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many museums and historical sites are visited by tourists,not local people . why is this the case and what can be done to attract local people






Be weaned on受到影响


this is a large report essay . the topic is that it is not difficult to get to the old questions . in recent years,the frequency of taking the


the article structure of the report category is based on the principle of asking


what and answering what . the two main sections respond to two parts respectively;the main section-1 analyzes the reason;the main section-2 analyzes the method . this question consists of two parts : 1)the reasons why locals are indifferent to museums as 2


根据报告类的句子结构、问什么的原则,两个主体段分别回答两个部分。主要分段-1分析理由;主体段-2分析方法。这个题目由第二部分组成。1)当地人对博物馆和历史名胜冷幕的原因。2)吸引当地人兴趣的方法。审议要注意关键词:tourists,not local people,museums and historical sites。#教育标题#


we must first understand that people go to museums And historical sites mainly to understand history And traditional culture,And to appreciate


one is that many young people lack interest in local hist

ory and culture due to the influence of foreign culture or entertainment content. Second, locals want to learn about local history and culture through many other ways, such as sharing by the older generation or people around them, local radio or TV programs, etc., without going to museums and historical attractions. Third, people are often more interested in unknown foreign cultures, and it is very convenient to travel now. Therefore, people interested in museums and historical attractions are also willing to choose other regions instead of local ones.

德国桑苏奇宫大厅 Sanssouci palace, Potsdam, Germany.



Next, let's look at how to increase attractiveness. We can start from three aspects.


One is to increase the media and other channels to promote local history and culture, or develop peripheral products to increase the interest of young people, and guide or organize their visits to museums or historical attractions. The second is to implement corresponding preferential policies for locals, such as free tickets, etc., to attract them to visit. The third is to hold suitable various activities in museums or historical attractions to attract people to participate.


PIMA航天航空博物馆 Tuscon Arizona

There is an impending trend that local residents rarely visit museums and historical resorts, while the majority of their visitors are tourists. While there may be multiple reasons behind the phenomenon, I will attribute this problem mainly to two aspects. Also, I would give some suggestions to revive the charm to indigenous population.



I will firstly see the fading attraction of museums and historical sites among the domestic populace as a symptom of troubles to which the lack of national identity as the answer. In this age of globalization, younger generations have been weaned on foreign cultures, whether these be music, international brands, or blockbuster movies; all these shift young minds from the history of own country to exotic fashions. To complicate matters further worse, even history enthusiasts are less interested in local cultural heritage: thanks to the increasingly affordable and convenient long-distance tourism, they opt to travel abroad to visit historical resorts they are not used to.


While the public’s alienation from indigenous cultural resorts has been frowned upon by many sociologists, there are still something we can to do to reinvigorate the charm of museums and historical sites among the local populace. To evoke national identity within youngsters, governments can launch campaigns to cultivate the historical awareness of their motherland – such an emotion will compel them back to the rich local heritage and cultural places. Also, for those venerate exotic historical sites over their local counterparts, local cultural institutions can hold more innovative exhibitions featuring different cultures, thus making themselves more attractive to local history lovers.



From what has been discussed above, it is my conclusion therefore, local people’s indifference to museums and historical sites is the consequence of their fascination with exotic culture. In response to this, media campaigns on national identity and innovative exhibitions are needed to revive the charm to local people.


关于作者: luda

