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回忆日本之行Thinking back to my trip to Japan几年前我和父亲去日本旅行,觉得那里很漂亮,很干净。日本人非常懂礼貌,对人友善,我很欣赏他们这一点。日本人的皮肤都很好,只是长得并不漂亮,特别是牙齿,而且他们的个子都好小。那里的海鲜很多,只是我不喜欢吃生的东西。但日本确实很好玩,高科技的东西挺多,去旅行还是不错的选择。A few years ago, I went on a trip to Japan with my father, I thought it was really pretty and clean there. Japanese people were very polite, and very kind towards others, I admired them for this. Japanese people all had really nice skin,but they were not so good-looking, especially their teeth, and they were so short. There were many seafoods there, but I did not like eating raw stuff. But Japan was really fun, and there were many high-tech stuff, making it a good choice for a trip.希望对你有帮助~天上~

I have told you what I want to say ,as for whether you do like this,it all depends on you. I have told you why. Whether you do it is up to you i have told you what i want to say,that's your business you whether to do.

Translate from Chinese to English .

回忆日本之行Thinking back to my trip to Japan几年前我和父亲去日本旅行,觉得那里很漂亮,很干净。日本人非常懂礼貌,对人友善,我很欣赏他们这一点。日本人的皮肤都很好,只是长得并不漂亮,特别是牙齿,而且他们的个子都好小。那里的海鲜很多,只是我不喜欢吃生的东西。但日本确实很好玩,高科技的东西挺多,去旅行还是不错的选择。A few years ago, I went on a trip to Japan with my father, I thought it was really pretty and clean there. Japanese people were very polite, and very kind towards others, I admired them for this. Japanese people all had really nice skin,but they were not so good-looking, especially their teeth, and they were so short. There were many seafoods there, but I did not like eating raw stuff. But Japan was really fun, and there were many high-tech stuff, making it a good choice for a trip.希望对你有帮助~天上~

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    责任编辑: 鲁达

