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1.(1分)It was great in the end we had a terrible time at the beginning.(  )

A.if B.unless C.when D.though

2.(1分)You may think that all gossip(八卦) is meant to put someone down,but there are actually other reasons you may end up talking about someone their back.(  )

A.after B.for C.against D.behind

3.(1分)There is no need to push the kids too hard, ,you hate to see them stressed out.(  )

A.After all B.Over again C.In all D.Above all

4.(1分)A person can't be really happy if he enjoys doing is thought of no importance.(  )

A.that B.what C.how D.which

5.(1分)—The house buyer got a good price and the seller was happy to sell quickly.

—Indeed.It was a win﹣win .(  )

A.conversation B.situation

C.success D.condition

6.(1分)If you are feeling that life just be any worse for you,it will be challenging to think something cheerful.(  )

A.can't B.mustn't C.should D.may

7.(1分)India,with the world's largest population,up to 1.4 billion people several COVID﹣19 related challenges.(  )

A.going through B.taking on

C.carrying out D.breaking out

8.(1分)—It boring to take such a guessing game.

—Well,it depends.(  )

A.heard B.proved C.remained D.discovered

9.(1分)The best way to break the ice with someone you just met is to find some ground to talk about.(  )

A.practical B.everyday C.common D.hidden

10.(1分)Tina ______ drives to work.But today she drives because of the rain.(  )

A.always B.often C.sometimes D.hardly

11.(1分)—Some people never get tired of making a basket in one online shop then to another.

— Perhaps they want to see .(  )

A.if they can get the same or similar items cheaper

B.that they can find the very things they really need

C.that they were the lucky dog to get their basket for free

D.when can they receive their items they ordered earlier

12.(1分)"Today we are facing many great changes because China has realized its many dreams and more in the following years." said a Chinese government official.(  )

A.achieved B.will achieve

C.would achieve D.are achieving

13.(1分)Oh boy!You can't believe the trouble I had alarm clock didn't go off,so I missed Biology cla,I lost my homework for ma lunchtime .(  )

A.Actions speak louder than words

B.No pain,no gain

C.Every dog has its day

D.It never rains but it pours

14.(1分)—What about the two of us going downtown?

— .I hate spending time hanging around.(  )

A.That suits me fine

B.Why not

C.It depends on the weather

D.Well,that's the last thing I will do


15.(10分)In 2007,Barrington Irving became the youngest person to fly alone around the world.He was just 23 years old and he built the plane did he (1)   this?

Irving's interest in flying started when he was 15.He was working in his parents' bookstore in Miami,Florida.One of the customers was a(n) (2)   Gary Robin day,Robinson asked Irving if he was interested in didn't think he was smart enough.But the next day,Robinson took Irving to an air showed Irving inside the cockpit(驾驶舱)(3)   Irving's life.

Irving really wanted to fly,but flight school was (4)   .To achieve his dream,he worked different jobs.He washed airplanes and cleaned swimming home,he practiced flying on a video game.In the end

At flight school,Irving achieved his dream of learning how to he wasn't(5)   .Next,he planned to build his own plane and fly alone around the world.

Building the plane was(6)   .Irving asked more than 50 companies for airplane said no,but he persisted(顽强地坚持) in a three years(7)    $300,000.

Columbia,an airplane company,agreed to build a plane using the parts. (8)   his airplane was ready to fly.

On March 23,2007,Irving began his round﹣the﹣world days later ﹣with 145 hours in the air﹣ he landed(9)    in Miami.A cheering crowd of people were there to welcome him.

Irving saw many young people in the crowd,and this had a powerful influence on wanted to use his experience to help other young people achieve their own dreams.

"Everyone told me(10)   I couldn't do,"says Irving. "They said I was too young,that I didn't have enough money.But even if no one believes in your dream, "you have to work hard for it."










































16.(6分)Cheap TwinRoom and Third fold﹣up Bed.Central London


Greater London,England,United Kingdom

Private room in apartment hosted by Rowan

3 gue bedroom .2 beds .1.5 shared baths

Travel rules

Because of COVID﹣19 there are lockdowns in place across the UK and travel is not allowed except in limited conditions until at least A to follow the law is a criminal act.

