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VoiceOver/AmazonBase/Pissed00=什么事? /// Yes?

VoiceOver/AmazonBase/Pissed01=你引起了战争仕女的注意,有话就快说。 /// You have the War Matron's attention. Let your words count.

VoiceOver/AmazonBase/Pissed02=先知们预见到黑暗流放时,我们的战士已经艰苦训练了千年之久。他们的预言是正确的,因为我打败了大魔神。 /// When the oracles foresaw the Dark Exile, our warriors trained for millennia.Their vision was proven right when I defeated the Prime Evils.

VoiceOver/AmazonBase/Pissed03=但他们的预言并没有就此结束。恶魔大军还会再次来袭,阿斯卡利也需要一支能够与之匹敌的军队。 /// But their predictions did not end there. The demonic hordes would come again, and the Askari would need an army.

VoiceOver/AmazonBase/Pissed04=在你需要帮助的时候告诉我,我的标枪以闪电般的速度为你而战。这是亚马逊给你的承诺。 /// Tell me where you need a javelin, and I'll deliver it, lightning fast. That's the Amazon promise.

VoiceOver/AmazonBase/Pissed05=你有没有很好奇,为什么那么多人会把钥匙藏在石头下面?还有金币…… /// Have you ever wondered why so many people hide keys under rocks? And gold for that matter...

VoiceOver/AmazonBase/Pissed06=等等,我需要整理一下背包。<SFX: Diablo 2 movement sounds. A bunch of them in a row.> <exertions> 唔…(nervously)哈哈…可能还要再等一会。<SFX: One or two more..> <more exertions> /// Hold on, I need to manage my inventory. <SFX: Diablo 2 movement sounds. A bunch of them in a row.> <exertions> Um... (nervously)HAha... This is going to take awhile .<SFX: One or two more..> <more exertions>

VoiceOver/AmazonBase/Pissed07=尽量别盯着白天的沙丘看,否则很容易失明让你在晚上看不清怪物在哪儿。 /// Try not to be blinded by the light. Unless you want to get lost in the dunes in the middle of the night.

VoiceOver/AmazonBase/Pissed08=如果你遇到了麻烦,只要继续前进就好。你的闪电护盾至少会吸收敌人一半的伤害。 /// If you find yourself in trouble, keep moving forward. Your lightning shield will absorb half of your enemy's attacks, at least...

VoiceOver/AmazonBase/Pissed09=永远不要跟女武神提起《女武神的骑行》。她们可不喜欢这首歌曲。 /// Never refer to a Valkyrie's assistance as the Ride of the Valkyries. They do not find it humorous.

VoiceOver/AmazonBase/Pissed10=亚马逊的家乡是生机盎然的丛林。我们的战士们不久前刚发现了一个新物种。不幸的是,那是一只巨大的蜘蛛蜥蜴……所以,它必须死。 /// The jungles of the Amazon homeland teem with life. Our warriors discovered a new species just the other day. Unfortunately, it was a giant spider-lizard... so it simply HAD to die...

VoiceOver/AmazonBase/Pissed11=等等,我的耐力条哪去了?好吧,有些改动还是很不错的嘛。 /// Wait, do I no longer have a stamina bar? Alright, some of these changes are pretty good.

VoiceOver/AmazonBase/Pissed12=闪电永远不会击中你两次,但标枪会。 /// Lightning never strikes twice. Javelins, however, do.

VoiceOver/AmazonBase/Pissed13=岛上有句谚语说“白发是荣耀的加冕”。这很可能是老人发明的。 /// There is a saying on the Isles that "a grey head is a crown of glory." Most likely an old person started it.

VoiceOver/AmazonBase/Pissed14=生命是一件无形的盔甲。你穿得好好的时候,它却忽然消失了。 /// Life is an ethereal armor. One moment it's here, and just when you get used to it.... it's gone.

VoiceOver/AmazonBase/AI_MercCapture00=要是有些小弟……抱歉,我是说雇佣兵,那就好了。 /// Some hirelings... sorry, mercenaries would prove useful right now.

VoiceOver/AmazonBase/IntroQuestion_AmazonNova00=啊,诺娃,我很期待再见到你射箭的样子。 /// Ah, sister Nova... I look forward to seeing your archery skills in action once more.

