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1.bit little few beat bite chew suck swallow


1.bit [ bit ]n.一点儿a bit of water一点水not a bit一点儿不I can move on, for I’m not a bit tired.我能继续走,我一点也不累。

2.little少(接不可数名词);a little,一点;a little water一点水;not a little,不只一点,很多We have little water left. Besides, I am not a little tired. Let’s call it a day.我们没有什么水了,再说,我很累。今天到此为止吧。

3.few [ fju: ]少(接可数名词),a few一些I’m a stranger. I have few friends here.我初来乍到,这儿没什么朋友。

4.beat [ bi:t ]v.打,心跳Your father will beat you if you fail again.你再不及格的话,你父亲会打你的。

5.bite [ bait ]vt.咬(bit, bitten)Some fish is biting!有鱼咬饵了!

6.chew v.咀嚼It’s good for our stomach to chew the solid food.把固体食物咀烂有助于减轻胃的负担。

7.sucks,吮 v.吸,吮,吸取Babies like to suck their fingers.婴儿喜欢吮吸他们的手指。

8.swallow vt.吞咽To remember the text is to swallow it.背诵课文犹如吞咽食物。格言:The water that bears boat is the same that swallows it up.水能载舟,亦能覆舟。


After walking so far, he was not a little tired. He wouldn’t like to go a bit. When he bit a few mouthfuls of apple and chewed some biscuit, he felt his heart beating stronger, so he struggled on.

2. black blackboard blackout blackish blacksmith black-market dark dusk dawn


1.black n. & adj.黑色The dark night gave me a pair of black eyes, but I use them to look for brightness.黑夜给了我一双黑色的眼睛,我却用它们寻找光明。

2.board 木板;blackboard n.黑板Our blackboard is different from a traditional one.我们的黑板不是传统的黑板。

3.out熄灭;blackout n.灯火管制, (暂时的)眩晕,中断Blackout is necessary in some places short of power.在某些缺电的地方有必要实行灯火管制。

4.形容词后缀-ish,表示“略带……的”,blackish adj.带黑色的He likes to wear blackish suit.他喜欢略带黑色的西装。

5.smith工匠;blacksmith n.铁匠You may have your knife repaired by the blacksmith.你可以找那个铁匠把刀修理一下。

6.market市场;black-market n.黑市Some people like to go to the black-market to search for treasures.一些人喜欢到黑市去寻宝。

7.dark n.黑暗,黄昏,模糊 adj.黑暗的,暗的The room is dark at present, but not black.现在房间光线昏暗,但并非黑色。

8.dusk n.薄暮,黄昏The sun is beautiful at dusk.夕阳很美。

9.dawn n.黎明,拂晓,破晓A brand new day begins with dawn.黎明开始了崭新的一天。


The black blacksmith is of course a blackie. He bought a blackish blackboard in the black-market at dawn, which he couldn’t use any more at dark.

3.blood bloody bleed flood flow float fly flight flu fluent fluency flee flash flashlight


1.oo联想血管,bloodn.血液Blood is thicker than water.血浓于水。

2.加形容词后缀-y: bloody adj.血腥的,嗜杀的,有血的, <英>该死的,非常的The empire was built on the bloody killing and seizing.这个帝国是建立在血腥的杀戮和掠夺上的。

3.bleed [ bli:d ] vi.流血With more wars started by the USA, the earth is bleeding more and more heavily.随着美国发动的越来越多的战争,地球正不断地流血。

4.fl-表示流动,飘 flood n.洪水,水灾, vt.淹没,使泛滥,充满The local people used to suffer a lot from flood every year.当地人过去年年遭受洪水灾害。

5.flow vi.流动,涌流The water in the river nearby flows quickly.附近的河里水流湍急。

6.float n.漂流物 vi.浮动,飘浮Have you noticed there is something floating on the river?你注意到河上飘浮着某种东西了吗?

