文 / 飞客会员icehappyday
希望把自己所做过的事情也分享给最近一起挑战的初学者,需注意本人并非Native Speaker,也不认为自己的英语水平很高,但一心想着可以用最短的时间,高效的完成事情即可。本文适于初学者小白入坑使用,如有不妥之处,请大神指点一二。
招行world M信用卡申请了几个月一直等待3月份,但是其实如果有白挑的想法,不必等待3月,任何时间升金完成后匹配万豪卡就可以在2017年3月开始申请白挑了,SPG金卡在3月1日完成任务的话,有效期持续到2019年2月。
▶2◀之后需要注意的点是link万豪前后的问题,建议SPG升金后再link 万豪(link后几乎为秒升金卡),否则需要等待48小时,但是如果解除link后需要等待2-4天才可以重新link,因此没必要提前link,耽误了后面的几晚入住得不偿失。
如果说住上海万怡和万丽,和迪士尼万怡互切的话完全没必要买万誉会饭卡,因为万怡省30元,迪士尼那里不可以用MZ7,或者建议淘宝买一张即可,雅乐居购买的1688 饭卡送三瓶红酒加一堆破饭票真的不太值得,我经常去Enjoy买点心周末过去,实际比饭票便宜的多,而且包含了服务费。
Dear there,
As a preferred level member of your great hotel loyalty program, I indeed look forward to enjoying the elite tier's benefits offered by Marriott.
Thus, I am hereby writing to you to exhibit my interesting in taking advantage of the platinum status challenge opportunity, considering that Marriott brands will be my priority choice whenever I am traveling and I will be staying a lot in Marriott hotels.
Here provided my Marriott Guest number and my name.
Name: 姓名
Marriott Account Number: 账号(Gold)
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Best regards
Dear Marriot Rewards Officer,
Hope you have had a wonderful weekend. I am pleased to write this mail to enroll me in the platinum Elite Challenge and i have determined to make it a good start for me to go with Marriott and Ritz in My future business and leisure trip
My member profile is:
-rewards number: 账号
-E-mail: 注册账号的地址
-Member Name:您的姓名(拼音即可)
-Member Status:Gold Linking with SPG Gold Elite
I have a 10-15 days annual leave,which,Plus those legal Holidays, brings me lots of time to arrange leisure trips no matter at home or abroad. Naturally there will be great need for hotels, especially for those amazing ones, because it is the most important for me to have wonderful accommodation.
Marriott, as the leading role among all the global hotel groups,can absolutely offer me the best experience, not to mention that it has been well linked with SPG& Rite. That is why i choose Marriott and ask for an enrollment in the platinum Elite Challenge.
I am very willing to have you accepted my request for this challenge so i can schedule my trips with Marriott/ Rite both in and outside of China and enjoy more experience with you .
Thank you for taking time to review my proposal, and really appreciate your kind consideration. Looking forward to hearing the good news from you
Yours sincerely.
发送邮件在收到回复后,一般需要确认这个挑战Offer,所以还需要简单的回复,因为本人发送的邮件一直未收到回复,但是应该是问您是否接受该挑战,同时请确认接受, 所以回复可以非常简单,去confirm你accept那个挑战的offer即可。
Dear XXX
Thanks for your kind favor, i have replied earlier to express my absolute acceptance for the Platinum Elite Challenge as you requested in the former letter. But still then i have not been informed whether my account was ssuccessfully registered or not. Thus please help me recheck whether i have got the opportunity of this challenge and could start right now.
Yours sincerely.
P.S.也可以在Twiter 上把上面模板直接复制粘贴给客服,注意留言给带小蓝色对勾的认证客服,留言即可,24小时内应该会给回复,不过近期成功率不高。
如果真的赶时间,避免邮件的拒绝和邮件回复确认conformation的繁琐,各位可以直接用skype拨打电话美国+1-801-468-4000,电话起初为机器人转播,先输入会员号码,回答自动语音客服taste of Platinum Elite,进入人工服务。(中国时间周日晚1点钟也可以拨打)和国内客服不同,美国周末不休息。
之后大约彩铃等待5分钟, 和客服可直接开门见山,Dear Marriott Officer, would you please enroll me in the Platinum Elite Challenge? My Marriott Rewards account is XXX. Thank you very much!" ,然后客服会和你确认你的邮箱,之后就会告知你成功enroll了,如果客服问你为何要申请,可以回答 Marriott brands will be my priority choice whenever I am traveling,这样的话对方应该会开心的接受。
飞客茶馆app是数百万常旅客旅游出行的必备手机宝典 ,高端自助游玩者出游的掌上预订神器。包括酒店官网预订、航空机票预定、信用卡知识等。2016年全新改版后,直播、社交等多种功能上线,致力打造常旅客一站式服务。