VoiceOver/AmazonBase/IntroQuestion_Auriel00=原来天使也有女性。嗯,看来高阶天堂还有些希望。 /// So there are female angels. Hm. Perhaps there is hope for the High Heavens yet.

VoiceOver/AmazonBase/IntroQuestion_Butcher00=原来这就是屠夫……真让我失望。 /// So this is a Butcher... I am not impressed.

VoiceOver/AmazonBase/IntroQuestion_Crusader00=啊,一个圣骑士!不对,是圣教军。你在征程中找到回庇护之地的办法了吗? /// Ah, a paladin! No... a crusader. Any chance you've found us a way to Sanctuary on your quest?

VoiceOver/AmazonBase/IntroQuestion_D3Hero00=你是那个新来的?好吧,那就让我们看看,你是否能让斯科沃斯的女儿刮目相看。 /// You're the new blood, I see. Let's see if you can impress a daughter of Skovos.

VoiceOver/AmazonBase/IntroQuestion_Demon00=别挡我的路,恶魔。这样我或许会放你一条生路。 /// Stay out of my way, demon, and you may live through this.

VoiceOver/AmazonBase/IntroQuestion_Diablo00=迪亚波罗……看来你并没有被永远放逐。 /// Diablo... I see your exile wasn't as permanent as expected.

VoiceOver/AmazonBase/IntroQuestion_Murky00=一只青蛙恶魔。你是怎么从凯吉斯坦的丛林中逃出来的? /// A frog demon. How did you escape the jungles of Kehjistan?

VoiceOver/AmazonBase/IntroQuestion_Necromancer00=祖尔!好久不见。<beat> 你怎么又白了? /// Xul! It's been too long. <beat> Did you get paler?

VoiceOver/AmazonBase/IntroQuestion_Tyrael00=泰瑞尔……很好。或许正义能够得到伸张了。 /// Tyrael... Good. Perhaps now justice can be met.

VoiceOver/AmazonBase/IntroQuestion_Wizard00=啊,你是伊森德拉的学生。我对你期望很高。 /// Ah, you are Ysendra's pupil. I expect quite a lot from you.

VoiceOver/AmazonBase/IntroResponse_AmazonNova00=这可不是和战争仕女讲话的正确方式。我得好好教教你。 /// An informal way to address your War Matron. We will have to work on that.

VoiceOver/AmazonBase/IntroResponse_Auriel00=意志所向,希望随行。 /// Where there is will, hope follows.

VoiceOver/AmazonBase/IntroResponse_Azmodan00=没错。和你的战斗。 /// Indeed. A war with YOU.

VoiceOver/AmazonBase/IntroResponse_Butcher00=来吧,我见过比你吼得还要响亮的野蛮人。 /// Come now, I've known Barbarians with fiercer war cries.

VoiceOver/AmazonBase/IntroResponse_Crusader00=不然你以为我这么久以来在做什么?睡觉吗? /// And what do you imagine I spent that time doing? Sleeping?

VoiceOver/AmazonBase/IntroResponse_D3Hero00=你们这些奈非天废话太多了。 /// You nephalem are awfully chatty.

VoiceOver/AmazonBase/IntroResponse_Demon00=你知道我的标枪曾刺穿过多少你的同类吗? /// Do know how many of your kind have been impaled on my javelin?

VoiceOver/AmazonBase/IntroResponse_Diablo00=继续说大话吧,死神也救不了你。 /// Keep talking, and not even death will save you from me.

VoiceOver/AmazonBase/IntroResponse_Murky00=你是在提问题吗?不要指望我会回答你,青蛙怪! /// Was that a question? Do not expect an answer, frog creature!

VoiceOver/AmazonBase/IntroResponse_Necromancer00=嗯。总是充满魅力。 /// Mm. Always the charmer.

VoiceOver/AmazonBase/IntroResponse_Tyrael00=泰瑞尔!我们又见面了! /// Tyrael! We meet again!

VoiceOver/AmazonBase/IntroResponse_Undead00=恭喜,你是我见过的脾气最差的亡灵了。 /// Congratulations, you are the surliest undead I have met.

VoiceOver/AmazonBase/IntroResponse_Wizard00=失败与死亡并不“有趣”,年轻人。我很诧异,伊森德拉居然没有教过你这个。 /// Loss and death is not "fun" young one. I'm surprised Ysendra didn't teach you this.

