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《使命召唤》是由Activision公司(现为Activision Blizzard,2007年12月2日宣布合并)于2003年最初制作发行的FPS游戏系列。






We fight. Not for the world remeber us. But. That would have a world let people to remeber.

——Captain Price

this is a recording. History is written by the victors. History is full of lies. If he is alive and we are dead words, his truth will be recorded. And we will be erased. Shepherd will be a hero. Because you want to change the world did was a good lies and rivers of blood. He will soon complete history of the great lies. He's the truth will be the truth. But only when he live down, and we die.


Ordinary people don't wake up in the morning thought this is the last day of life. But I think this is a luxury, rather than curse. Know yourself numbered is a relief. The liquidation over. No weapon. With a pair of hundreds. By hot heads to carry out a suicide mission. But here's the sandstorm and rock has been the thousands of years of war defiled. We will therefore be remembered. For in our endless nightmare, it is our own choose to enter. We will be like the mind jumps out of lava general forward. We had our hearts, the clear goal: we, and killed him.


If the enemy is in range, so are you 如果敌人在射程范围内,那么你也一样

Older men declare war. But it is the youth that must fight and die


I think the human race needs to think about killing. How much evil must we do to do good? 我认为人类这个种族应该审视一下杀戮。相比正义,我们要创造多少邪恶?

There is nothing good in war. Except its ending. ——Abraham Lincoln

战争中没有什么好东西. 除了它的结束

All that is necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing


Anyone, who truly wants to go to war, has truly never been there before!


责任编辑: 鲁达

