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昨天我们用8000字给大家介绍了准高一的学生想考上剑桥大学或牛津大学,应该做什么准备呢?覆盖A level学习+申请全流程+申请季规划


1. Fact File 专业档案

UCAS Code/UCAS 编码 :See course options 参见课程选择

Course Duration : 4 years (MEng) 课程长度: 4 年- MEng 学位

Entrance Requirements: A*A*A (with the A*s in Physics, Maths or Further Maths) 录取要求:A*A*A (物理,数学或者进阶数学中有 A*)

Subject Requirements 科目要求:

Physics and Maths(Essential) 物理和数学(必选)

Maths Mechanics modules(Recommended)数学力学模块(推荐)

Further Maths (Helpful – may be useful on course) 进阶数学(在课程中可能有用)

Language Requirements 语言要求:

- 雅思:7.5 分,小分不低于 7 分

- 托福:110 分,听力最低 22,阅读/写作最低 24,口语最低 25

Admissions test 入学考试 :(PAT)物理能力倾向测试Written Work 书面作品 :None 无

Admissions Statistics/录取数据(基于 18-20 年平均) :

- Interviewed 面邀率: 41%

- Successful 录取率:16%

- Intak 录取人数:177

Career 职业发展

Graduates work in many different sectors such as banking and investment, consultancy, accountancy, IT and computing, energy and the environment.

Most graduates go on to work in the engineering and manufacturing sector. Some decide to continue their studies at Oxford, or elsewhere, by working towards a doctorate.

毕业生在许多不同的领域工作,如银行和投资、咨询、会计、IT 和计算机、能源和环境。


Fee 费用 课程费用 34 万 + 生活费 ~ 10-14 万/年

Related Courses 相关课程

-Earth Sciences (Geology) 地球科学(地质学)

-Materials Science 材料科学

-Physics 物理学


2. Overview 专业概览

Engineering Science encompasses a vast range of subjects, from microelectronics to offshore oil platforms, and involves the application of creative reasoning, science, mathematics (and, of course, experience and common sense) to real problems.


The Engineering Science programme is a four-year course, leading to the degree of Master of Engineering. The first two years are devoted to topics which we believe all Engineering undergraduates should study.

In the third and fourth years there is scope for specialisation into one of six branches of engineering: Biomedical, Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Information and Mechanical.

Decisions about which of these will be your specialisation can be deferred until the third year.




The course is accredited every four years by the major engineering institutions in respect of the initial requirements for the designation of chartered engineer.


Industrial experience is an extremely important adjunct to an academic engineering education, and undergraduates are strongly encouraged to obtain it.

One way to do so is by being sponsored. Further information is generally available through your careers teacher, or from the engineering institutions.

If your sponsoring company wants you to spend a year with them before university, you will be asked to declare this at your interview and in your UCAS application.


进一步的信息通常可以通过你的就业老师或工程机构获得。如果你的赞助公司希望你在上大学前在他们那里呆一年,你会被要求在面试和 UCAS 申请中声明这一点。

3. Structure 课程结构

A typical week 每周安排

As a guide, in an average week you will have approximately ten lectures and two college tutorials or classes.

In some weeks in the first two years you will also have up to five hours of practical work. In the third year each student spends an average of one day a week on their group project work. The individual project in the fourth year takes approximately two and a half days a week.

在一个平均周内,你将有大约 10 个讲座和两个学院辅导或班课。在前两年的某些星期,你还将有五个小时的实验工作。


Class and tutorial group sizes are designed to allow students to discuss the contents of specific lectures with a tutor and their peers.

In the first two years tutorials are delivered in colleges, typically in groups of 2-4 students.

In the third year the department organises tutorials for groups of up to 4 students.

In the final year class sizes vary, but there are no more than 15 students per class.


在头两年,辅导是在学院进行的,通常是 2-4 名学生一组。

在第三年,系里组织小组(成员最多 4 人)辅导课。

在最后一年,班级规模不同,但每班不超过 15 名学生。

Lectures are delivered by the academic staff of the department, who are experts in their areas of research and typically have years of teaching experience.

