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一、单项选择在 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(本大题共 14 小题,每小题 1 分,共 14 分)

1.(1分)It is a good idea to experience life the school by volun an active part in it,and you will make a difference to the world.(  )

A.above B.beyond C.over D.against

2.(1分)Dora always comes up with new ideas,but is of any value to me.(  )

A.none B.nothing C.no one D.neither

3.(1分)Recently,he seemed to be not himself and gave up many c;d better do something to stop him losing the of his life.(  )

A.sense B.course C.direction D.condition

4.(1分)—My shower is broken,and I'll call customer service later.

—Really?Are you sure you put it in?(  )

A.carefully B.simply C.smoothly D.properly

5.(1分)—Is it necessary to get the vaccine (疫苗)?I wonder if it .

—Of cour government is calling on the public to do this.(  )

A.minds B.works C.cares D.depends

6.(1分)Andrew thought there was something wrong with his robot Samuel pointed out that he probably forgot to change the battery.(  )

A.until B.if C.after D.since

7.(1分)You pay too much attention to protecting yourself if you plan to go abroad.(  )

A.mustn't B.can't C.shouldn't D.needn't

8.(1分)What a pity!The weather to be rainy.We had to cancel the sports meeting.(  )

A.ran out B.broke out C.found out D.turned out

9.(1分)Although this may sound like a process,great care is needed.(  )

A.stupid B.similar C.simple D.strict

10.(1分)— is it since the Party of China was founded?

—It's her 100th birthday this year.Got it?(  )

A.How often B.How soon C.How long D.How old

11.(1分)A Little Dilemma (《小舍得》) gives most parents a le is no need to push the kids too hard. ,parents will be sad to see them stressed out.(  )

A.In all B.Above all

C.First of all D.After all

12.(1分)—I feel relaxed to be back.How terrible I feel about the heavy traffic on the high way and hotel food during my trip!

—I can imagine. .(  )

A.It never rains but it pours

B.The grass is always greener on the other side

C.East or west,home is the best

D.Travel is not your cup of tea

13.(1分)The 8﹣year﹣old boy asked his parents .(  )

A.what life would be like if they moved to the US

B.which floor would they live on in the hotel

C.how they called a man who likes showing off

D.when could he have his own bedroom

14.(1分)—The dress I received is not the same color as that is shown online.

— ?But if so,I promise you can return it without any reason in seven days.(  )

A.How come B.Who knows

C.What for D.When bought

二、完形填空先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(本大题共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分)

15.(10分)Growing up,I understood one thing about my dad:He knew every was our (1)   :I asked him questions and he told me the answers.

During my teenage years,he taught me how to survive in the real world.When I moved out on my own,I called him at least once a week(2)    that I met in my life.

(3)   then,I needed him le husband had most of the knowledge I hadn't;for everything else

I don't know when it happened,but our conversations got brief and loved my dad,of course(4)   I needed to know.Maybe,(5)    knowing a man for 40 years,there's nothing left to say.

Last summer,I stayed with my parents for three weeks.Dad asked me to help him rebuild bulkhead (隔板) for their I agreed,tiring work.When we(6)   the new pieces of the bulkhead,I was surprised that Dad knew(7)   what went w looked at him and asked, "How do you know how to build a bulkhead?" The heavy hammer( 锤 子 )(8)   in midair.Then he said, "I spent a summer in college building them on the Jersey Shore." As his explanations eventually removed my puzzles,I realized that it was not that there was nothing left to say(9)    questions.

Since then,conversations between Dad and me have filled our life again,which I (10)   more than be me,they are real daughter﹣and﹣father communications,coming from the bottom of heart.





















(6)A.put away

B.put together

C.put down

D.put through

















三、阅读理解阅读短文,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(本大题共 13 小题,每小题 2 分,共 26 分)


(1)The picture above is an invitation for    .

A.a basketball match

B.a gender reveal party

C.a DIY course

D.a family dinner

(2)If John is invited but he is too busy to go,he'd better call    .





