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1.The government has made some _________ in environment protection.

A.mistake B.decision C.change D.progress

2.Three astronauts taught ________ something interesting about science in China Space Station.

A.we B.us C.our D.ourselves

3.Exercising in the playground is as ________ as studying in the classroom.

A.important B.more important C.most important D.the most important

4.—Peter, would you like to go swimming with me?

—What a pity! I’m free every day ________ today.

A.besides B.for C.except D.among

5.My cousin likes doing sports in his free time, ________ I prefer listening to music.

A.if B.while C.as soon as D.unless

6.—A long journey can be covered only by taking one step at a time.

—I agree. All small thing can ________ and become big things.

A.add up B.set up C.show up D.get up

7.According to the new traffic rules, people ________ wear a helmet when riding an e-bike.

A.can B.may C.need D.must

8.Betty ________ the piano when I knocked at the door this morning.

A.plays B.played C.is playing D.was playing

9.In recent years, natural disasters ________ great damage to many tourist attractions.

A.will cause B.have caused C.had caused D.were causing

10.The rubbish ________ from the grass, and then the campsite was clean again.

A.removed B.is removed C.was removed D.be removed

11.Lucy and her cousin decided ________ at that restaurant as there were so many people in the queue.

A.not eating B.not to eat C.not eat D.to not eat

12.— I wonder ________.

— Their strong will and love for the country bring them courage.

A.why these medical workers risked their lives to fight the virus

B.what did these medical workers do for the whole country

C.if these volunteers were worried

D.what these volunteers helped with



Counting the votes (选票) took about five minutes, but it seemed like an hour for me. Captain ( 队长) of the cheerleaders is quite a/an __13__ for me.

As Coach Maguire appeared, all eyes fixed on her.

“Girls,” she began. “It’s my pleasure to announce (宣布) that Terry Shaw has been chosen as captain of the cheerleading team.” A great __14__ was heard throughout the gym.

How could this be? I hadn’t missed a practice or a game in the three years. Was everyone blind? Didn’t they realize that I had worked three years to get the title?

All the way home, I cried. The next morning, I held my uniform close to me. I knew I couldn’t __15__. I knew my true love was cheering with my teammates.

It was really very __16__ to go to that first practice after Terry had been named captain. When I arrived, Terry asked me if I had any ideas on how to improve our routines and talked about how we could make the team better. We? Was she __17__? I just wanted to hate her but she kept making it harder and harder for me to do that. Terry always made sure to include me when discussing changes in our routine and __18__ we grew to be very close friends.

At the end of the year, the annual Sports Award Banquet was organized. In the evening we watched and listened as the various trophies were awarded (颁发) to the most valuable player of each sports team. Of course the team captains all __19__ trophies too. With great excitement I cheered for Terry.

Just as Terry walked off the stage, Coach Maguire stepped up to the microphone again and announced that there was one final trophy to be awarded. The cheerleading “Spirit Award” would now be presented to the girl who showed the greatest __20__.

When I heard my name announced I was shocked ( 震惊的 ). Terry was coming toward me. We hugged each other, and Terry whispered, “Nobody deserves (值得) this more than you.”


A.honor B.gift C.opinion D.chance


A.music B.cheer C.language D.suggestion


A.train B.play C.stay D.leave


A.happy B.easy C.hard D.excited


A.kidding B.laughing C.choosing D.helping


A.luckily B.finally C.suddenly D.normally


A.posted B.offered C.watched D.received


A.promise B.money C.effort D.attention




Beijing, the capital of China, is willing to welcome friends from all over the world. The charming city has been the political, economic and cultural center of China for over 800 years since the Yuan Dynasty. There are lots of cultural and natural attractions waiting for you to visit. Here is one of the most popular ways to travel around Beijing.

One-day Tour of Beijing

Tour Departure: Daily Tour Duration: 8 hours

Attractions and Activities: Tian’ anmen Square, The Forbidden City, The Temple of Heaven,

The Summer Palace

7:00 a.m.

Meet at hotel lobby. Please be on time. The coach will not wait for anyone.

7:30 a.m.

Arrive at the northern part of Tian’ anmen Square, the symbol of China.

8:00 a.m.

Visit the Forbidden City, the largest ancient imperial palaces group with 500 years’ history in the world.

10:20 a.m.

Drive to Temple of Heaven. On your way there, you will have a chance to visit the Chinese Traditional Medicine Culture Center.

11:00 a.m.

Visit the Temple of Heaven where the ancient Emperors prayed for peace and harvest.

12:00 p.m.

Have Chinese lunch at a famous Beijing Roast Duck Restaurant.

1:30 p.m.

Walk along the Summer Palace. the largest and most beautiful Chinese imperial garden.

3:00 p.m.

Return to your hotel

Tour Price:

Adults(per person)

Kidsunder 3 years old

Kidsfrom 3-12 years old

Elderly peopleover 70 years old

450 yuan


Half price


No Shopping!

