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A.(限定词a/an/the/this/these/my等)+形容词定语 +名词

1.they used l___96___ water in the kettle (水壶). (less)

2.We also divided our rubbish into d___93___ bags for bottles,cans, paper and food. (different)

3.Some disagreements last a l_______ time. (long)

4.According to the survey, the b________ problem isnoise. (biggest)

5.An excellent story is the key to making a s 98 _film. (successful)

6.But life with a roommate can also be a t 87 experience. (terrible)

7.They had v___84______collections from cartoon books and basketball cards tostickers, toys and coins. (various)

8.P__82_____activities was popular among both girls and boys (physical)

9.You will be required to pay the (86)f_______ price of the ticket (full)

10.It gives young people thechance to buy (81)c_______ traintickets across the country.(cheap/cheaper)

11.A___86_____ popular way of contacting friends was the telephone.(another)

12.Tickets at reduced prices are not available for first-class travelsor for travels (87)a_______,such as to France or Germany. (abroad)







B. 系动词 + (程度副词) + 形容词表语

13.Carparks arevery e 91 . (expensive)

14.London's black taxis are f 89 .(famous)

15.It’s importantto be h 90 about your habits and things (honest)

16.but the teachingmethod is very s 84 . (special)



1、感觉类:feel, look, sound, seem, appear等


3、保持类:keep, stay, remain,等


(1)系动词 +(程度副词) +形容词表语 +介词词组(例如15题)。

1.be attractive to

2.be blind to

3.be busy in

4.be careful with

5.be convenient to

6.be crazy about

7.be crowded with

8.be different from

9.be equal to

10.be familiar with/to

11.be famous for

12.be fond of

13.be foreign to

14.be full of

15.be harmful to

16.be important to

17.be independent of

18.be interested with

19.be keen on

20.be late for

21.be left to (sb.)

22.be opposite to

23.be poor at

24.be popular with

25.be proud of

26.be responsible for

27.be rich in

28.be satisfied with

29.be secondary to

30.be senior to

31.be short of

32.be sorry for

33.be strict with

34.be successful in

35.be surprised at

36.be thankful to

37.be the same as

38.be thirsty for

39.be tired of

40.be united with

41.be upset about

42.be weak in

43.be wild with

(2)系动词 +(程度副词) +形容词表语 +不定式。如

1.be able to do

2.be afraid of/to do/that

3.be eager to do

4.be likely to do

5.be ready to do

6.be sure to do

7.be the last to do

C. 动词 + 名/代词 + 形容词宾补


1.make them independent

2.leave him alone

3.keep her fit

4.find the girls intelligent

5.think it impossible


1.Now more than 20 schools in thenorthwest ofChinaare using E-textbooks. Some teachers say that they make learning easierand teaching more c_________.

(根据意义提示句中more than 20 schools in the northwest of Chinaare using E-textbooks,可以推断此处为:make learning and teaching more convenient:电子课本让教学更便利。)

2.When Socrates found in himselfany temper or anger, he would check it by speaking low in order to controlhimself. If you are conscious of being angry, keep your mouth s_____ so thatyou can hold back rising anger.

(根据意义提示句When Socrates found in himself any temper or anger, he would check it byspeaking low in order to control himself. 可以推断为keep your mouth shut:闭上嘴。)

3.Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad. This sentencemeans that if the gods want to kill you, they make you c______ first.

(根据意义提示句Whom the gods would destroy theyfirst make mad,可推断为make you crazy first:上帝欲使人灭亡,必先使其疯狂。)

4.We provide the robot with seeing detectors(探测器) to keep ita______ from danger.

(根据意义提示内容provide the robot with seeingdetectors,可推断为keep it away fromdanger:让机器人远离危险。)

5.Studies over types of illnesses, from depression to heartdisease, show that the presence of social support helps people defendthemselves against illness, and the absence of such support makes poor healthmore l_______.

(根据意义提示内容social support helps people defendthemselves against illness可推断为makes poor health more likely:让不健康变得更有可能。)

6.Parents take their children from activity to activity inorder to make their future b_____. It seems that raising a genius has become amore important goal than raising a happy and well-balanced child.

(根据意义提示句Parents take their children fromactivity to activity,可推断为make theirfuture bright:让他们的未来更加光明。)

7.Our family needed every dollar we could make because myfather never earned more than $ 18 a week. Ourhome was a three-room wood shack with a dirty floor and no toilet. Nothing mademe p_______ than bringing home money to help my mother, father, two brothersand three sisters.

(根据意义提示句Our family needed every dollar wecould make,可推断为Nothing mademe prouder:没有什么比带钱回家更让我感到自豪的。)

8. I couldn't even talk to my parents about this. I'mafraid if I say this they would create a big problem and I will be left a_____forever. His parents are supporting him too. What can I do? Please help me....

(根据意义提示句I couldn't even talk to my parents以及His parents are supporting him too,可推断为I will be left alone:他们会不理睬我。)





初中语法指导:两种时态 三点不同


关于作者: luda