7.fly [ flai ]n.苍蝇,两翼昆虫,飞行 vi.飞翔,飘扬It’s disgusting to see flies flying around you.看到身边飞舞着苍蝇是令人恶心的。

8.flight [ flait ] n.飞行,飞机的航程,班机,楼梯的一段Our flight has been canceled due to the storm.由于暴雨,我们的航班取消了。

9.flu [ flu: ] n.流感Be careful not to catch a flu.当心流感!

10.fluent adj.流利的,流畅的I admire her for her fluent English.我羡慕她流利的英语。

11.fluency n.流利,流畅,雄辩Her fluency impressed everyone present.她流利的语言给在场的人留下了深刻的印象。

12.flee [ fli: ] vt.逃避,逃跑 vi.消散,逃How could you flee when the fire broke out? You were a fireman!火灾发生的时候你怎能逃跑?你可是一个消防员!

13.flash vi.闪烁The lightning flashed across the night sky now and then.时不时闪电划过夜空。

14.flashlight n.手电筒,闪光灯It’s convenient to carry a flashlight at night.夜间带上手电筒很方便。


The blood bleeding from his wound made the head bloody. He tried to float in the flood, but it was flowing too fast like flying in a flight.

4.blouse house mouse shirt skirt apron


1.blo, blow 吹,吹得起来的,宽松的,blouse n.宽松的上衣The lady in a pink blouse is attractive.那位穿着粉红衬衣的女士很迷人。

2.h,联想房子的简画house [ haus ]n.房子vt.供住The buildings here can house 2200 people.这儿的大楼可住2200人。

3.Mickey Mouse是大家熟悉的米老鼠, mouse [ maus ]n.鼠,耗子(复数mice) In life mice are doing harm to our grains while in cartoons they are often lovely.生活中老鼠危害我们的粮食,而在动画片中他们又常常很可爱。

4.shirt n.衬衣The man in a white shirt is handsome.穿白衬衫的那个人很英俊。

5.skirt n.裙子K联想象穿上裙子的女性形象。I think skirts can express femality better.我认为裙子更能体现女性美。

6.apron n.围裙Put on the apron when cooking.做饭时要穿上围裙。


The lady with a black blouse and skirt selling men’s shirts is afraid of the mouse in her house.

5.blow flow slow show snow grow


1.b,联想鼓嘴吹气的样子,blow n.风吹,吹气于 n.突然的打击I’m afraid the news will be a heavy blow for him.恐怕这消息对他来说是个打击。

2.fl-,流动,flow vi.流淌

3.s联想绕弯的路,表示太慢,slow adj.&adv.慢The water here flows slow.这儿的水流得很慢。

4.show“秀”,v. &n.表演,展示

5.snown.雪,vi.下雪In my hometown it seldom snows.我的家乡很少下雪。

6.growv.生长,种植Remember we grow not grass but grain.记住,我们种的不是草,而是粮食!


When the wind blows, it often snows. Yet when the grass grows, spring shows. Though a little slow, the river begins to flow.

6.blue red white pale yellow green gray(grey) brown purple pink colour colorful


1.blue [ blu: ] adj.蓝色的,忧郁的,沮丧的What’s wrong? You look blue today.怎么啦?你今天闷闷不乐的。

2.red [ red ] n.红色,赤字,亏空 adj.红(色)的,革命的People worried as the budget was in red.预算赤字,人们担心。

3.white n.白色,蛋白,白种人Mr. White likes to dress in white.怀特先生喜欢身着白色衣服。

4.pale [ peil ] adj.苍白的,暗淡的,无力的No one listens to him, for his voice is pale.他的声音苍白,没有人听他的。

5.yellow adj.黄的(心情,脸色等)猜疑的,妒忌的[美]懦弱的,卑怯的He is too yellow to stand up and fight.他太懦弱了,不会站起来反抗。

6.greenadj.绿色的,未成熟的,新鲜的,精力旺盛的,无经验的,青春的Sorry, but I’m a green hand here.对不起,我是这儿的一名新手。