VoiceOver/AmazonBase/KillAmazon00=原谅我。我没有别的选择。 /// Forgive me, sister. I had no choice.

VoiceOver/AmazonBase/KillAngel00=低估凡人是要付出代价的,天使。 /// Underestimate mortals at your peril, angel.

VoiceOver/AmazonBase/KillAzmodan00=二十年来,我一直等着这一刻。 /// I've spent twenty years dreaming of that.

VoiceOver/AmazonBase/KillD3Hero00=这是个奈非天?哼。 /// This is a nephalem? Hmph.

VoiceOver/AmazonBase/KillDemon00=在地狱烈焰中燃烧吧,恶魔! /// Burn in Hell, demon.

VoiceOver/AmazonBase/KillDiablo00=恐惧的统治已经结束。 /// The reign of terror has ended.

VoiceOver/AmazonBase/KillMedivh00=最后的守护者,真是人如其名。 /// The last guardian... accurate.

VoiceOver/AmazonBase/KillSpreeEnd00=主宰比赛到此为止了。 /// Killing spree concluded.

VoiceOver/AmazonBase/KillTyrael00=天堂在召唤你,泰瑞尔。 /// Heavens reclaim you, Tyrael.


VoiceOver/DiabloPrime/Pissed00=在大魔神面前跪下。 /// Kneel before the Prime Evil.

VoiceOver/DiabloPrime/Pissed01=七魔王在我体内合为一体,塔萨迈特之怒! /// I am seven as one. Tathamet's fury!

VoiceOver/DiabloPrime/Pissed02=恐惧有很多种化身。一个孩子,一个战士,甚至是你的朋友。<laugh> /// Terror comes in many forms. A child, a warrior, even ...a friend. <laugh>

VoiceOver/DiabloPrime/Pissed03=有时候,3加4,等于1。 /// Sometimes three... plus four... equals one.

VoiceOver/DiabloPrime/Pissed04=有时我会梦见小镇中的一座旅馆...被我的烈火夷为平地。 /// Some days I dream of an inn in the countryside... burning to the ground.

VoiceOver/DiabloPrime/Pissed05=莉娅:(weak)有人吗?我需要你!我需要你放弃…迪亚波罗:放弃对恐惧的抵抗。这是你唯一的选择。 /// Leah: (weak)Can anyone hear me? I need you! I need you to give in... Diablo: give in to terror. It's the only way.

VoiceOver/DiabloPrime/Pissed06=嗯。或许我真的需要那些地狱裂隙。 /// Hmm. Perhaps I actually DID need those hell rifts.

VoiceOver/DiabloPrime/Pissed07=惧以简为贵。 /// Brevity... is the soul... (scary) of terror.

VoiceOver/DiabloPrime/Pissed08=别让你的噩梦只是一场梦…实现它! /// Let your nightmares... be nightmares... Do it!

VoiceOver/DiabloPrime/Pissed09=不…我肩膀上的嘴不会说话。<Mouths: Screech!>它们只会这样……<Mouths: Screech!>而且没完没了! /// No... the mouths on my shoulders do not speak. <Mouths: Screech!> They do that... <Mouths: Screech!> And they WON'T STOP!

VoiceOver/DiabloPrime/Pissed10=恐惧的味道…跟鸡肉差不多。(grumbling)什么东西的味道都跟鸡肉差不多。 /// Fear... tastes of chicken. (grumbling)Everything tastes of chicken.

VoiceOver/DiabloPrime/Pissed11=这很简单……小魔神们不断合体就变成了大魔神。还有什么问题吗? /// It is simple... The Prime Evils and the Lesser Evils combine to become the Prime Evil. Questions?

VoiceOver/DiabloPrime/Pissed12=相我信,字的序顺并不定一影阅响读,但一定影响听力! /// Reversing backwards messages is always a waste of time... trust me.

VoiceOver/DiabloPrime/Pissed13=我的力量在这……时空枢纽中似乎受到了限制。没关系……任何世界都将被我烧成灰烬! /// My power seems limited in this... Nexus. No matter... all realms will burn before me.

VoiceOver/DiabloPrime/Pissed14=我最近老是一心七用。 /// These days... I'm of seven minds about everything.