(3)Which of the following sales is the most suitable for preparing a gift?    

A.During Women's Day Sale

B.During Children's Day Sale

C.During Christmas Sale

D.During Double Eleven Shopping Festival

17.(6分)Hello,everybody!Thank you.I've talked about responsibility (责任) a lot—teachers' responsibility,your government's re the end of the day,we can have the most dedicated (献身的),the most supportive parents,the best schools in the world.But none of it will make a difference unless you show up to those schools,unless you listen to your parents and put in the hard work it takes to ;s what I want to focus on today:the responsibility each of you has for your education.

No matter what you want to do with your life,you'll need an education to do it.You'll need the knowledge and problem﹣solving skills you learn in science and math to cure diseases like cancer and AIDS,and to develop new energy technologies and protect our environment.

You'll need the insights and critical﹣thinking skills you gain in history and social studies to fight poverty and homelessness,crime and discrimination (歧视),and make our nation more fair and more ;ll need the creativity and cleverness you develop in all your classes to build new companies that will create new jobs and increase our economy.

I know it's not always easy to do well in know a lot of you have challenges in your lives right now that can make it hard to focus on your none of that is an excuse for not trying.

No one's written your destiny (命运) for you,because you write your own de make your own one's born being good at all become good at things through hard work.Don't be afraid to ask que;t be afraid to ask for help when you need it.

Now,your families,your teachers, I expect all of you to put your best effort into everything you do.Don't let yourself down.Make us all you very much,everybody.God bless you.

(1)The article above is probably    .

A.a report

B.a speech

C.a note

D.a survey

(2)According to the passage,which plays the most important role in school study?    

A.The most hard﹣working teachers.

B.The most helpful parents.

C.The best﹣known schools in the world.

D.The responsibility for education.

(3)The main purpose of the passage is    .

A.to ask them to put effort in study

B.to ask them to take on challenges in life

C.to ask them to write their own destiny

D.to ask them to learn new knowledge

18.(6分)Ben was awakened by a gun sharp noise came through the thick stone walls of the was cold in the bedroom and Ben was shaking as he got out of bed.He put on his eyeglasses and went over to the window.

The field was covered with white moved out there in the deep quiet just before looked past the field to the thick woods.Two weeks ago he saw a deer among the held his breath with excitement;then the deer walked o wondered where the shot had come thought perhaps he had dreamed he heard a gunshot.

He looked out toward the frozen lake.Near the trees he saw a shining piece of me it moved,Ben saw that it was a long gun.A minute later a man came out of the woods.He wore hunting clo a bird flew u man quickly put the gun to his shoulder and watched the bird,praying it had not been flew near the ground and went into some tall gra

The hunter did not move for a moment,then he began to follow the bird.Hate for the hunter burned inside of Ben. "Hey!" he voice cut through the hunter stopped,but then continued to follow the bird.Ben shouted again,but this time the hunter did not stop and Ben started to move toward Ben was in his night clothes and he did not go he returned to the got a metal shovel and hit the stone sides of the house so that the noise would warn the birds and animals of danger.The hunter looked back at Ben. "No hunting!" Ben shouted.

Ben had just bought this house in the woods.He wanted to protect everything on his land.He thought that everyone would obey the signs: "No Hunting." Ben had just finished putting on his clothes when he heard another gun troubled him dee could he stop this hunter?He walked toward the lake.He did not want to fight,but the man must go.He walked quie wanted to surprise the then,what would he do?He could not fight the hunter.

Suddenly he heard a bird's wings beating the dry gra moved quickly toward the saw a colored head ...the head of a beautiful pheasant bird.The bird did not move until Ben came clon it tried to fly away,but one wing was broken.Ben lifted the bird and held it close against his body.The bird fought to escape,but soon lay quietly in Ben's arms.Its body was warm and decided to take the bird home and fix its broken wings so that it could fly again.He was almost through the woods when he heard the hunter behind him. "You just find that bird?" the hunter asked. "Yes,but his mouth was too dry to he wet his lips and said "No." "I shot him and I say he is mine!" "But he is not dead yet," Ben answered,anything on my land belongs to me." The hunter reached out for the bird. "I will have to kill it," he said. "That bird will soon die anyway." Ben got angry. "Get out of here!" he said. "I told you before and I am telling you again:get off my land!" The hunter looked down at the little man and smiled. "Say,no hunting." ...