Learn more

Improved Clean

This host should offer A irbnb's 5﹣step improved cleaning more + Self check﹣in

Check yourself in with the lockbox.

Rowan is a Superhost

Superhosts are experienced,highly rated (评分) hosts who are supposed to provide great stays for guests.


Cancel before 3:00 PM on Apr 1 and get 50% money back,not including the first night and service details

House rules

The host doesn't allow details

Twin/triple bedroom in newly decorated single beds with an optional full size fold out bed(折叠床).New shower,beds,duvets,towels,ki single beds,and one optional(可选择的)(备用的) and a high chair. .babies and children welcome..Show more >


Book Now

(1)This is part of    .

A.a webpage

B.a poster

C.a notice

D.a report

(2)Who may be the most suitable for TwinRoom?    

A.A family with pets.

B.A couple with a baby.

C.Some wealthy businessmen.

D.Tourists to Scotland

(3)What can we learn about TwinRoom?    

A.TwinRoom is the cheapest across London.

B.If guests fail to check in,they can get their money back.

C.The host need to obey some rules of Airbnb.

D.The host is so excellent that TwinRoom is quite popular.

17.(6分)Spring Festival,Chun Jie is the first day of the Chinese lunar calendar.When Chun Jie is coming,people are busy buying good,cooking traditional food,making Spring Festival coupletsessential to the dinner.Dumplings means reunion and goodwill.The whole family gather to enjoy quality family Chun Jie,Lunar New Year's Day,people in new clothes visit each other,including temple fairs,performances

The Qing Ming festival is a day of reverence for C hold ceremonies (仪式)for ancestors (祖先),and sweep their tombs (墓),during the Tomb Sweeping,people put food in front of the tombs

In ancient times,there was a great poet called Qu Yuan.He couldn't bear the pain when his motherland was invaded,so he drowned himself in the river.Local people drop the rice balls into the river to take away fishes' attention from Qu body.Later people memorialized Qu's patriotism by rowing and making Zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival

The Qixi Festival,also known as the Chinese Valentine's Day,falls on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month on the Chinese calendar.It says that a fairy named Zhi Nv,fell in love with a cow herder named Niu Lang during her trip to ear Nv decided to settle down on earth and lead an ordinary life with Niu Lang.

Just like an ancient Chinese poem says,the moon was rising from the sea and all the people were sharing this moment…

(1)What does the underlined word essential mean in paragraph 1?    .





(2)What can you learn from the passage?    

A.Dumplings are the most important for people to celebrate the Spring Festival.

B.People have to sweep the tomb at the Qing Ming festival.

C.Qu Yuan is the main story behind the festival of Duanwujie.

D.The Qixi Festival,is known as the Valentine's Day,telling a love story.

(3)What may be talked about in the last paragraph?    .

A.The Mid﹣Autumn Festival

B.The National Day

C.The May Holiday

D.The Double Ninth Day

18.(6分)When I was a senior in college,I came home for Christmas vacation and expected a fun﹣filled week with my two bro were so excited to be together and we volunteered to watch the store so that my mother and father could take their first day off in years.The day before my parents went to Boston,my father took me quietly aside to the little den behind the took out a cigar box

"What are they?" I asked.

Father replied seriously, "These are articles I've written and some letters to the editor that have been published."

As I began to read,I saw at the bottom of each article the name Walter Chapman. "Why didn't you tell me you'd done that?" I asked.

"Because I didn't want your mother to know.She has always told me that since I didn't have much education,I shouldn't try to wri wanted to run for some governmental office also,but she told me I shouldn't guess she was afraid she'd be shameful if l lost..."

He watched me as I read over a few of the articles and when I looked up,his big blue eyes were wet. "I guess I tried for something too big this time," he added.

"Did you write something else?""

"Yes,I sent some suggestions in to our church magazine on how the national nominating committee could be more fairly(公平).It's been three months since I sent it in.I guess I tried for something too big.

