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麻姑仙坛记 Fairyland of the Lady Magu

卖柑者言 The Sayings of the Orange Dealer

脉经 Classic on Pulse

脉经 Treatise on the Pulse

蒙古秘史 The Secret History of the Mongols

蒙古游牧记 Shepherding in Mongolia

孟子 Mencius

孟子字义疏证 A Textual Commentary on the Terms in the Books of Mencius

梦溪笔谈 Dream Pool Essay

梦游天姥吟留别 His Dream of the Sky-Land:A Farewell Poem

勉强行道大有功 A Treatise on Endeavor to Practice Tao for Great Achievement

免胄图 The armorless General

鸣凤记 The Story of Mingfeng

明儒学案 The Ideological Controversy During the Ming Dynasty

明史案 Cases in the History of the Ming

明史稿 A Draft History of the Ming

名实论 Discourse on Name and Actuality

名贤集 Collected Better-Known Sayings

明彖 An Explanation of the Explanation of Hexagrams

明文海 Ming Literature

墨辩 Mohist Dialectians

墨经 Mohist Canon

墨子 Mo Zi

默觚治篇五 On Government(Part V) in Wei’s Notes

牡丹孔雀图 Peonies and Peacock

牡丹亭 Peony Pavilion

木兰诗 The Song of Mu Lan

穆天子传 The Travels of King Mu


南海寄归内法传 The Record of the Buddhist Practices Sent Hone from the Southern Sea

南柯记 The Southern Tributary State

南柯太守传 The Governor of the Southern Tributary State

南齐书 History of the Southern Qi Dynasty

南山集 A Collection of Nanshan

南史 History of the Southern Dynasties

南巡图 Inspection in the South

廿二史考异 The Study of Differences in the Twenty-Two Dynastic Histories

廿二史札记 Notes on Twenty-two Dynastic History

孽海花 The Flower in the Sea of Sin

农桑辑要 The Fundamentals of Agriculture and Sericulture

农书 Agriculture

农政全书 A Complete Treatise on Agriculture

女史箴 Admonitions of the Instructress to the Curl Ladies

女娲补天 Nüwa Mends the Sky

女状元 A Woman Who-Passed the Metropolitan Examination as Number One


佩文斋书画谱 The Peiwenzhai Handbook of Calligraphy and Painting

朋党论 On Party

琵琶记 Tale of the Lute

琵琶行 A Singsong Girl

破窑记 A Tumble Down Cave


七略 Seven Categories of Writings

齐民要术 The Manual of Important Arts for the People

千金要方 A Precious Prescriptions

千金翼方 Supplement to “Precious Prescriptions”

前赤壁赋 The First Trip to the Red Cliff

潜书 Private Thoughts

千字文 The Thousand-Character Text

乔松仙寿图 Pines and Longevity

钦定宪法大纲 Imperial Constitution

秦府十八学士 Eighteen Scholars

秦中吟 Shaanxi Songs

清代学术概论 A Brief Intellectual History of Qing Dynasty

清明上河图 Riverside Scenes at Qingming Festival

清平山话本 Tales of Chin Ping Hermitage

清忠谱 The Loyal Citizens

秋林群鹿图 Deer in Autumn Forest

秋声赋 The Autumn Sound Lay

劝世良言 Good Words for Exhorting the Age

阙题二首 The Two Poems Untitled

鹊华秋色图 Autumn Scenes in the Que and Hua Mounts

群英会 The Battle of Wits


仁学 On Benevolence

日知录 The Daily Accumulated knowledge

儒林外史 The Scholars

责任编辑: 鲁达