(1)Which of the following words can best describe Ben?    

A.Curious and smart.

B.Kind﹣hearted and brave.

C.Selfish and rude.

D.Smart and generous.

(2)Which "cut through" below shares the same meaning with " cut through" in Paragraph 4?    

A.He decided to cut through the difficulties.

B.We came by cutting through the path.

C.The cold wind cut through his thin clothes.

D.You need a sharp knife to cut through the knot.

(3)What is the correct order of these events?    

a.Ben hear a gunshot and he got up.

b.Ben tried to stop the hunter hunting.

c.Ben saw a deer among the trees.

d.Ben warned birds of danger.

e.Ben heard a bird's wings beating the dry grass.

f.Ben saw a bird fly upward.





19.(8分)Like many inventions,language translators were imagined by writers long before they became real.In Hugo Gemsback's 1911 novel A Romance of the Year 2660,characters use a video telephone that can translate from one language to ano language translator also appears in Murray Leinster's 1945 First Con that story,however,until the "general translator" appeared in the 1970 Star Trek series( 取 悦 ) television viewers at that device was general in the sense that it could translate any language that it came across.

The first real language translator was shown by engineers from IBM company and Georgetown University in 1954.Their machine could only translate Russian sentences into English.

Today,online translations can be accessed(获取) easily at no cost to u translation apps,and a translation appears at once.If users want to translate something being said aloud,they just turn on their phone's micro of these features save time and effort.

Translation apps on phones make foreign travel much easier than be are invaluable and convenient when it comes to communicating with taxi drivers or hotel waiters who don't speak a traveler's native language.But these apps are far from a translation makes no sense,forcing the user to guess what the translation means.At other times,the user might not know that the translation has failed until he or she shows it to a native speaker.

(1)It can be inferred from the passage that    .

A.more and more foreign visitors will depend on translation apps

B.engineers made language translators to delight TV viewers

C.it was not hard for people to develop language translators

D.the idea of a language translator came from science stories

(2)The following sentence "Language translators have come a long way since then." would be best placed    .

A.at the beginning of Paragraph 2

B.at the end of Paragraph 2

C.at the beginning of Paragraph 3

D.at the end of Paragraph 3

(3)How does the writer conclude the passage?    

A.By telling that online translation will change our life.

B.By explaining that online translation has its weakness.

C.By introducing how to use translation apps in travelling.

D.By discussing why people should give up translation apps.

(4)What is the best title for the passage?    

A.How do science stories become true?

B.How does a language translator develop?

C.Can languages be translated into each other?

D.Why do we depend on language translators?

四、词汇运用 (本大题共 8 小题,每小题 1 分,共 8 分)(A)根据句意和汉语注释,在答题卡对应题号的横线上,写出单词的正确形式。

20.(1分)During the special period,people aren't allowed to get on the underground    (除非) they wear masks.

21.(1分)The announcement    (标志) the end of an important time in European history.

22.(1分)Babies are born with very little     (控制) over their movements.

23.(1分)—Ada has remained sitting there without a    (单个的) word since she returned from the cinema.What's wrong?

—The film Hi,Mom reminded her of her mother.


24.(1分)Dark and difficult times lie ahead,soon we must all face the    (choose) between what is right and what is easy.

25.(1分)Zhong Nanshan is    (wide) respected for his courage,knowledge,as well as contribution to the whole country.

26.(1分)If someone looks very proud or    (satisfy) with himself,we say he looks like the cat that ate the canary (金丝雀).

27.(1分)People became    (patient) and frightened in the dark as if an unseen enemy had landed from Mars.

