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1. face n.脸;面孔v.面对;面向

face to face面对面地

They stand face to face talking.


make a face at 向.....做鬼脸

He made faces at the baby to make him laugh.他向婴儿做鬼脸来逗他发笑。

2. fact n. 事实;真相

in fact 事实上,实际上

3. factor n. 因素;代理商

4. factory n.工厂;制造厂

5. fail V.失败,不及格

I passed in maths but failed in French.



6.fair n.庙会;集市adj.公平的;公道的;白皙的;晴朗的

fair to/on sb.对某人公正/公平

The ruling was not fair to everyone.


fairly adv. 相当地;完全地

This is a fairly easy book.


7. fall (fell, fallen)v.落下;摔倒

fall asleep入睡

fall behind落后

fall ill患病,病倒

fall in love with喜欢

l went to Shanghai last year and fell in love with it.


fall off摔倒

He fell off his bike.他从车上摔了下来。

n. (US)= autumn秋天;

(pl.) 瀑布Niagara Falls尼亚加拉瀑布

8. false adj. 错误的;不正确的;假的

9. family n.家庭;家族

10. famous adj. 著名的;出名的

be famous for因....而著名

be famous as作为....而著名

Einstein was famous as a great scientist. He was famous for his Theory of Relativity.


11. fan n.风扇;扇状物;迷(某人/某事物热情崇拜者或拥护者)

12. fantastic adj.极好的

13. far (farther,farthest /further, furthest)adj./adv.远的;久远的

far away很远,遥远

The new music teacher lives far away.


as far as就,至于

As far as I know, he has been to the town onlyonce.


so far迄今为止

So far the work has been easy


far from远离

The school is not far from here.


14. farm n.农场;种植场

on the farm在农场

farmer n.农场主;农夫

15. fascinate v.使(某人)着迷/神魂颠倒或极感兴趣

The children were fascinated by the toys inthe shop window.


fascinating adj.吸引人的;迷人的;使人神魂颠倒的

a fascinating voice/story迷人的嗓音/故事

16. fashion n. 流行的样式;时尚;风尚

be in fashion流行;入时

be out of fashion不再流行;过时

Jeans are still in fashion.牛仔裤还很时髦。

17. fast adj./adv. 快的

fast food快餐

近义词辨析: fast / quickly


The carruns fast.车子在飞驶。


The student found the answer to thequickly.学生很快地找到了问题的答案。

18. fat adj.(fatter, fattest)肥的;肥胖的n. 脂肪;肥肉

If you eat too much chocolate you'll get fat.


19. father n.父亲;爸爸

20. favorite adj./n. 最受喜爱的(人/物)

Who is your favorite write?


These books are great favorites of mine.


21. fax n./v.传真

a fax machine传真机

fax sth. to sb.用传真机传送

Please fax your plans to me.


22. fear n./v. 恐怕;忧虎;恐惧

fear of height对高处的恐惧

She feared to speak in front of so many people.她害怕在这么多人面前讲话。

I fear(that) he is going to die.


23. feature n. 特点;特征;特色

24. February n.二月

25. in February在二月

26. feed (fed, fed) v .喂养;饲养

Have you fed the cats?你喂过猫没有?

She has a large family to feed.


What do you feed the dog on?


27. feel (felt, felt) v.摸索;感知

feel like doing 想要.... 相当于want to do/would like to do。

I feel like having a drink. 我想喝点酒。

feeling n.知觉;感觉;触觉

28. female n. 女性;女人adj. 女性的;雌性的

29. fence n. 栅栏;篱笆;围墙

30. festival n.节日; 纪念活动日adj. 节日的,喜庆的

31. fetch v.取来; 请来

Fetch a doctor at once.快去请医生来。

The chair is in the garden; please fetch it in.椅子在花园了,请把它搬进来。

32. fever n.发烧;发热

have a fever发烧

He has a high fever.他发高烧。

33. few adj. 很少的;几乎没有的pron. 很少近义词辨析: few/a few

few是否定词,意思是“没有几个、很少数”,a few的意思是“有几个、少数”,是肯定词,这两个词都用来修饰可数名词的复数。

34. fiction n. 小说

35. field n. 田;地;牧场;领域

in the field of art/music/science etc.在艺术/音乐/科学等领域

36. fifteen num. 十五

37. fifteenth num. 第十五

38. ffth num. 第五(的) ;第五个(的)

39. fty num.五十(的)

in one's fifties在50岁到60岁之间

40. fight (fought, fought) v./n. 战斗;打架.

fight with/against sb./sth. .....战斗/打架

Have you been fighting with your brother?