7.gray(grey) adj.灰色的,阴沉的The gray sky will clear up.阴沉的天空会晴朗开来。

8.brown [ braun ] adj.褐色的,棕色的I have no appetite for the brown chocolate.我对褐色的巧克力没有胃口。

9.purple adj.紫色的,华而不实的帝王的,刺激的Purple is mysterious in Chinese culture.在中国文化中,紫色是神秘的颜色。

10.pink adj.粉红色的She has passed the age for dressing in pink.她已过了穿粉红色衣服的年龄。

11.colorn.颜色,v.上色Tom colored his fence white.汤姆把栅栏涂成了白色。

12.加形容词后缀-ful: colorful adj.丰富多彩的In order that you can live a colorful life, you need to change from time to time.为了过上丰富多彩的生活,你时不时需要改变一下。


This is a really colorful world: snow white, seas blue; grass green, oranges yellow; ashes gray, eggplants purple; and blood red, soil brown. On the other hand, we should realize that there are still pale faces in the reality.


One day, Xiao Ming went to the countryside to visit his friend. When he got to a small bridge, he saw a man with a dog which looked very fierce. He asked the man, " Will your dog attack people?"

The man answered, " Fierce as my dog looks, it never attacks people."

Xiao Ming felt relaxed and began to went through the bridge. Just then, the dog jumped and bit him bitterly.

Xiao Ming turned very angry, " Didn't you say your dog never attacks?" he scolded the man.

"Yes, but this dog is not mine." the man replied coldly.

7.board aboard broad abroad broadcast skateboard cupboard


1.联想blackboard黑板;board n.木板 v.上船(飞机)We will board Flight AO121 in ten minutes.十分钟后我们将登上AO121航班。

2.加前缀a-, aboard adv.&prep.在船(飞机、车)上,上船(飞机、车)A stewardess should smile to every passenger aboard.空姐应微笑面对机上的每一个乘客。

3.联想road路,broad路向外延伸,adj.宽阔We have the broadest square in our province.我们拥有省里最宽阔的广场。

4.加前缀a-, abroad adv.国外It’s much easier to go abroad than before.现在出国比以前容易多了。

5.cast投,broadcast v.广播They are broadcasting the news about the disastrous war.他们正在播出这场灾难性战争的新闻。

6.skateboard n.溜冰板With a skateboard, you can skate on the street.有了溜冰板,你可以在大街上滑冰了。

7.cupboard n.食橱,碗碟橱格言:Every family has a skeleton in the cupboard.家家都有家丑。


The man with broad shoulders boarded the plane to study broadcasting abroad.

8. boat paddle beat coat goat


1. boat n.船v.划船Isn’t it romantic to go boating in a warm day?在温和的天气里去划船不很浪漫吗?

2. paddle n.短桨vi.划桨Sit still. I will paddle.坐好,我要划桨了。

3. beat [ bi:t ]打(beat, beat, beaten)

4. coat c,拼音“穿”,与穿有关,外衣I bought a fine coat for 300 yuan.我花了300元买了一件不错的外衣。

5. goat n.山羊It’s easy to tell a goat from a sheep.区别山羊和绵羊不难。


A goat in a coat beat a boat.

9. boil thermos oil oily petrol soil spoil


1.oil音“哦,油”,n.油,石油 vt.给(机器等)加油The washing machine needs oiling.洗衣机需要加点油。

2.加形容词后缀-y: oily adj.油的,油滑的,油腔滑调的Be careful. The road is oily.小心!路滑!