Tutorials and classes are delivered by a tutor, who might be a member of the academic staff, a postgraduate student – studying at doctorate level – or a postdoctoral research assistant within the department.

Practical laboratory sessions are supervised by experienced academics and technical staff.



To find out more about how our teaching year is structured, visit our Academic Year page. 要了解更多关于我们的教学年是如何安排的,请访问我们的学年页面。

The options listed above are illustrative and may change. More information about current options is available on the Engineering Science website.


Course structure 课程结构

The options listed above are illustrative and may change. More information about current options is available on the Engineering Department's website.


4. Admissions Requirements 录取要求

Academic requirements 学术要求

A-level:A*A*A to include Mathematics and Physics. The A*s must be in Mathematics, Physics or Further Mathematics


IB:40 (including core points) with 776 at HL (with 7s in HL Mathematics and Physics)

40 分(包括核心分数),其中 HL 为 776 分(7 分需要是 HL 物理和数学)

Or any other equivalent (see other UK qualifications, and international qualifications)


Subject requirements 科目要求



Candidates are expected to have Physics and Mathematics to A-level, Higher Level in the IB or any other equivalent.

考生 A-level 科目应中有物理和数学;IB HL 数学及物理或其他同等水平



Further Mathematics can be helpful to students in completing this course, although it is not required for admission.


If, and only if, you have chosen to take any science A-levels, we expect you to take and pass the practical component in addition to meeting any overall grade requirement.

如果你选择了任何理科 A-levels,我们希望你除了满足总成绩要求外,还要参加并通过实验部分。

If English is not your first language you may also need to meet our English language requirements.


Applying 申 请

All candidates must follow the application procedure as shown in applying to Oxford. The information below gives specific details for students applying for this course.


Admissions test 笔 试

Test 考 试


Test date 考试日期

3 November 2021

Registration deadline:


6pm 15/October/2021

All candidates must take the Physics Aptitude Test (PAT) as part of their application. Separate

registration for this test is required and it is the responsibility of the candidate to ensure that they are registered. We strongly recommend making the arrangements in plenty of time before the deadline.


Everything you need to know, including guidance on how to prepare, can be found on the PAT page.

你需要知道的一切,包括关于如何准备的指导,都可以在 PAT 网页上找到。

Updates to PAT:

The test consists of maths and physics questions, which are mixed in sequence (there are not separate maths or physics sections).

Formula sheets, tables and data books are not permitted. Calculators are permitted.

Guidelines about the use of calculators along with details of the syllabus and links to supporting materials which candidates are encouraged to look at for preparation are available on the PAT page.

PAT 的更新:



我们鼓励考生在准备时查阅这些材料:关于使用计算器的指南以及大纲的细节和辅助材料的链接,细节可在 PAT 网页上找到。

Written work 书面作品。

You do not need to submit any written work when you apply for this course. 申请该课程时,你不需要提交任何书面作品。

For more detail on the selection criteria for this course, please see the website. 关于这门课程的选择标准的更多细节,请查看网站。

5. Careers 职业发展

Oxford Engineering Science graduates work in many different sectors such as banking and investment, consultancy, accountancy, IT and computing, energy and the environment. However, as you may expect, most go on to work in the engineering and manufacturing sector. Some decide to continue their studies at Oxford, or elsewhere, by working towards a doctorate.

牛津大学工程科学专业的毕业生在许多不同的领域工作,如银行和投资、咨询、会计、IT 和计算机、能源和环境。然而,大多数人都在工程和制造领域工作。有些人决定在牛津大学或其他地方继续学习,攻读博士学位。

6. Fees and Funding 学费和奖学金

Fees 费 用

These annual fees are for full-time students who begin this undergraduate course here in 2021. 以下年度费用适用于 2021 年入学的本科生

Fee status 收费情况

Annual Course fees 每年课程费用

Overseas (including EU) 海外(包括欧盟)

£37,510(约 34 万人民币)

The course fees you pay include your fees for both University and college services and are divided between the University (including your department or faculty) and your college on a formula basis. More details are available from the Student Fees Team on request.


For more information please refer to our course fees page. Fees will usually increase annually. For details, please see our guidance on likely increases to fees and charges.


