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姐姐的英语:sister 读音:英 ['sɪstə(r)] 美 ['sɪstər]n. 姐妹;(称志同道合者)姐妹;修女;护士adj. 姐妹般的;同类型的相关短语:1、envy one's sister 羡慕自己的姐2、miss one's sister 想念自己的姐姐3、respect one's sister 尊敬姐姐4、beautiful sister 美丽的姐姐相关例句:1、Joan and Lily are sisters.琼和丽丽是姐妹。2、You should take care of your niece for the sake of your sister.看在姐妹的份上,你应该照顾你的侄女。3、She looks nothing like her sister.她一点也不像她姐姐。4、Don't keep blaming your little sister for your bad behaviour.不要总是把你的不良行为怪在你的小姐姐身上。近义词:1、nun英 [nʌn] 美 [nʌn]    n. 尼姑;修女2、madam英 ['mædəm] 美 ['mædəm]    n. 夫人;女士;太太3、nurse英 [nɜːs] 美 [nɜːrs]    n. 护士;保姆v. 看护;护理;栽培4、bride英 [braɪd] 美 [braɪd]    n. 新娘

1、姐姐的英语单词是:sister2、sister的英式发音为[ˈsɪstə(r)] ,美式发音为[ˈsɪstɚ]。3、sister的意思有:姐妹;修女;(称志同道合者)姐妹;护士。拓展资料sister1. My sister needed an escort for a company dinner. 我妹妹需要一个陪她参加公司晚宴的男伴。2. He had very little in common with his sister. 他和姐姐几乎没有什么共同语言。3. Ray and sister Renee lived just 25 miles apart from each other. 雷和妹妹勒妮的住处仅相隔25英里。4. Sister Francesca entered the chapel, took her seat, and promptly fell asleep. 弗朗西丝卡修女走进小教堂,坐下来,很快就睡着了。5. Sister Morrison might take issue with me on that matter. 莫里森修女在那件事上或许会和我持不同意见。6. She led a normal, happy life with her sister and brother. 她和弟弟妹妹一起过着平凡而幸福的生活。7. She made liberal use of her elder sister's make-up and clothes. 她随便把姐姐的化妆品和衣服拿来用。8. Well we did have a midnight feast, me and my sister. 我和姐姐的确在半夜大吃了一顿。9. My sister Yvonne also came to live at Ockenden Cottage with me. 姐姐伊冯娜也来到奥克肯登小屋和我一起住了。10. She had a strong and supportive sister who urged her on. 她有一个坚强而支持她的姐姐在鼓励她。11. My sister is the same height but only a size 12. 我姐姐是一样的身高,不过只穿12号的。12. As a child she fought with her younger sister. 她小时候会和妹妹打架。13. She had to report her comings and goings to Sister Giuseppe. 她必须向朱塞佩修女汇报自己的活动。14. Ask to speak to the sister on the ward. 请求和病房里的护士长说话。15. The parting from his sister had a positive effect on John. 和姐姐分开对约翰来说有好处。


读音:英 ['sɪstə(r)] 美 ['sɪstər]

n. 姐妹;(称志同道合者)姐妹;修女;护士

adj. 姐妹般的;同类型的


1、envy one's sister 羡慕自己的姐

2、miss one's sister 想念自己的姐姐

3、respect one's sister 尊敬姐姐

4、beautiful sister 美丽的姐姐


1、Joan and Lily are sisters.


2、You should take care of your niece for the sake of your sister.


3、She looks nothing like her sister.


4、Don't keep blaming your little sister for your bad behaviour.





英['sɪblɪŋ] 美['sɪblɪŋ]


例句:A sibling or spouse may fulfill this role.



n. 堂兄弟姊妹;表兄弟姊妹

例句:His girl cousin just came for him.


1、姐姐的英语单词是:sister2、sister的英式发音为[ˈsɪstə(r)] ,美式发音为[ˈsɪstɚ]。3、sister的意思有:姐妹;修女;(称志同道合者)姐妹;护士。拓展资料sister1. My sister needed an escort for a company dinner. 我妹妹需要一个陪她参加公司晚宴的男伴。2. He had very little in common with his sister. 他和姐姐几乎没有什么共同语言。3. Ray and sister Renee lived just 25 miles apart from each other. 雷和妹妹勒妮的住处仅相隔25英里。 姐姐sister

姐姐的英语:sister 读音:英 ['sɪstə(r)] 美 ['sɪstər]n. 姐妹;(称志同道合者)姐妹;修女;护士adj. 姐妹般的;同类型的相关短语:1、envy one's sister 羡慕自己的姐2、miss one's sister 想念自己的姐姐3、respect one's sister 尊敬姐姐4、beautiful sister 美丽的姐姐相关例句:1、Joan and Lily are sisters.琼和丽丽是姐妹。2、You should take care of your niece for the sake of your sister.看在姐妹的份上,你应该照顾你的侄女。3、She looks nothing like her sister.她一点也不像她姐姐。4、Don't keep blaming your little sister for your bad behaviour.不要总是把你的不良行为怪在你的小姐姐身上。近义词:1、nun英 [nʌn] 美 [nʌn]    n. 尼姑;修女2、madam英 ['mædəm] 美 ['mædəm]    n. 夫人;女士;太太3、nurse英 [nɜːs] 美 [nɜːrs]    n. 护士;保姆v. 看护;护理;栽培4、bride英 [braɪd] 美 [braɪd]    n. 新娘