LootChest/Name/BaseChest=基础战利品箱 /// Base Loot Chest

LootChest/Name/EpicBaseChest=史诗基础战利品箱 /// Epic Base Loot Chest

LootChest/Name/RareBaseChest=稀有基础战利品箱 /// Rare Base Loot Chest

Mount/Info/MountBannerKerriCheer=要在时空枢纽里获得冠军旗帜,光靠良好的校风可是不够的。奉献、技巧和一点点暴力都是必需的。 /// It takes a lot more than just school spirit to take home a championship banner in the Nexus. It takes dedication, skill, and just a teensy bit of unchecked violence.

Mount/Info/SaddledHorse=最早的马鞍可以追溯到公元前700年到500年之间。怎么样,阅读鞍座马的背景故事还能学到知识,没想到吧? /// The earliest known saddles date back to between 700 and 500 BC. Didn't think you'd learn something while looking at the Saddled Horse's backstory, did you?

Reward/Description/WoWAlliPandarenPortrait=土水派熊猫人头像 /// Tushui Pandaren Portrait

Reward/Description/WoWBelfPortrait=血精灵头像 /// Blood Elf Portrait

UI/BattleLobbyPanel/StartGameButton/UsersOpeningLootChests=房间内的玩家正在打开战利品箱: /// Players in the lobby are opening loot chests:

UI/NewUser/PromoDialog/Loot/Description1=恭喜,你得到了一个免费的战利品箱!你可以通过升级英雄或在战利品页面购买来获得更多的战利品箱。 /// Congratulations, you have received a free Loot Chest! Additional Loot Chests can be acquired by leveling Heroes or purchased from the Loot tab.

UI/NewUser/PromoDialog/Loot/Description2=完成教学后,第一个战利品箱将解锁一个7天强化剂、一位英雄和两件随机物品。 /// For completing the tutorial, this first Loot Chest unlocks a 7 Day Stimpack, a Hero, and two additional random items.

UI/NewUser/PromoDialog/Loot/SubTitle1=战利品箱 /// Loot Chests

UI/NewUser/PromoDialog/Loot/Subtitle2=里面有什么?! /// What's Inside?!

UI/NewUser/PromoDialog/Loot/Title=战利品 /// Loot

UI/NewUser/SystemsDialog/Currency/Description1=宝石需要用现金购买。使用宝石在收藏页面中解锁英雄或购买推荐物品。 /// Gems are purchased with real money. Use them to unlock heroes, and to purchase featured items in your collection.

UI/NewUser/SystemsDialog/Currency/Description2=金币主要用于解锁英雄。完成比赛、提升等级和完成日常任务能够获得金币。 /// Gold is used primarily to unlock heroes. Acquire gold by playing matches, gaining levels, and completing daily quests.

UI/NewUser/SystemsDialog/Currency/Description3=碎片用于在收藏页面解锁外观物品。打开战利品箱能够获得碎片。 /// Shards are used to unlock cosmetic items in your collection. Acquire shards by opening Loot Chests.

UI/NewUser/SystemsDialog/Currency/Subtitle1=宝石 /// Gems

UI/NewUser/SystemsDialog/Currency/Subtitle2=金币 /// Gold

UI/NewUser/SystemsDialog/Currency/Subtitle3=碎片 /// Shards

UI/NewUser/SystemsDialog/Currency/Title=解锁收藏 /// Unlocking Your Collection

UI/NewUser/SystemsDialog/Progression/Description1=进行游戏来获得经验值,并升级你的英雄 /// Play games to earn XP and level up your Heroes

UI/NewUser/SystemsDialog/Progression/Description2=升级英雄还会提升你的玩家等级,并为你提供一份战利品箱 /// Leveling a Hero also increases your Player Level and earns you a Loot Chest

UI/NewUser/SystemsDialog/Progression/Description3=包括英雄、皮肤、坐骑以及更多物品 /// Packed with Heroes, Skins, Mounts, and tons more

UI/NewUser/SystemsDialog/Progression/Subtitle1=英雄等级 /// Hero Level

UI/NewUser/SystemsDialog/Progression/Subtitle2=玩家等级 /// Player Level

UI/NewUser/SystemsDialog/Progression/Subtitle3=战利品箱 /// Loot Chest

UI/NewUser/SystemsDialog/Progression/Title=升级系统 /// Progression System

UI/ScreenLootChest/TryButton/Tooltip=点击此处开始一场单人游戏来试用这个战利品箱。 /// Click to launch a single player game where you can try this LootChest.




责任编辑: 鲁达

