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镜头一 梓妍精心打扮,穿一条波西米亚裙子,彩绘帆布鞋,吊了个马尾。(15s)

镜头二 梓妍挤地铁,被人踩到脚都会报以微笑。(10s)

镜头三 梓妍在商场逛街。(5s)

字幕出 真爱无言True love, speechless Love you can’t be expressed by words 随后跟出小字(郑允国导演作品)(其他演职人员名单)(60s)

第一场 时间:上午 地点:商场 人物:梓妍 景轩 梓妍前男友 前男友女友 商场群演五到八个

镜头一 商场里人来人往(5s)

镜头二 梓妍随便逛街猛一抬头看到对面(5s)

镜头三 梓妍前男友,臂弯上挂一个女孩子,一路神情甜蜜。(7s)

镜头四 梓妍表情(心里台词:当初分手理由是性格不合,谁知道,是看上了大胸妹。The reason for breaking up was a bad character. Who knows, it was the big boobs.)t:女人胸(15s)

镜头五 那俩人就要到跟前了,梓妍心里紧张,愤恨(心里台词:不,我不能让负心男看了笑话,自己还是形单影只。No, I can't let the negative guy see the joke, I'm still a single.)t梓妍表情(20s)

镜头六 梓妍周围巡视一圈(3s)

镜头七 景轩西装革履正低头经过(5s)

镜头八 梓妍(一把挽起他的胳膊):“帮帮我!Help me”(2s)


梓妍强撑着和前男友打招呼,满脸阳光微笑:这么巧啊!What a coincidence!(3s)

梓妍前男女:这是你男朋友啊,不错吗!It's your boyfriend, okay?(3s)

梓妍:我说过离开你我过的会更好。I said it would be better to leave you.(说着头贴向景轩)(5s)

梓妍前男友:好吧,但愿如此。Well, I hope so.(说完拉着女友就走了)(5s)

镜头九 梓妍:谢谢啊。Thank you.(她不想让陌生人看到自己的泪水。)(3s)

镜头十 景轩看着梓妍走,看着背影会心一笑。(5s)

第二场 时间:晚上 地点:装修小店 人物:景轩 丁政

镜头一 景轩收拾好一切,准备早早关门,看看这不景气的艺术玻璃店心里不由的叹气,他明白这次失败以为着什么,自己和丁政半年多的投入就会付诸东流,血本无归。

这时候丁政过来,看看景轩说; 怎么灰心了?How to lose your heart?

景轩:不是,你看看我们现在,正常开销都支付不起了,还怎么做下去?No, you see, we can't afford the normal expenses now. How can we do that?

丁政:你的雄心壮志呢,你的想法呢,你还是那个目空一切的景轩吗,你现在的表现就是懦夫。What are your ambitions, your thoughts, and your vision of the world? Your present performance is cowardice.

景轩:丁政,当初是我拉着你自己做的,你也投钱了,现在亏本了你让我怎么做下去,再继续你的钱也会血本无归。Ding zheng, At the begining I pulled yourself to do it, and you also invested money, now lose money you let me how to go on, continue your money also can be wiped out.

丁政:当初是我同意的,没有我你或许不会自己做,也就不用赔钱,所以我的钱赔光了也是应该。At the begining I agreed, and you wouldn't have done it without me, so I should have lost my money.

景轩:你可以这样想,我能这样想吗?You can think of it this way, can I?

丁政看看景轩,不由得叹了一口气,好吧,一会,我们两个喝点。Okay, we'll have a drink later.


镜头二 丁政和景轩收拾了一下,自己出去,丁政走在路上,心里充满了无奈,满天星斗,丁政不由的叹了一口气,手里提着一提啤酒,步履蹒跚,他单薄的力量似乎已经无法承受他那原本瘦弱的身体,但是更重的是他心里的忧伤,眼泪划落的一霎那丁政使劲闭了一下眼睛,眼前的 星云艺术玻璃门面映入他的眼帘,丁政长舒一口气,走进去。

镜头三 景轩这时候已经炒了一个土豆丝,一个凉菜,看见丁政走进来,景轩说;回来了,今晚你想怎么喝。Come back. How do you want to drink tonight?

丁政:能怎么喝,老规矩。How can you drink? Old rules.

丁政打开酒,给景轩一瓶,景轩也不客气,两个人也不用杯子,碰了一下便喝起来,丁政看看景轩说;真的不想做了?Really don't want to do it?

景轩:没法做了,这样下去你的钱没了不说,我也坚持不住。I can't do it. I can't hold on to your money without saying it.

丁政:少说这个,我的钱你别想多了,我今天就是问你一个问题,你是不是不想干了,是不是不敢创业了。Say this less, my money you don't think much, I today is ask you a question, you don't want to do, whether dare not to start a business.