Tour Tips:

◆ It’s best for tourists to wear comfortable shoes because there will be a lot of walking.

◆ We will pick you from the hotel and drive you back to hotel!

Contact Information:

If you have any questions, please contact us. We are working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Phone: +86-10-

21.What will travelers do during the whole tip?

① visit Tian’ anmen Square ② drive cars ③ go to the Summer Palace ④ go shopping ⑤walk around Temple of Heaven ⑥ have lunchA.①③⑤⑥ B.①②⑤⑥ C.①②③④⑤ D.①③④⑤⑥

22.If my friend Joanne and her husband plan to take the tour with their 72-year old aunt and the 1-year-old twin sons, they will have to pay _________.

A.¥2,256 B.¥1,350 C.¥900 D.¥800

23.You probably read this passage in _________.

A.a history book B.a science magazine

C.a story book D.a travelling booklet


Rebecca Mehra is an American woman. She helped an elderly couple get food when they were too scared to go into the crowded supermarket because of the outbreak of COVID-19. The following is what Rebecca Mehra told us about her experience.

I went to the supermarket one afternoon. As I was walking into it, I heard a woman shouting to me from her car. I looked around and found an elderly woman and her husband. She made her window open a bit more, and explained to me nearly in tears that they were afraid to go into the supermarket.

They were afraid to get sick as they were in their eighties and they heard that the old are more likely to be affected by COVID-19. And they also explained they didn't have relatives around to help them out. She gave me a 100-dollar bill and a shopping list through the window and asked if I would be willing to help her buy the things on the list.

I bought all the things they needed, put them in her trunk(皮箱)and gave her the change. She told me that she had sat in the car for nearly 55 minutes before meeting me, waiting to ask the right person for help.

I know it’s a difficult time for all of us because of the outbreak of COVID-19, but please offer to help anyone you can. After all, not everyone has people to turn to. Love makes our world more beautiful, doesn’t it?

24.Why did the elderly couple ask Rebecca Mehra for help?

A.Because Rebecca Mehra knew the elderly couple very well.

B.Because the couple got sick and they couldn’t go to the supermarket.

C.Because the couple wanted Rebecca Mehra to have a chance to get some money.

D.Because the couple were afraid to shop in the crowded supermarket.

25.What does the underlined word “them” refer to(指的是)?

A.the elderly couple that B.all people at the outbreak of COVID-19

C.all the things the elderly couple needed D.all the things Rebecca Mehra bought for herself

26.Why did the writer write the passage?

A.To tell people to buy as much food as possible during the hard time.

B.To advise us to offer help to others during the hard time.

C.To tell us that the elderly can easily get affected by COVID-19.

D.To tell people not to go to crowded supermarkets if they are old.


Spring Festival, Chun Jie is the first day of the Chinese lunar calendar. When Chun Jie is coming, people are busy buying good, cleaning the house, cooking traditional food, making Spring Festival couplets, and hanging spring festival pictures. Dumplings are essential to the dinner. Dumplings means reunion and goodwill. The whole family gather to enjoy quality family time. On Chun Jie, Lunar New Year’s Day, people in new clothes visit each other, and give money to kids to send good wishes. During Chun Jie holidays all kinds of celebrations are held, including temple fairs, performances, a Lantern show which lasts nearly half a month.

The Qing Ming Festival is a day of reverence for Chinese. People hold ceremonies (仪式) for ancestors (祖先), and sweep their tombs (墓) on April 5th every year. According to tradition, during the Tomb Sweeping, people put food in front of the tombs, add new soil on the tomb. Decorate the tombs with some fresh branches and knock head. Now it is a public holiday in China. Although ceremonies have changed a little with time. Chinese still express their sadness for the dead.

In ancient times, there was a great poet called Qu Yuan. He couldn’t bear the pain when his motherland was invaded, so he drowned himself in the river. Local people drop the rice balls into the river to take away fishes’ attention from Qu’s body. Later people memorialized Qu’s patriotism by rowing and making Zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival, Duanwujie. That’s how the tradition of dragon boat racing and eating Zongzi were started.

The Qixi Festival, also known as the Chinese Valentine’s Day, falls on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month on the Chinese calendar. It says that a fairy named Zhi Nv, who lived in heaven, fell in love with a cow herder named Niu Lang during her trip to earth. Zhi Nv decided to settle down on earth and lead an ordinary life with Niu Lang.

Just like an ancient Chinese poem says, the moon was rising from the sea and all the people were sharing this moment …

27.What does the underlined word essential mean in paragraph 1?

A.delicious B.meaningful C.important D.necessary

28.What can you learn from the passage?

A.Dumplings are the most important for people to celebrate the Spring Festival.

B.People have to sweep the tomb at the Qing Ming Festival.

C.Qu Yuan is the main story behind the festival of Duanwujie.

D.The Qixi Festival, is known as the Valentine’s Day, telling a love story.

