[WARNING] The requested profile "dev" could not be activated because it does not exist.
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.a (default-compile) on project ipca: Fatal error compiling: 无效的目标发行版: 1.8 -> [Help 1]
1.确认系统的jdk 是否对?
eclipse perferences配置
2、确认 eclipse 执行环境 eclipse windows--perferences--java--installed JREs--execution environments
3、项目编辑环境 右键 --properties -- java build path -- libraries -- jre system library [javaSE-1.8] 双击 -- execution environment: 选项如下图所示
4、项目的运行环境 --右键 -- run as -- run confiurations -- maven build -- (选择新建的配置 ) -- JRE -- alternate JRE: 如下所示