3.b,音联想沸腾时发出的声音,boil沸腾,煮We ought to drink more boiled water.我们应该多喝点开水。

4.s,音联想“食”,soil,给我们提供食物的肥沃地方,n.土壤。Some plants can grow without soil.一些植物不需要土壤也能生长。格言:It is lost labour to sow where there is no soil.没有土壤,播种也是徒劳。

5.sp,音“撕破”,spoil vt.损坏,搞糟,宠坏,溺爱A child will be spoiled if you give him whatever he asks for.如果孩子要什么就给什么的话,他会被宠坏的。

6.the,音“热”,thermos 装热水的东西 n.热水瓶There is some hot water in the thermos. Just help yourself when thirsty.热水瓶里有热水,口渴的话请自便。


The oil begins to boil. I’m afraid it will spoil the soil.

10. book order buy purchase pay charge


1.book [ buk ] n.书,书籍,帐簿 v.登记,预订(ticket, room)Can you book a film ticket today?你能订一张今天的电影票吗?

2.order n.次序,秩序,命令,定购,定单 vt.命令,定购,定制May I take your order now?请问你们点了什么菜?

3.buy [ bai ] vt.买I only buy what is necessary rather than what is cheap.我买东西看需要,而不是看便宜。

4.purchase vt.买,购买n.买,购买The government made a large purchase last week.上周政府进行了大采购。

5.pay [ pei ] v.付款,支付,n.工资I paid him two yuan for the direction.我给了他两元钱感谢他的指点。

6.charge vt.收费,要价,负责The shopowner charged me 100 yuan for the shoes.这鞋店主收了我一百元。


He booked a room, ordered a wonderful meal and intended to buy an expensive tie for her father. When he went to pay, the hotel charged him 2000 dollars.

11. borrow tomorrow sorrow sad lend


1.b, “不“,borrow不是自己的,借来的,vt.借May I borrow your bicycle?我可以借用一下你的自行车吗?

2.to到,morrow次日;tomorrow到次日,明天格言:Never deter till tomorrow that which you can do today.今日事须今日毕,切勿拖延到明天。

3.so联想sorry或sad ; sorrow n.难过,悲伤The sudden death of his beloved wife threw him in deep sorrow.他深深爱恋的妻子突然去世,他悲痛万分。

4.sadadj.难过的All the nation were sad at the news.全国人民听到这消息时都很悲伤。

5.lend [ lend ] vt.借出,借给He didn’t lend me his bicycle as he would use it soon.他很快就要用自行车,因此没有把它借给我。


Today Tony wanted to borrow ten dollars from Tom , who’d like to lend him the money if he could return it tomorrow. Tony was sad, full of sorrow.

12.both either neither all everyone none no one each


1.both两者都,注意:both与not连用在一句话中时表示部分否定:并非两者都……His parents are both teachers.他父母都是教师。

2.either两者之一,也不-Would you like a cup of tea or coffee? – Either will do.你来杯茶还是咖啡?随便哪个都行。He didn’t finish the homework in time, either.他也没有及时完成作业。

3.neither两者都不,没有一个Neither of his eyes is sharp.他的双眼都不敏锐。

4.all全都。注意:all与not连用在一句话中时表示部分否定:并非全都……All that glitter are not gold.并非所有的闪光的东西都是黄金。

5.everyone每一个。注意:后有of时,要分开写:every one of us Every one of the teachers cares for everyone in our class.我们的每个老师都关心班上的每个学生。

6.none一个都不注意:强调数量为零(回答How many, anyone, anybody)- How many people went to the zoo yesterday? - None.昨天多少人去了动物园?一个都没有。

7.no one没有一个。注意回答who的问题,不能接of。- Who went to the zoo yesterday? – No one.谁昨天去了动物园?没人去。

8.each每个,可作副词使用。They each got a gift at the party.在晚会上他们每个人都得到了一份礼物。今日配套阅读,奇速英语每日时文阅读APP。


Everyone should tell either of his parents to come to the meeting. If neither of them comes, all the students must stay after school, and none of them can get home as usual.


TEACHER: Didn't you promise to behave?

STUDENT: Yes, Sir.

TEACHER: And didn't I promise to punish you if you didn't?

STUDENT: Yes, Sir, but since I broke my promise, I don't expect you to keep yours.





责任编辑: 鲁达