29.What may be talked about in the last paragraph?

A.The Mid-Autumn Festival B.The National Day

C.The May Holiday D.The Double Ninth Day


On the first day of school, children can be very nervous. However, sometimes parents are more nervous than the students themselves. A new British survey shows that one in three parents are worried that their children will not make friends when they start school.

The survey was carried out by Action for Children, a children’s charity in the UK. They questioned more than 2,200 parents and found that parents are more likely to care about their children’s ability to make friends than their lessons. 33% of the parents put not making friends on top of the list of their worries about their children, while just 11% of the parents said their main worry is that their children will not be able to keep up with the schoolwork.

Everyone needs friends. They are a basic source of happiness and hope in our lives. However, the ability to make friends varies from person to person. To some people, making friends is easy, and to others it’s very difficult. We all have the ability to make friends. Unfortunately, many people never reach their potential. Making friends is a skill, and the first step in developing that skill is to know how to get along with others.

Experts say it’s natural for some children to feel nervous if they don’t know how to get on well with others in a new environment. However, parents and teachers should help them learn some basic social skills such as sharing, helping, cooperation and communication.

“Teach your child to know the importance of having friends. Let him or her know having hundreds of online friends is not the same as having a friend he or she can connect and be with in person every day,” stressed an expert.

30.The survey made by Action for Children shows that ________.

A.11% of the students can’t keep up with the schoolwork

B.parents care more about lessons of their children than friends making

C.33% of the parents are most worried about their children’s making friends

D.almost 2,200 parents were questioned

31.The first thing to make friends is ________.

A.to know the importance of having friends B.to help others do something

C.to be yourself D.to learn to get on with others

32.Which of the following statements is NOT basic social skills?

A.Share your traveling experience with others. B.Finish a project together with others.

C.Read an interesting book. D.Give a hand to those in need.

33.The best title of the passage may be ________.

A.The Importance of Making Friends B.Making Friends for Children

C.Lessons of Friends Making D.Making Friends: True or False





In summer, it’s common on the street to see many Chinese women holding umbrellas to protect themselves from the sun. But when Amy, an exchange student in Beijing from the US, first saw this, she found it strange, even impossible to understand. She wrote on her blog(博客), “Unlike Chinese women, American women prefer to put on their tank tops (背心) and sunglasses during summer.”

This may be caused by the different standards of beauty between the US and China. Many Americans don’t want white skin. They would rather be tanned (晒黑). Amy also wrote, “Having darker skin is so popular that many women and men will pay for fake tans (假晒黑) so that they can keep their sun-kissed appearance during the winter months, too.”

Why do they like tanned skin? Michelle Louis reported in her research, “The process of tanning can help make people’s skin smooth and hide marks.” She further explained, “Tans make people’s skin appear healthier and make them appear thinner than when they have pale skin.”

Perhaps there is no real ideal standard of beauty. In different cultures and at different times of history, the standards change. On Amy’s blog, she also gave two examples: Some women carried umbrellas around trying to keep their white skin in the US 150 years ago; During the Tang Dynasty in China, heavy women were thought beautiful. But now, Chinese women prefer to be thin.

In a word, different standards of beauty should be respected. People may grow up with only one idea of what beauty is, but it doesn’t mean that it’s necessarily the correct or the best idea.


34.What do American women like to wear during summer?


35.Are the standards of beauty between the US and China the same or different according to the passage?


36.In Michelle Louis’ opinion, why do many Americans prefer tanned skin to pale skin?


37.When did American women use to carry umbrellas around trying to keep their white skin?


38.What’s the main idea of the passage?





许多同学进入初三生活后会有很多烦恼,烦恼会使人产生压力,为了更好的发展及解决同学们中存在的心理压力问题,根据以下信息,以“Less Pressure, Better life”为题,写一篇作文。


1. 同学们中普遍存在的压力是什么。

2. 你的压力是什么。

3. 你是如何缓解压力的。


Less Pressure, Better life

Pressure is a serious problem in today’s world. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

I hope everybody will have less pressure and a better life.


假如你是李华,在你的帮助和陪伴下交换生 Peter 即将完成为期一年的交换学习生活。请你给他写一封祝贺信,表达你真诚的祝贺,回忆你们共度的一年美好时光以及他的学习经历,并谈谈你从他身上学到了什么。

提示词语: Great Wall, museum, culture, pronounce, practice


●Why do you congratulate Peter?

●How did you spend the time together and his study experience?

●What have you learnt from him?

Dear Peter,

I’m very happy that you will finish your one-year exchange study life. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Best wishes to you!

Yours, Li Hua



1-5 DBACB 6-10 ADDBC 11-12BA












34.They like to wear their tank tops and sunglasses.

35.They are different.

36.Because tanned skin can look smooth and healthier, hide marks and make them appear thinner.

37.150 years ago.

38.Different standards of beauty should be respected. /We should respect different standards of beauty.

五、文段表达 略

关于作者: luda