We must fight against the enemy.


fight for sth. .为....而战

fight for freedom/human rights


41.fill v.装满;布满

fill a hole with sand用沙子把洞填满

fill in =fill out填充;填出

fill in a form填表格

42. flm n.薄层;胶片;电影

see a flm看电影

43. final adj最后的;最终的

44. finally adv.最后, 最终

45. find (found, found) v.发现;找到

find out发现,查明

find sb. out识破,查出坏人。

He had been cheating the taxman but it was years before he was found out.


finding n.发现;发现物;调查结果

46. fine adj. 好的;健康的;晴朗的

47. finger n.手指;指状物

48. finish v.结束;完成(+ doing)finish reading a book读完一本书

49. fire n./v.火焰; 火灾;燃烧

light a fire/make a fire生火

on fire 燃烧

The house is on fire.房子着火了。

50. firm n. 公司

51. first num.第一n.第一;开始;冠军adj.第一的;最早的

first aid急救

first of all= at first首先;起先

first name名

52. fish n.鱼; 鱼肉

fisherman n.渔民; 钓鱼者(pl. fishermen)

53. fit adj.合适的v. (使)适合

The food was not fit to eat.这食物不适合吃。These shoes don't fit me.这双鞋我穿着不合适。

54. five num. 五

55. fix v.使牢固;钉牢;修理

fix up修理

He is fixing up his bike.他正在修车。

56. flag n.旗;国旗

57. fashcard n. 抽认卡

make fashcards制作抽认卡

58. flat n.单元房;公寓房间

59. flee (fled, fled) v. 逃跑;逃离;逃开

flee from逃离,逃跑

During the war thousands of people fled fromthe country.


60. fight n. 航班;飞行

61. floor n.地板,地面;楼层;基底

62. flower n. 花;花朵

63. flu n. 流感bird fu禽流感



65. fold v. 折叠;折起来

66. follow v. 跟随;沿着

following adj. 下列的;接着的

67. food n.食物;固体食品

68. fool n.蠢人;傻瓜;白痴

April Fool ( April Foo's Day)愚人节

foolish adj. 愚蠢的;傻的

69. foot (feet) n.脚; 足

football n.足球;橄榄球

footstep n. 脚步声;足迹

70. for prep.为...的利益; 打算去做,给,为了

for sure毫无疑问,确实

He will find the truth for sure.


forever= for ever永远,总是

l shall remember that happy day forever.


for example = for instance例如;举例

for the reason因为

71. forbid v. ( forbad, forbidden) 禁止;不准;不许

Forbidden City紫禁城

72. force v.强迫

73. foreign adj. 外国的;对外的

foreigner n.外国 人

74. forest n. 森林地带;森林

forget v.忘记; 忽略

近义词辨析: forget/leave


I forget that we had met at a meeting before.我忘了我们以前在一次会议上见过面。

I left the book in his house.


75. fork n.叉子;餐叉

76. form n.形状; 结构;表格v. 形成;构成

77. fortunately adv. 幸运地;幸亏

78. forty num. 四十

79. four num.四

80. fourteen num. 十四

81. fourteenth num. 第十四

82. forward n. 前锋adj. 向前的

83. fox n.狐狸;狡猾的人

84. France法国

85. French n. 法国人;法语adj. 法国的;法语的;法国人的

Frenchman, Frenchwoman法国人

86. free adj.自主的; 自由的;

87. for free免费地

These tickets are for free.这些票是免费的。freedom n. 自由

88. freeze v. (froze, frozen) (使)结冰;(使)凝固

89. fresh adj. 新鲜的;清新的;淡水的;无经验的

90. Friday n.星期五

91. fridge n.冰箱

92. friend n. 朋友friendly adj. 友好的

be friendly to sb.对某人友好

93. frog n.蛙类动物;蛙

94. from prep. 作为起点.... ......

from now on从现在起,今后

l will never talk to that man again from now on.


from .. to... ....到....

from then on从那时起

From then on she knew she would win.


95.front n.前面;正面;前线adj.前面的;正面的

近义词辨析: .in front of/in the front of

in front of ....前面(整体之外的前面)例如: There are two tall trees in front of the house.房子的前面有两棵大树。

in the front of在......的前面,....前部(整体之内的前面)。例如:

There is a teacher's desk in the front of the classroom.


96. fruit n.水果

97. frustrate v.使失望;使沮丧;使厌烦

98. frustrated adj. 感到灰心的;感到沮丧的

99. frustrating adj. 使人心烦的;使人讨厌的;使人灰心的

100. full adj.满的; 充满的;饱的

be full of充满....的

The future of the young is full of hope.


101. fun n.娱乐;有趣adj.有趣的

make fun of sb.取笑某人

She dislikes to be made fun of.


funny adj. 有趣的;滑稽的

102. furry adj.毛皮的;似毛皮的;毛皮制的

103. future n.将来,未来

in the future在将来;在未来

责任编辑: 鲁达