Living costs 生活成本

Living costs for the academic year starting in 2021 are estimated to be between £1,175 and

£1,710 for each month you are in Oxford. Our academic year is made up of three eight-week terms, so you would not usually need to be in Oxford for much more than six months of the year but may wish to budget over a nine-month period to ensure you also have sufficient funds during the holidays to meet essential costs. For further details please visit our living costs webpage.

对于 2021 年入学的学生,在牛津每个月的生活费预计在 1,175-1,710 英镑之间(约合 10,500-15,400 人

民币)。我们的学年包括了 3 个学期,每个学期 8 周,所以学生每年在牛津的时间不超过 6 个月,但您也许需要考虑超过 9 个月的预算,以确保在假期期间可以有充足的资金来满足日常开销。详情请访问 living costs webpage.

Financial support 经济支持

Overseas:Please refer to the "Other Scholarships" section of our Oxford Bursaries and Scholarships page.

海外学生:请参考牛津大学助学金和奖学金页面的 "其他奖学金 "部分。

Studying at Oxford

The Oxford tutorial 牛津辅导课

College tutorials are central to teaching at Oxford. Typically, they take place in your college and are led by your academic tutor(s) who teach as well as do their own research.

Students will also receive teaching in a variety of other ways, depending on the course. This will include lectures and classes, and may include laboratory work and fieldwork.

However, tutorials offer a level of personalised attention from academic experts unavailable at most universities.




During tutorials (normally lasting an hour), college subject tutors will give you and one or two tutorial partners feedback on prepared work and cover a topic in depth.

The other student(s) in your college tutorials will be from your year group, doing the same course as you and will normally be at your college.

Such regular and rigorous academic discussion develops and facilitates learning in a way that isn’t possible through lectures alone. Tutorials also allow for close progress monitoring so tutors can quickly provide additional support if necessary.

在辅导过程中(通常持续一个小时),学院学科导师将为您和一个或两个辅导课伙伴提供关于作业的反馈, 并深入讨论一个主题。



College life 学院生活

Our colleges are at the heart of Oxford’s reputation as one of the best universities in the world.


l At Oxford, everyone is a member of a college as well as their subject department(s) and the University. Students therefore have both the benefits of belonging to a large, renowned institution and to a small and friendly academic community.

Each college or hall is made up of academic and support staff, and students.

Colleges provide a safe, supportive environment leaving you free to focus on your studies, enjoy time with friends and make the most of the huge variety of opportunities.




l Each college has a unique character, but generally their facilities are similar. Each one, large or small, will have the following essential facilities:


o Porters’ lodge (a staffed entrance and reception) 门房(有员工的入口和前台)

o Dining hall 食堂

o Lending library (often open 24/7 in term time) 图书馆(学期内通常 24 小时开放)

o Student accommodation 学生宿舍

o Tutors’ teaching rooms 教室

o Chapel and/or music rooms 教堂和音乐室

o Laundry 洗衣房

o Green spaces 绿地

o Common room (known as the JCR). 活动室(通常称为 JCR)

l All first year students are offered college accommodation either on the main site of their college or in a nearby college annexe.

This means that your neighbours will also be ‘freshers’ and new to life at Oxford.

This accommodation is guaranteed, so you don’t need to worry about finding somewhere to live after accepting a place here, all of this is organised for you before you arrive.




l All colleges offer at least one further year of accommodation and some offer it for the entire duration of your degree.

You may choose to take up the option to live in your college for the whole of your time at Oxford, or you might decide to arrange your own accommodation after your first year – perhaps because you want to live with friends from other colleges.



l While college academic tutors primarily support your academic development, you can also ask their advice on other things. Lots of other college staff including welfare officers help students settle in and are available to offer guidance on practical or health matters.

Current students also actively support students in earlier years, sometimes as part of a college ‘family’ or as peer supporters trained by the University’s Counselling Service.





曼彻斯特大学:计算机科学专业档案及本科录取要求 梦校!LSE 2022年又新开了这些大势所趋的专业!能捡漏吗?

责任编辑: 鲁达