五、动词填空 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空,并将答案写在答题卡对应题号的横线上。(本大题共 6 小题,每小题 1 分,共 6 分)

28.(1分)Studying at home alone    (require) a large amount of self﹣discipline(自律).

29.(1分)I really regret sharing Teddy's decision with you,for I thought you    (keep) it a secret.

30.(1分)A total of 368,147 new COVID﹣19 cases    (report) in India on May 3,2021,taking the total number to 19,604.

31.(1分)AI technology should be made full use of    (improve) data systems (数据系统).

32.(1分)It's amazing that the Leaning Tower of Pisa    (lie) on Miracle Square for about 800 years.

33.(1分)Can you imagine how much trouble the community had    (manage) throwing objects from a height?

六、阅读填空 先通读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容,在文章后表格的空格内填入一个最恰当的单词。所填单词必须写在答题卡对应题号的横线上。每个空格只能填一个单词。(本大题共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,共 5 分)

34.(5分)As a saying goes, "If you have a good friend,your joys are doubled and your sadness is halved." Friends are a helping hand,a patient ear to listen to you.Man is a social animal by na all need it is necessary for you to know how to make friends.

The first step is to open yourself up.If you want to make good friends,you should be able to share your thoughts and feelings with other people you are in a conversation,you'd better express your own thoughts and a conversation is one﹣sided

One of the most important keys to building a strong friendship with other people is to listen to them—really listen.

When your friends tell you something that happened to them or complain about a situation,they are usually not looking for agreement but just want to be don't try to change their mind or work out their problems,just let them know that you are listening to them.

Respecting your friends is also important to keep your relationships healthy and at your friends while they are talking to you is one way to show your respect,as they will feel that what they are saying is important to you.

Unconditional support and encouragement is one of the things which friends friendship means offering a shoulder when they need it,crying with them when they are sad,and laughing with them when they are in this way

The(1)   of

making friends

Friends make your happiness more and your sadness(2)   .

Friends are always ready to help you.

Ways to make friends

Open yourself up

Share your thoughts and feelings with others.

Always respond when your friends are talking to you.

Listen to your friends

Don't try to change their mind or(3)   their problems,just listen.

Respect your friends

Look at your friends when they are talking to you.

Support and (4)    your friends

Offer a shoulder when your friends are in(5)   .

Cry with them when they are sad,and laugh with them when they are happy.

七、完成句子按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子,并将答案写在答题卡对应题号的横线上。(本大题共 6 小题,每小题 1 分,共 6 分)


Andy was    to get out and he forgot about his umbrella.


These products are    and ready for use.


Choosing hotels at different prices,you will be provided    .


He    his further study abroad because of the sudden illness.


The purpose of the China﹣U.S.strategic dialogue is    of the world instead of hegemonism.


   for some time,but he will catch up with them once he gets serious.

八、书面表达 (本大题共 15 分)


What good qualities do you own?

Why do you want to take part in this activity?

How will you help them if you are accepted?



2.词数在 90 个左右,自荐信的首尾已在答题卡上给出,不计入总词数;



Dear Sir/Madam,

I have learned that the Voice of English Association needs some volunteers to help children in poor areas in the coming summer vaca am writing to recommend myself as one of them.


Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


1.解答:A.above在上方 .beyond……较远的一边 .over在正上方 .against反对 is a idea experience the school volunteering。选项B符合题意。


2.解答:句中but表示转折,因此强调数量上没有一个想法有价值,指数量上的没有一个,指内容上没有什么。neither 是两者都不是。




4.解答:A项carefully,仔细地,简单地,平滑地,合适地 shower broken,及下文"Are sure put it ?"你确定你______放进去了吗,较符合语境。




6.解答:until直到;if如果;after在......之后、因为。根据Andrew thought there was something wrong with his robot"Andrew认为他的机器人出了问题",应该是"直到"。


7.解答:mustn't禁止、绝对不能;shouldn't不应该。根据if you plan to go abroad"如果你打算出国"可知,can't pay too much attention to doing sth"无论多么注意做某事都不为过"。