This was such a new side to my fun﹣loving father that I didn't quite know what to say,so I tried,"Maybe it'll still come."

The next morning our parents left on the bus to the railway station where they took a train to Boston.

Early that evening I looked out the store window and saw my mother get off the bus﹣ alone.

"Where's Dad?" We asked together.

"Your father's dead."

She told us they had been walking through the Park Street Subway Station in the crowds of people when father had fallen to the nurse bent over him,looked up at mother and said simply, "He's dead." Mother had stood by father(绊倒) over him in their rush through the subway.

Mother told us the shocking tale without running a didn't cry either and we took turns waiting on the customers.

On the morning of the funeral (葬礼),I noticed the church magazine on the I would never have opened it,but maybe that special article might be there﹣ ﹣and it was.In the magazine I also found a two﹣page letter to my father from Henry Cabot Lodge,thanking him for the campaign took out the box and put them in it.

I didn't tell anyone about the box.

(1)What may be the direct causes of Father kept the box hidden?    

a.Father received little education.

b.Some suggestions father made to magazine might bring danger to the family.

c.Mother considered it a shame to make the box go public.

d.Father knew he would die soon.





(2)Which one shows the order of the events happened?    

a.My father showed me a little pile of newspaper articles.

b.Our parents took a train to Boston.

c.My father's article to the church magazine was published.

d.I came home for Christmas vacation.

e.My father died in an accident.

f.My father sent some suggestions to the magazine.





(3)Which is the best title for this passage?    

A.The Death of My Father

B.Father and I

C.The Mystery of A Hidden Box

D.A Sad Christmas Vacation

19.(8分)But ugly fruits should be loved, recent years,a new crop of" ugly produce" companies have been around the U.S.These start﹣ups sell those ugly fruits that supermarkets re they send them right to your door.

The companies say they're on a mission (使命).They want to stop billions of pounds of imperfect produce (农产品) from going to wa of it this way:Is a banged﹣up (be knocked and some places broken)

Sounds like these companies have the right idea.They even offer deep low ;s great news for cu not everyone is people say these companies may be thinking only about themselves.


Imperfect produce isn't always wasted.

Many small farmers had already been selling imperfect produce to customers and farmers marke the ugly produce companies started growing up.These companies,such as Imperfect Produce,can offer more fruits and veggies from large farms around the coun make it harder for smaller farms to com the farmers are losing money.

Also,ugly fruits and veggies already have u the food service industry for exam,produce is sliced,blended,and more.No one cares if the fruit is pretty or ugly.On farms(腐烂的) fruit is added back into soil for nu,what's more

Are these start﹣ups causing more bad than good?

Not So Bad,After All?

What do ugly produce companies say?They are guarding March 2019,Imperfect Produce told people that the company doesn't take away from the needy.It gets resources from farms only after food banks take what they want,it

It is true that produce goes to waste in America.The Department of Agriculture has said that food waste is a big fact,about 30 to 40 percent of the country's food is wasted.

But Imperfect Produce says both farmers and ugly produce companies can help reduce food wast doesn't have to be either﹣or.

No matter whose side you're on,remember this:It's what's on the inside that counts.

(1)What does Paragraph 3 mainly talk about?    

A.Ugly produce companies are doing more good than bad.

B.Not everyone supports ugly produce companies' missions.

C.Ugly produce companies are loved because of lower prices.

D.Ugly produce companies make the most use of imperfect produce.

(2)What is the most suitable for the(2)?    

A.The Ugly Truth?

B.Not So Good,Above All.

C.But So Bad,Really?

D.The Ugly Wasted.

(3)What fact does the passage provide?    

A.It's important for smaller farms to get more customers to make money.

B.Food waste is caused because supermarkets refuse ugly produce.

C.Ugly produce companies sell imperfect produce to prevent waste.

D.Customers are interested in stopping food waste and saving money.

(4)The writer probably wrote the article in order to    .

