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1. lab = laboratory n.实验室

2. labour n.体力劳动;脑力劳动

3. lady n. 女士,夫人

4.lake n.湖(泊)

5. lamb n.羔羊;羔羊肉

6. lamp n.灯具; 台灯

7. land [U] 陆地;大地; (做某种用途)士地;田地;国家v.着陆

The journey to the far side of the island is quicker by land than by sea.


building land建筑用地

my native land我的祖国

The airliner landed safely.客机安全降落了。

8. language n.语言

9.lap n.大腿

10. large adj.大的; 巨大的

11. last adj.最后的;最近的v.持续

December is the last month of the year.


How long do you think this fine weather willlast?你认为这样的好天气会持续多久?

近义词辨析: the last/the latest

the last可指一系列事物中最后一个。

The last bus leaves at 11:15 p.m.末班公车晚.上11点15分开出。

the latest意为“最近的,最新的”

She always dressed in the latest fashion.她总是穿最新款时装。

12. late adj.迟的;晚的; (日夜、时间等)近未尾的adv.晚; 迟

My fight was an hour late.我那趟航班晚了一个小时。

in the late afternoon在傍晚

in late summer在夏末

She married late.她结婚晚。

late into the night到深夜

They danced late into the night.他们一直跳舞到深夜。

be late for.......迟到

13. later adj. 更迟的;更后的adv.后来;稍后;随后

later on后来,以后

sooner or later迟早

14. lately adv. 近来;不久前

Have you seen her lately?你最近见过她吗?

15. laugh n./v.笑

laugh at sb/sth.嘲笑某人/某事

16. law n.法律;法令

17. lay (laid,laid) v.放置; 产卵

He laid his hand on my shoulder.他把手放在我的肩上。

The cuckoo lays its eggs in other birds' nets.杜鹃在别的鸟巢中产卵。

18. lazy adj. 偷懒的;懒散的

19. lead (led, led) adj.带头的;最重要的vi.领导;导致

①lead sb. to sth.导致某人做某事

What led you to this conclusion?你是怎样得出这结论的?

②lead to sth.导致.....

This misprint led to great confusion.这个印刷错误造成了很大的混淆。

③lead sb. to do导致某人做某事

What led you to think so?什么使你这样想?

④lead to sp. 通向某地

The road leads to the biggest room.这条路通向最大的房间。

⑤lead a .. life 过着.....的生活

leader n.领导;首领

leading adj.最重要的,主要的

20. leaf (pl. leaves) n.叶子

21. learn (learnt, learnt) v.学习;获悉

learn from..向... .学习

learn by oneself自学

近义词辨: learn/study

learn和study 都有"学习”的意思,有时可以互换使用。

I began to study/learn English 20 years ago.我是20年前开始学英语的。


He is learning English from the teacher.他正跟老师学英语。


He is studying the maths problem.他正在研究数学问题。

learner n. 学习者

22. legend n. 传说

23. lemon n. 柠檬

24. least n. 最小;最少adj. 最小的;最少的(little的最高级adv.最小;最少

at least至少,起码

You might at least tell me first before you do the work.干那项工作之前,你至少也该先告诉我一声。

25. leave (left,left) vt. 离开;留下;遗忘n.休假

It's time for us to leave.我们该走了。

I've left my gloves on the bus.我把手套落在公车上了。

leave A for B 离开A地去B地

leave为瞬间动词,若跟时间段需用be away。①He left three days ago.他是三天前走的。

②He has been away for three days.他走三天了。

③leave behind不带走,遗留

Don't leave me behind.带我一起走。

④leave off 中断、停止

We leave off (work) at 5.


⑤leave sb. alone把某人单独留下

The little boy is often left alone at home.那个男孩常被单独留在家。

⑥leave for出发去某地

26. left n. 左边;左派;激进分子adj. 左边的;左派的;剩下的v.离开(leave的过去式)

27. leg n.腿

28. lemonade n. 柠檬汁

29. lend (lent, lent) v.借出

lend sth. to sb.= lend .

Could you please lend your pen to me?

=Could you please lend me your pen?


近义词辨析: lend/ borrow/keep

①lend是指说话人把东西借给别人用,常用lend sth. to sb. ;

②borrow指说话人向别人借东西供自己用,常用borrow sth. from sb.;


How long will you keep the book?这本书你将借多久?

30. less adj. 较少的;较小的adv. 较少地;较小地n. 较少;较小

31. lesson n. 教训;课vt. 教训;上课

32. let (let,let) v. 允许;让

let sb. down使某人失望或沮丧

let..in让... . .进来

近义词辨析:let's/let us

①let's是let us的缩写,包括听话人在内,往往用来邀请、建议对方一起做某事,附加问句往往使用shall we.