8.解答:ran out花光,耗尽,find out找出,turn out显示,可知天气要下雨。




10.解答:how soon多久以后;How ;How ;How ;根据答语It's 100th birthday this 。",可知问题的答语的意思是"中国共产党成立100年了"。


11.解答:In all 总而言之 all ;First all ;After 。前两句的意思是:《小舍得》给大多数家长上了一课。故选项D符合题意:毕竟。


12.解答:It never but pours祸不单行 grass always on other ;East west is best东好西好;Travel not cup tea你不喜欢旅行,还是家里最好"。




14.解答:A.How come怎么会?B.Who knows谁知道?D.When bought什么时候买的 dress I is the color that shown ?


15.解答:(1)C.考查名词及语境理解;B历史;D未来 answers.可知作者和父亲的关系(relationship)就是作者提问.其他选项不符合语境,他告诉我答案。

(2)D.考查名词及语境理解;B秘密;D问题 my ,作者是询问父亲自己生活中遇到的难题,我每周至少给他打一次电话,故选D。


(4)D.考查不定代词 及语境理解,B没有什么,D所有的,作者认为可能是父亲已经把作者需要知道的一切都告诉作者了,我爱我的父亲,也许他已经分享了我需要知道的一切。

(5)C.考查介词及语境理解;B自从;D直到 a man for 40 years可知此处表示"在认识了一个男人40年之后"应用after.句意:也许,已经没什么可说的了。


(7)D.考查副词及语境理解;B有希望的;D精确地;结合上文I was surprised可知爸爸竟然确切地知道什么东西该放到哪里,句意:当我们把隔板的新部件组装在一起时,爸爸竟然确切地知道什么东西该放到哪里。

(8)A.考查动词及语境理解;B落下;D选择, "How do you know how to build a bulkhead,所以父亲停下了要落下去的锤子,句意:重锤停在半空中。

(9)A.考查形容词及语境理解;B杰出的;D有趣的 was not that there was nothing left to say,而是作者一直都在问错误的(wrong)问题,句意:他的解释最终消除了我的困惑,并不是没有什么可说的了,故选A。


16.解答:(1)B.细节理解题。根据邀请函中间a REVEAL ,一个性别揭秘派对。故选B。


(3)A.理解推断题。根据邀请函中间a REVEAL ,一个性别揭秘派对。所以准备与性别相关的礼物最合适,故选A。

17.解答:(1)B.文章来源题。根据文章开头Hello!Thank talked responsibility a lot!谢谢你们。可知这是一篇演讲稿。

(2)D.推理判断题。根据That's I want focus today:the each you for educa what want do your ,you'll an to it.这就是我今天想强调的:你们每个人对自己的教育负有责任,你都需要接受教育。故选D。

(3)A.主旨大意题。根据.So I all you put best into you 。及全文可知作者的目的是为了让所有人在学习中去努力。故选A。

18.解答:(1)B.推理表达题。根据Ben watched the bird,Ben thought.可知,祈祷它没有受伤。安全。因此可以看出本是善良的!" he said. "I told you before and I am telling you again:get off my land,who are you,no hunting." ...可知。"滚出去,现在又告诉你:离开我的土地猎人低头看着小个子男人。""喂?"本的声音因恐惧和愤怒而颤抖我拥有这片土地,上面写着"禁止狩猎"。所以善良勇敢这些词最能形容本。

(2)C.词义猜测题。根据The hunter did not move for a moment!" he voice cut through the silence.可知,就开始跟着那只鸟。"嘿。他的声音穿透了寂静;根据题目所给C句The cold wind cut through his thin clothes.可知。句中的 "cut through"也是穿透的意思。故选C.