A.tell ugly produce companies to give unwanted fruits and vegetables to the needy

B.show the reasons why there are more and more ugly produce companies

C.offer readers an introduction to ugly produce companies and their missions

D.make readers only buy food from companies that work with smaller farms

第Ⅱ卷主观题(共40分)四、词汇运用(本大题共8 小题,每小题1分,共8分)(A)根据句意和汉语注释,在答题卡对应题号的横线上,写出单词的正确形式。

20.(1分)Under the     (一致),the prices will remain at the same level.

21.(1分)Can you guess who our special guest     (今晚) is?

22.(1分)    (承诺) yourself to be strong that nothing can influence your peace of mind.

23.(1分)Are blind boxes     (电子的) products?

(B) 根据句意,在答题卡对应题号的横线上,写出单词的正确形式。

24.(1分)Chinese food is becoming so international that     (east) diet is a hot topic among tourists across the world.

25.(1分)The plane kept     (circle) the airport before the order to land came.

26.(1分)—He never lied to his mother or father.

—     (either) did I.I was a very honest kid.

27.(1分)There wasn't much     (choose) of colour.As a result,they made the decision soon.

五、动词填空用括号 内所给动词的适当形式填空,并将答案写在答题卡对应题号的横(本大题共6小题,每小题1分,共6分)

28.(1分)There is still little progress in the ca somewhat     (worry) the detective Lu now.

29.(1分)—What is a Couch potato like?

—One happy     (watch) anything on TV.

30.(1分)I never     (regret) my words and I believe that they will turn out useful.

31.(1分)—Waiter,a black coffee,please.

—You     (serve) in a minute.

32.(1分)Post it at once.The company you want to work in    (expect) your reply.

33.(1分)What a success!Health experts thought the kind of disease     (spread) out of control.


34.(5分)"The reason why I chose to be a director was not for shooting films but for Li Huanying, "Jia Ling told The Paper.

Li Huanying,Jia's mother,passed away when Jia was 19.To express her sadness and regret,Mom,which was shown on Feb 12.Based on her personal experiences,when she meets her mother at a young age and tries to improve her mother's life.

The 39﹣year﹣old director never imagined that her directorial work would make of Feb 23,it has taken in over 4 billion yuan,according to professional box office tracker Dengta.

Hi,Mom has received many positive reviews.Many moviegoers couldn't help but run tears for the film's description of the close relationship between a daughter and her mother.

"Jia's success comes as a surprise,as the work is puts her love and memories of her deceased (过世的) mother into the film and lets the viewers feel her sincerity (真诚),a chairman of the Shanghai Film Association,told the Global Times.

Indeed,the movie's sincerity and touching moments make up for its technical has reminded internet users to celebrate and love their mo of photos and texts flooded into weibo with a hashtag photo of my mother when she was young.With the film gaining attraction by word of mouth,the new director " is already China's most commercially successful female filmmaker ever

A movie for mothers

Reasons for shooting the film

Jia decided to make a film named Hi,Mom in(1)   of her mother who passed away

Details of the film

➢It's based on the (2)   events of Jia and her mother,showing her sadness and regret.

➢In the film,Jia time﹣travels back to 1981 and becomes friends with her mom.

➢The film takes a(3)   look at the relationship between a daughter and her mother

Some reviews

➢Many people said they were touched by its raw feelings.

➢Internet users and viewers are reminded to celebrate and love their mothers.


➢The film about mother﹣daughter relationships was a(4)   at the Spring Festival holiday box office(票房).

➢Jia was (5)   as "already China's most commercially successful female filmmaker ever" by Hollywood Reporter.

七、完成句子按所给的汉语, 用英语完成下列句子,并将答案写在答题卡对应题号的横线上。(本大题共6小题,每小题1分,共6分)


News came that Tianwen﹣1     Mars.So exciting!


The sale of second﹣hand products     to avoid waste.


As a growing number of people turn to    ,    becomes the common sense.


A list of high﹣risk areas should be made     infection.


Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out    .


None of them were     the game.

八、书面表达(本大题共 15分)

41.(15分)疫情之下,越来越多的人选择云游。有的同学喜欢线上云游,有的同学则喜欢线下旅游。21世纪英文报对在校学生进行"online tour"的调查问卷。请你根据调查问卷和你的实际情况


(1)Do you like online tour or not?Put a tick (√) or a cross (×) in the box.