(丁政说的斩钉截铁,景轩抬头看着丁政,丁政目光坚定,似乎有一下失望 愤怒 景轩没有看下去,或者是有意回避丁政),丁政也看出来了,接着说;你他妈就是一个混蛋。丁政说完一口气喝完一瓶。You're fucking a jerk. Ding zheng finished the bottle with a breath.

景轩;我怎么混蛋了?How am I a jerk?

丁政:在学校你我关系就好,你说我们脾气一样吗,不一样,性格一样吗,不一样,你他妈就是一个痞子土匪,目空一切,谁也看不上,天老大你老二,我他妈也邪了就是和你关系好。You my relationship is good at school, you said our temper, not the same, the character is same, not the same, you his mama is a rascal, bandits head, who also does, eldest brother you second day, I his mama also evil is that good relationship with you.

景轩:这叫王八瞅绿豆。This is called Mung beans

丁政:滚,说人话。Roll, talking.

景轩:好,我看上你义气,思维敏捷,脑子活,以后肯定能成事。Good, I see you yiqi, the thought agile, the brain work, certainly can become a matter in the future.

丁政:你错了,咱们两个能成事的是你, 我是思维敏捷,但是没有你的格局,我是脑子活但是没有你魄力,咱们正好是一个互补,你还记得我们班主任说过一句话吗,人生的路虽然漫长,但是紧要的转折点只有几步。你能敢走走好这几步而我不能。You are wrong, let's two works were you, I am the thought is agile, but without your mindedness, I live is all but didn't you courage,we happened to be a complement each other, do you remember our class teacher said a word, the way of life is long, but the turning point of matter is only a few steps. You can take a walk and I can't.

景轩:你高看我了。You look up at me.

丁政:不是高看,而是你必须做到。Not high, but you must.


丁政;景轩,不是我逼你,而是我自私,我做不到的事情要你来做。但是我们有办法,必须你来做,谁让你景轩和我丁政是兄弟呢,如果你把我当知己,就坚持下去。King xuan, not I force you, but I selfish, I cannot do the things that I want you to do. But we have a way, you must do it, who let you and I ding zheng are brothers, if you treat me as bosom friend, persist.

景轩:你说个原因。You say one reason.

丁政;景轩,我今年多大?Jing xuan, how old am I?

景轩:22啊,怎么问这个。22. Why do you ask?

丁政:那我告诉你我最多还能活八年,你还会说我刚才是信口开河吗(?Then I told you I could live eight years at most, and would you say that I was just talking about it?


景轩;丁政,什么情况?Ding zheng, what's the situation?

丁政(喝了一口酒,倒显得十分自然);我有先天性心脏病, 医生确诊,这种病没有活过三十岁的。I have congenital heart disease, doctor diagnosed, this kind of disease did not live over 30 years old.

景轩:怎么会这样?How did that happen?

丁政:前两年就确诊了,我之所以没有告诉你是想和你一起做一番事业后告诉你,但是你现在要打退堂鼓,没了斗志,景轩我告诉你我不要求别的,只求有生之年能和你景轩做一份事业,我知道自己活不过三十,但是我能留下一个品牌也算不妄一生,你得帮我。Two years before diagnosis, the reason why I didn't tell you is to want to tell you after you do with a career, but are you going to back down, now didn't fight, JingXuan I tell you I do not ask other, can JingXuan do a business with you for lifetime, I know I live but thirty, but can I leave a brand, not make life, you have to help me.

景轩:是你一直在帮我,可是我志大才疏,没有成功。You have been helping me, but I have no success.(景轩说着眼泪夺眶而出。)

丁政:没事,我现在还没有死呢。It's okay. I'm not dead.

景轩:说什么呢,但是说真的,我们下一步怎么做?What are you talking about? But seriously, what are we going to do next?

丁政:你说。What you said.

景轩;如果真的再坚持我们会很难,我想走出去,不能在镇上,出去可以接一些散活,有机会我们注册个公司到时候我们东山再起。If it's going to be hard, I want to go out, I can't be in town, I can go out and get some loose work, we'll have a chance to sign up for a company and we'll come back.

丁政:可以。You can.

第三场 时间:上午 地点:城市大街 人物:景轩 丁政

镜头一 丁政和景轩的打扮在都市里面显得很不和谐,(丁政主要负责带人到工地,景轩主要负责联系业务和进货。)

第四场 时间 下午 地点 小区楼下 (城市街上) 人物 丁政 景轩

丁政等在楼下,地板砖到了,景轩打过来电话;喂,丁政,地板砖到了,150块,你过过数找个上楼工。Hello, ding zheng, floor tiles arrive, 150 pieces, you overcount to find a upstairs worker.

丁政:好的,你现在在那里呢,晚上回来喝酒。Well, where are you now? Come back and drink at night.

景轩:不了,没有车了,我在市里有点事,就不回去了。No, I don't have a car. I'm in the city and I won't go back.

丁政:好吧,那你在外面注意。Okay, then you're outside.