Let's go home right now, shall we?咱们现在就回家,好吗?

②Let us往往用来请求听话人许可自己做某事,不包括听话人在内,附加问句往往使用will you.

Let us go home, will you?让我们回家吧,好吗?

33. letter n.字母;书信

34. level n. 水平;水平面 adj.水平的;平坦的

Students at this level tend to have a lot of problems with grammar.这一水平的学生在语法上会有很多问题。

35. librarian n.图书管理人员

36. library n.图书馆,藏书室;文库

37. license n.(=licence)执照,许可证

38. lie

①v. (lied,lied) (lying) 说谎;

②v.(lay,lain) (lying)躺,平卧


He's lying.他在说谎。

lie to sb. about sth.关于某事对某人撒谎

Don't lie in bed all morning.别一上午都躺在床上。

lie down躺一会,躺下

be full of lies一派胡言

tell a lie说谎

39. life n.生活,生存;生命

the origins of life on earth地球上生命的起源He doesn't want much from life.他对生活所求不多。

Three lives were lost in the accident. 事故中有三人丧生。

She lived her whole life in the country.她在农村度过一生。

40. lift n. 电梯;举起;起重机;搭车v.举起;抬高

take the lift 搭电梯

give sb. a lift搭顺风车

41. light




light bulb电灯泡

42. lighting n. 光线

43. like v.喜欢, 喜爱prep.像;如同conj.好像n.爱好;同样的人或物

①How do you lik..?你觉得. ...怎么 样?

How do you like going shopping with us?你觉得和我们一起去买东西怎么样?

②look like看起来像

It looks like snowing.看起来像是在下雪。

44. line n.线;线条

45. lion n.狮子;名人

46.list n.名单;目录v.列出

47. listen v.听; 倾听

listen to sth ......

48. little

adj. 小的;少的;

n. 少许,一会儿,


49. litter n.废物; 垃圾v.扔垃圾

50. live v. 活着;居住

live on靠.... 生存

Sheep live on grass.羊以草为生。

51. lively adj.活跃的; 生动的

52. local adj. 当地的,地方的

53. lock n./v. 锁

54. London n.伦敦

55. lonely adj.孤独的; 寂寞的

56. long adj.长的;久的

57. look n.看; 样子;面容v.看;看起来

①look after照看,照顾

My friend looked after my cat while I was on holiday.在我去度假的时候,我的朋友照料我的猫。

②May I have a look at it please?请让我看一看好吗?

③look for寻找

Mother is looking for her gloves. 母亲在找她的手套。

④look up尊敬;查阅

While reading, do not look up the new wordsin the dictionary all the time.阅读时,不要老是查字典。

⑤look back on回顾

She always looks back on his childhood.她总是回顾童年。

⑥look down on sb/sth.鄙视,看不起

She looks down on people who've never been to university.她瞧不起没上过大学的人。

⑦look forward to sth./doing sth.期待

We're so much looking forward to seeing youagain.我们非常盼望再见到你。

⑧look into调查,观察

A working party has been set up to look into the problem.已成立工作组调查该问题。

⑨look out留心

Look out for pickpockets.小心扒手。

⑩look over 检查

We must look over the house before we decide to rent it.我们必须先察看一下这所房子再决定租不租。

①look round参观;游览

Shall we look round the cathedral this afternoon?我们今天下午参观大教堂好吗?

②look through快速阅读

She looked through her notes before the exam.考前她匆匆看了一眼笔记。

③look like像...的样子

It looks like salt and it is salt.看着像盐也的确是盐。

④look ahead向前看,展望未来

58. look out n.守望,远景

59. lose (lost, lost) v. 丧失;丢失

①lose one's life丧生

He lost his life in an accident.他在车祸中丧生。

②lose touch with sb./sth.失去联系

I've lost my touch with all my old friends.我和所有的老朋友都失去了联系。

③lose one's way迷路

We lost our way in the dark.我们在黑暗中迷路了。

④lose oneself in sth.专心致志于某事

I soon lost myself in the flm. 电影很快吸引了我。

⑤lose heart 泄气,丧失信心

Don't lose your heart, you're the best!别泄气,你是最棒的!

60. lot n.大量;很多

61. loud adj. 大声的adv.大声 地

Speak louder, I can't hear you.大点声说,我听不见。

62. love v./n.爱,喜爱

63. lovely adj. 可爱的

64. low adj.低的,浅的;卑贱的;粗俗的;消沉的adv.低声地;谦卑地,低下地

65. luck n.运气;造化

lucky adj.交好运的;幸运的

luckily adv.交好运地; 幸运地66. lunch n.午餐

67. lyric n. (常用复数形式)歌词,抒情词句

责任编辑: 鲁达