(3)C.循序排列题。根据 Ben saw a deer among the hear a gunshot and he got up.Ben saw a bird fly u tried to stop the hunter warned birds of danger.Ben heard a bird's wings beating the dry grass.可知。本听到枪声。本看到一只鸟向上飞。本警告鸟儿注意危险。所以这些事件的正确顺序是C选项

19.解答:(1)D.推理判断题。根据In Gemsback's novel A of Year ,characters a video that translate one to language also in Leinster's First that ,humans creatures another made a device after for with ano of language didn't truly ,however the translator" in 1970 Trek ,which 取 悦 ) television at time.在雨果•杰斯巴克1911年的小说《2660年的浪漫史》中。一名语言翻译也出现在默里•莱因斯特尔1945年的《第一次接触》中,来自另一个星球的人类和生物在要求彼此接触后一起制作了一个翻译装置,语言翻译的想法并没有真正流行起来,这取悦了当时的电视观众。故选D。

(2)C.理解判断题。根据第二段The real translator shown engineers IBM and University 1954.Their could translate sentences Engli年。他们的机器只能把俄语句子翻译成英语,online can accessed(获取) at cost users.如今,用户无需支付任何费用,也就是第三段开头。

(3)B.推理判断题。根据"But these apps are far from a translation makes no sense,the user might not know that the translation has failed until he or she shows it to a native speaker."但这些应用程序远非完美,迫使用户去猜测翻译的意思,用户可能不知道翻译是错误的。可知。故选B。

(4)B.最佳标题题。根据首句Like inventions translators imagined writers before became ,语言翻译器在成为现实之前很久就被作家想象出来了,文章首段讲述了语言翻译器这种想法的出现及其广为人知;第三段讲了语言翻译器在出现之后继续发展。由此可以看出,C项"How does a language translator develop。故选B。









24.解答:根据题干face the...(choose) what right what easy.可知是指面对正确和容易之间的选择,为单数形式。




26.解答:根据题干someone looks proud ...with ,可知是指某人看起来很骄傲或对自己很满意,形容词。


27.解答:根据题干as if unseen had landed Mars仿佛有个看不见的敌人从火星登陆。impatient不耐心的。





故填would keep.

30.解答:根据on May 3,可知时态是一般过去时。



故填to improve.

32.解答:根据题干for about years,主语是单数。

故填has lied.

33.解答:根据题干,可知考查have trouble doing sth做某事很麻烦。


34.解答:(1)reasons.考查名词。根据:As a saying goes,a comforting shoulder,你的快乐会加倍。"朋友就像个帮手,耐心倾听。故答案为reasons。

(2)less.考查形容词。根据:If you have a good friend,你的快乐会加倍。题目中使用同义句。故答案为less。

(3)solve.考查动词。根据:So don′t try to change their mind or solve their problems,只是让他们知道你在倾听他们。

(4)encourage.考查动词,根据:Unconditional supportand encouragement is one of the things which friends have.无条件的支持和鼓励也是朋友拥有的事情之一。

(5)need.考查名词。根据True friendship means offering a shoulder when they need it,and laughing with them when they are happy.真正的友谊意味着在他们需要时给他们一个肩膀,高兴时陪他们笑.短语in need需要。

35.解答:根据题干,可知考查:in a hurry匆忙。

故答案为in a hurry.

36.解答:根据题干,可知考查:be up to standard达到标准。

故答案为up to standard.

37.解答:根据题干,可知考查:be with被提供……。

故答案为with different levels of service.

38.解答:根据题干,可知考查:have had no choice but to do sth除了做某事别无选择。

故答案为had no choice but to cut short.

39.解答:根据题干,可知考查:push the of world推动世界的共同发展。instead of而不是。

故答案为 to for development.

40.解答:根据题干,可知考查:be behind his classmates落在同学后面 some ,主语he接has+过去分词。

故答案为 He has .

41.解答:Dear Sir/Madam,

I learned the of Association some to children poor in coming vaca writing recommend as of

This program is a golden opportunity for those children to learn more,I have a good command of Engli;ve been learning English for ten years,I'm outgoing and warm﹣hearted,I will teach them some English songs as well as skills in reading and writing.【高分句型二】(录用后的打算) I hope you will kindly consider my application.(希望)

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

关于作者: luda

