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Unit-7 Review

1The Internet is useful for our it's not good to spend too much time on the computer.因特网对我们的学习有用。但是花费太多的时间在电脑上不好。

1.1be useful for sb./sth.对某人/某物有用。

1.2spend some time on sth.在某事上花费太多时间。

1.3too much太多,修饰不可数名词。

1.4It's good to do dth.干某事有好处。

2 I love dancing! It's fun to move your body.我喜欢跳舞!活动身体很有趣。

2.1love doing sth.喜欢干某事。

2.2It's fun to do sth.干某事有趣。

2.3move one's body.活动身体。

3.I left home late, but I caught the school bus. How lucky I was!


3.1catch the school bus赶校车。

4. I'm not organized. I throw things everywhere. I'll try to improve myself.我做事没有条理。我到处扔东西。我会努力自我完善。

4.1throw v. 投,掷,扔

①throw to 扔、把……投向

He threw the ball to me and I caught it.他把球扔给我,我接住了。

②throw at 投向、掷向、向……投去

The boy threw a stone at the window and broke it.男孩向窗户扔了一块石头把玻璃打碎了。

③throw into(v.+prep.)把...扔进..,投身于...

The girl threw a stone into the well.女孩往井里投下一块石头。

④throw dust in sb's eyes欺骗 =deceive。

I now see through him. He threw dust inmy eyes, so I'll never believe him.我现在看透他了,他曾经欺骗我,我永远也不相信他了。

⑤throw away(v.+adv.)扔掉= get rid of;

When my clothes are worn out,I generally throw them away.我穿坏的衣服一般都扔掉。

⑥throw aside(v.+adv.)把....扔在一旁 。

The boy jumped up and threw aside his cap.那男孩跳了起来,把帽子扔到一边。

⑦throw about(v.+adv.)乱扔(东西)

Don't throw waste paper about in thepark.不要在公园里乱扔废纸。

4.2try to do sth.努力/尽力干某事。

4.3improve myself.自我完善。

5. We were very excited! Our team won first place in the race.我们很兴奋!我们队在比赛中获得了第一名。

5.1sb. be excited.某人很兴奋。

5.2win first place赢得第一名

5.3in the race与at the race的区别。

① in the race:“在比赛中”,通常指的是运动员在比赛中。

Tom took an early lead in the race.


Tom came third in the race last year.汤姆在去年的比赛中获得了第三名。

Tom finished fifth in the race.


注意,race 主要指的是速度类比赛,如长跑。

②at the race:这个短语的意思是“在比赛现场观看比赛”,通常指观众。There were hundreds of people at the race. 许多人都去了赛场。

I saw Tom at the race last night.


③这两个短语很容易弄混,所以在具体应用时要多加小心, in the race 主要针对“运动员”,而 at the race 主要针对“观众”。

6Join a team!Take part in some sports events .Learn good teamwork,get some exercise and have fun.加入个队!参加一些运动工项目。学习良好的团队合作,做一些运动并享受乐趣。

6.1join a team加入一个队

6.2take part in参加

6.3sports events运动项目

6.4learn good teamwork学习良好的团队合作。

7Develop good habits!Good habits are important for good health and success!养成好习惯!好习惯对身体健康及成功很重要。

7.1develop good habits培养好习惯。

7.2be important for对……重要。

8Some lovely girls are in our classroom.→Are there any lovely girls in your classroom.

9 I changed my eating habits and I exercise more these days.我改变我的饮食习惯,而且这些天我锻炼得更多了。

9.1change one's eating habits改变饮食习惯。

10used to do sth.过去常常干某事。

drink pop喝汽水

go to sleep入睡

go to bed去睡觉

be good for 对……好

11Sayings about Health and Habits


11.1Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy,wealthy and wise.早睡早起使人健康、富有和明智。


11.2 Health is better than wealth.



11.3Wealth is nothing without health.失去健康,钱再多也没用。

11.4 An apple a day keeps the doctor away.一日一苹果,医生远离我。

①keep ...away 远离……,离……远一点

sb. keep sth./sb. away 某人离某物/某人远一点

keep sb./sth. (away) from sth./sb. 让……远离……

11.5First we make our habits, then our habits make us.我们先养成习惯,然后习惯塑造我们。

11.6Health is a relationship between you and your body.健康是一种你和你身体之间的关系。


责任编辑: 鲁达