1、姐姐的英语单词是:sister2、sister的英式发音为[ˈsɪstə(r)] ,美式发音为[ˈsɪstɚ]。3、sister的意思有:姐妹;修女;(称志同道合者)姐妹;护士。拓展资料sister1. My sister needed an escort for a company dinner. 我妹妹需要一个陪她参加公司晚宴的男伴。2. He had very little in common with his sister. 他和姐姐几乎没有什么共同语言。3. Ray and sister Renee lived just 25 miles apart from each other. 雷和妹妹勒妮的住处仅相隔25英里。4. Sister Francesca entered the chapel, took her seat, and promptly fell asleep. 弗朗西丝卡修女走进小教堂,坐下来,很快就睡着了。5. Sister Morrison might take issue with me on that matter. 莫里森修女在那件事上或许会和我持不同意见。6. She led a normal, happy life with her sister and brother. 她和弟弟妹妹一起过着平凡而幸福的生活。7. She made liberal use of her elder sister's make-up and clothes. 她随便把姐姐的化妆品和衣服拿来用。8. Well we did have a midnight feast, me and my sister. 我和姐姐的确在半夜大吃了一顿。9. My sister Yvonne also came to live at Ockenden Cottage with me. 姐姐伊冯娜也来到奥克肯登小屋和我一起住了。10. She had a strong and supportive sister who urged her on. 她有一个坚强而支持她的姐姐在鼓励她。11. My sister is the same height but only a size 12. 我姐姐是一样的身高,不过只穿12号的。12. As a child she fought with her younger sister. 她小时候会和妹妹打架。13. She had to report her comings and goings to Sister Giuseppe. 她必须向朱塞佩修女汇报自己的活动。14. Ask to speak to the sister on the ward. 请求和病房里的护士长说话。15. The parting from his sister had a positive effect on John. 和姐姐分开对约翰来说有好处。

  • 19491905067:姐姐用英语怎么说
  • 琴吴答:姐姐的英语单词是sister,详细信息如下:sister英 [ˈsɪstə(r)] 美 [ˈsɪstɚ]n.姐妹;修女;(称志同道合者)姐妹;护士 adj.姐妹般的;同类型的 v.如姐妹般相待 例句:I ...
  • 19491905067:姐姐用英语怎么读 姐姐的英语是什么
  • 琴吴答:1. 姐姐的英语:sister 读音:英 ['sɪstə(r)] 美 ['sɪstər]。2.sister的意思有:姐妹;修女;(称志同道合者)姐妹;护士。
  • 19491905067:姐姐的英语怎么说 姐姐的英语单词是什么
  • 琴吴答:1、“姐姐”的英文单词是:Sister。2、读音:英 [sɪstə(r)]、美 [sɪstər]。3、例句:His sister threatened to tell the police, so he had to buy her off.她姐姐威胁要报告警察,...
  • 19491905067:姐姐用英语怎么说
  • 琴吴答:sister 一般在英语中既可以表示姐姐也可以表示妹妹,如果无需指明大小,即可直接用,只要知道是你亲戚就行了。如果非要体现比你大,你可以在sister 后用类似于which is older than me的定语从句说明,或者可以直接用词“elder...
  • 19491905067:姐姐英语怎么说 姐姐用英语如何说
  • 琴吴答:1、姐姐的英语表达是:elder sister,音标:英 [ˈeldə(r) ˈsɪstə(r)]美 [ˈeldər ˈsɪstər] 。如果表示堂姐或者表姐,统一用cousin表示,音标:英 ...
  • 19491905067:“姐姐”的英文单词怎么写
  • 琴吴答:“姐姐”的英文单词是:sister,详细区分的话是词组:older sister。sister 英 ['sɪstə] 美 ['sɪstɚ]n. 姐妹;(称志同道合者)姐妹;修女;护士 adj. 姐妹般的;同类型的 词组短语 you...
  • 19491905067:姐妹英语单词咋读
  • 琴吴答:例句:For me it was like meeting a long-lost sister. We talked, and talked, and talked 对我来说就像久别的姐妹重逢一样。我们聊呀聊呀,话总是说不完。短语:1、help one's sister 帮助姐姐 2、like one's...
  • 19491905067:姐姐和妹妹英语怎么说?
  • 琴吴答:用法 1、sister的意思是“姐,妹”,通常指同胞姐妹,包括同父异母或同母异父的姐妹。2、在西方,“姐姐”和“妹妹”都叫sister,只有需要特别表明年龄大小时或其他必要情况下,才分为elder sister和younger sister。堂姐妹应说...
  • 19491905067:姐姐英语怎么读 姐姐的英文怎么说
  • 琴吴答:1、姐姐 sister,读音:美/ˈsɪstər/;英/ˈsɪstər/。2、释义:elder sister 姐姐,姊姊。3、例句:He had very little in common with his sister.他和他姐姐几乎没有相同之...
  • 19491905067:姐姐英语怎么写
  • 琴吴答:姐姐在中文中就只是姐姐,而英文的表达则需要再加上一个修饰词,要不然就不知道是姐姐还是妹妹了。下面是我给大家整理的姐姐英语怎么写,供大家参阅!姐姐英语怎么写 elder sister 英 [ˈeldə ˈsist&#...


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