(2)What do you think of it?

(3)Why do you like/dislike it?





Online tour

Recently,more and more people choose online tour.



1.【解答】if如果;unless除非;though虽然。根据It was great in the end"最后很棒",应该是"尽管"。




3.【解答】根据句意:没有必要把孩子们逼得太紧,毕竟.结合想想,A B C D.选项A符合题意.






6.【解答】结合句意,如果你觉得生活对你来说__再糟糕了。结合选项,can't 不可能,should应该。结合语境,想一些快乐的事情会很有挑战性。


7.【解答】结合句意,印度是世界上人口最多的国家,正在__一些与新型冠状病毒肺炎相关的挑战,go through经历,carry out实施。结合语境。前面有is,动词词组用going through.




9.【解答】practical实际的;everyday每天的;hidden隐藏的,应该是找到"共同点"common ground。


10.【解答】A.always总是;B;C.sometimes有时;D;根据But today she drives because of the rain,表示转折.


11.【解答】根据题干 "Perhaps want see_______,此题考查宾语从句,时态,宾语从句要用陈述句语序,排除 want see,排除BC项。


12.【解答】从in the years判断句子使用一般将来时。


13.【解答】Actions speak than ;No ,no ;Every has day凡人皆有得意日 never but pours祸不单行,故选择"祸不单行"符合语境。


14.【解答】That suits fine那很适合我 not为什么不 depends the ;Well the thing I do那是我最不愿意做的事,根据答语的"我讨厌到处闲逛"可知选择"那是我最不愿意做的事"符合语境。













(1)A.通读全文及文章关键信息Learn more(了解更多)、Get details(获得更多细节),可推知。B项(poster)干扰性很大,不能表述为"一部分(part)"。故选A。

(2)B.根据Two single beds with an optional full size fold out bed...Also a cot available anc a high chair,babies and children welcome.可知,可选择全尺寸折叠床……还有一个小床和高椅子。因此一对带婴儿的夫妇是最适合居住双人房的。

(3)C.根据文章关键信息Improved Clean(改进的清洁)条目中,This host should offer Airbnb's 5﹣step improved cleaning service.可知。因此可得知。故选C。

17.【解答】(1)D.词义猜测题。根据Dumplings are essential to the dinner.Dumplings means reunion and goodwill.可知饺子是必不可少的晚餐。所以在第1段中。故选D。

(2)C.细节理解题。根据Later people memorialized Qu's patriotism by rowing and making Zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival,端午节。所以我们能从这篇文章中知道。故选C。

(3)A.推理判断题。根据Just like an ancient Chinese poem says,海上生明月。这是思念亲人渴望团圆的句子。所以最后一段可能要谈些中秋节的事情。

18.【解答】(1)B细节理解题。根据 "Because I didn't want your mother to know.She has always told me that since I didn't have much education,but she told me I shouldn't guess she was afraid she'd be shameful if l lost..."因为我不想让你妈妈知道,既然我没有受过多少教育。我也想竞选一些政府职位,我不应该尝试,父亲把盒子藏起来是因为他没有受过多少教育。故选B。

(2)A.细节排序题。根据I sent some suggestions in to our church magazine on how the national nominating committee could be more fairly.我给我们的教会杂志寄了一些建议关于如何让全国提名委员会更公平,爸爸给杂志社寄了一些建议是第一件事,期待着和我的两个兄弟度过一个充满乐趣的星期,我回家过圣诞是第二件事,opened it and showed me a little pile of newspaper articles."他拿出一个雪茄盒。可知;根据"The next morning our parents left on the bus to the railway station where they took a train to Boston."第二天早上,在那里他们坐火车去波士顿,父母乘火车去波士顿是第四件事,looked up at mother and said simply"He's dead"她告诉我们,父亲摔倒在地上,抬头看着他的母亲。"可知;根据"Normally ,but maybe that special article might be there﹣and it was.In the magazine I also found a two﹣page letter to my father from Henry Ca bot Lodge,thanking him for the campaign suggestions.通常我是不会打开它的。在杂志上,是亨利•卡伯特•洛奇写给我父亲的。可知。故选A。

