进行细致地比较。他们排除了基于有效温度的描述和其他平均场方法,这些方法将不规则运动描述为许多微游泳者远场波动的总和。他们发现利用文章[Phys. Rev. E 92, 023023 (2015)]中Thiffeault提出的微观模型可以对数据进行较好的描述。(王赫)

Statisticsof Colloidal Suspensions Stirred by Microswimmers

L.Ortlieb, et al.

Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 148101 (2019)




Spatial Interactions and Oscillatory Tragedies of the Commons

Yu-Hui Lin, et al.

Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 148102 (2019)




编辑:Major Tom


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