(3)C.最佳标题题。根据" I didn't tell anyone about the box."我没告诉任何人盒子的事,本文主要写了父亲给我看一个秘密盒子。可推知,所以C选项隐藏盒子的秘密符合主题。

19.【解答】(1)B.段落大意题。根据Sounds like these companies have the right idea.They even offer deep low ;s great news for cu not everyone is people say these companies may be thinking only about themselves.可知。他们甚至提供很低的价格。但不是每个人都高兴。所以第三段主要讲不是每个人都支持丑陋的农产品公司的想法。

(2)A.句子填空题。根据Sounds like these companies have the right idea.They even offer deep low ;s great news for cu not everyone is people say these companies may be thinking only about themselves.可知。他们甚至提供很低的价格。但不是每个人都高兴。根据逻辑推理?丑陋的真相是什么呢。故选A。

(3)C.细节理解题。根据But Imperfect Produce says both farmers and ugly produce companies can help reduce food waste.可知,农民和丑陋的农产品公司都有助于减少食物浪费。故选C。

(4)C.推理判断题。根据But ugly fruits should be loved,a new crop of"ugly produce' companies have been around the U.S.These start﹣ups sell those ugly fruits that supermarkets re they send them right to your door.The companies say they're on a mi want to stop billions of pounds of imperfect produce from going to waste.可知,丑陋的水果也应该受到人们的喜爱,美国各地出现了一批新的"丑陋的农产品"公司,然后直接送到你家门口。他们想阻止数十亿磅的不完美产品被浪费掉。故选C。

20.【解答】根据提示"一致"可知,Under the agreement"根据协议"固定搭配。










25.【解答】keep doing sth"一直做某事"固定搭配,填circle的动名词circling"盘旋"。












31.【解答】根据in a minute"马上"可知,一般将来时态,表示将会被招待,结构是will be+动词的过去分词。

故答案为:will be served。


故填is expecting.

33.【解答】从though判断从句时态相应使用过去时,thought就是一个过去的时间,spread已经完成,构成had+动词的过去分词 a success判断使用否定形式。

故填hadn't spread。


(1)memory.根据第二段"To express sadness regret decided make a named ,Mom"为了表达自己的悲伤和遗憾,妈妈》的电影,贾玲拍这部电影是为了纪念她去世的妈妈。

(2)real﹣life.根据第二段"Based on personal 。可知。故填real﹣life。

(3)close.根据第四段"Many moviegoers help run for film's of close between a and mother."许多电影观众都忍不住流下了眼泪。可知。故填close。

(4)success/winner.根据第三段"As of 23 has in 4 billion ,according professional office Dengta."专业票房追踪机构灯塔统计,该片票房收入已超过40亿元 "Jia's comes a surprise the is ,因为这部作品很特别,贾玲拍的这部电影是春节假期票房的赢家。

(5)considered.根据最后一段"With the gaining by mouth new already 's commercially female ever" Hollywood noted"《好莱坞报道》指出,这位新导演"已经成为中国有史以来在商业上最成功的女导演",贾玲被《好莱坞报道》认为是"中国有史以来商业上最成功的女导演"。


故答案为:landed successfully.

36.【解答】The sale second﹣hand ""是句子的主语,可知此题考查动词encourage"鼓励",故用被动语态结构be +过去分词,谓语动词用is encouraged。

故答案为:is encouraged.

37.【解答】根据题干和句意,可知此题考查名词短语 green living"绿色生活"和garbage classification "垃圾分类",用单数。

故答案为:green living,garbage classification.

38.【解答】A list high﹣risk should made ;so that 引导目的状语从句,can后跟动词原形,防范"。

故答案为:so that people can guard against possible .

39.【解答】能走多远是句子的宾语,需用陈述语序,能走they can go。

故答案为:how far they can go。

40.【解答】意识到be aware of,困难difficulty of doing sth.。根据句意可知。

故答案为:aware of the difficulties of winning.


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关于作者: luda