景轩:嗯,干活时候别急啊,咱们现在没有工人,你等我明天回去和你一起铺,你找个上楼工啊。Well, don't worry about it. We don't have a worker right now. You can wait till I get back to bed with you tomorrow.

丁政:知道了,挂了。Got it. Hang it.


第五场 时间 晚上 地点 小宾馆 人物 景轩 宾馆老板娘

城市的夜,景轩独自走在护城河,景轩到了一个小宾馆问;你们这住宿多少钱。How much do you stay?

宾馆老板娘:30 30 yuan.

景轩:这么贵,有没有10块的。It's so expensive. Is there any ten yuan?

宾馆老板娘:小伙,现在还有10块的住宿吗。走吧。Boy, Are there 10 yuan to stay now? go out.


第六场 时间晚上 地点 小区楼道 人物 丁政


第七场 时间 早上 地点 工地 人物 景轩 丁政


第八场 时间 中午 地点 小饭店 人物 景轩 丁政

终于等到结账,两个人找到了一家小饭馆,这次两个人点了四个菜,喝了一会酒,景轩问;丁政,是不是你该考虑找个对象了。Ding zheng, it's time for you to consider finding an girlfriend.

丁政:不急,我们注册公司我就找个对象。B: no hurry. I'll find girlfriend to sign up for the company.

景轩:你今年都24了,,,,You're all 24 this year,(景轩没有说下去,)丁政;是啊,我连累人家干什么。Yeah, I'm get somebody into trouble of what they're doing.

景轩(使劲喝了一口酒),只要人家愿意就结婚,日后孩子我替你养。As long as they are willing to marry, I will keep the children for you.


丁政:算了,不说这个了,明天装修公司交流会你去吧,我有事。Come on, don't say this, tomorrow decorate the company exchange meeting you go, I have something to do it.

景轩:好吧,估计也没什么事。Well, probably nothing.

第九场 时间:上午 地点:咖啡馆 人物 景轩 梓妍 群演二十人左右

镜头一 梓妍走进会场(3s)

镜头二 景轩一见梓妍就呵呵笑,景轩:我叫景轩,装修设计师,现在看来,也有做演员的潜质,My name is jingxuan, and I decorate the designer. Now I have the potential to be an actor.(梓妍马上红了脸。)(7s)

梓妍:我叫梓妍,上次不好意思啊。My name is zi yan. I was embarrassed last time.(3s)

景轩:很乐意为美女效劳。It's my pleasure to serve beautiful women.(3s)

梓妍:谢谢,宴会开始了。Thank you. The party begins.(梓妍潜台词:景轩这种男人,平头、浓眉、大眼,一看就是那种好单位里木讷端正的好青年。就算有了前几天的小插曲,但他也不是我的菜,也许是因为生活太平淡了,所以才特别向往那种轰轰烈烈的爱情,男人要霸道一点,深情一点,为了爱情不管不顾一点。)Jing xuan this kind of man, flat head, thick eyebrow, big eye, a look is that kind of good unit of the good young man of the wooden straight. Even with the episodes in a few days ago, but he is not my dish, perhaps because life is too dull, so special to yearn for that kind of magnificent and victorious love, men want to bully, deep feeling a bit, in order to love no matter regardless of the point.(30s)

梓妍细看景轩:(潜台词)唉,我自己虽然不是绝世美女,但还是希望能吸引到一个痴情男子来爱。那么,她愿意远离这朝九晚五、平凡如麻的日子,跟着一个男人天涯日暮,策马江湖……Alas, I am not a beautiful woman myself, but I hope to attract a love man to love me. Then she would be willing to stay away from this nine-to-five, ordinary day, and follow a man on the horizon and ride the horses...(15s)

景轩:梓小姐,咖啡要凉了。Miss Ziyan the coffee is getting cold.(3s)

梓妍心情很不爽:好吧。All right.(潜台词:为什么世界这么大男人这么多,能到自己眼前的,却都不是对眼的。Why is the world so big a man so many, can arrive oneself in front of, but all is not opposite eye.)(10s)

镜头三 景轩很绅士,一直把梓妍送上出租车,(10s)

镜头四 梓妍手机 收到信息:大龄男女的相亲,就像买彩票,明知道中奖的几率是零,却还忍不住一次次侥幸一试……想必你也是……The blind date of a man or woman is like buying a lottery ticket, knowing that the odds of winning the lottery are zero, but you can't help but get away with it. Surely you too...(10s)

镜头五 梓妍生气呀:这不是明摆着没看上她吗?于是,短信都没有回。Isn't it obvious that you don't see her? So, the message did not return.(4s)

紧接着收到一条短信:不如我们尝试下短线爱情Let's try a short term love(2s)

第十场 时间:上午 地点:地铁站 人物:梓妍

镜头一 坐地铁,(10s)

第十一场 时间:上午 地点:公交车 人物:景轩

镜头一 坐公交。(10s)

第十二场 时间上午 地点:梓妍家 人物:梓妍 景轩

镜头一 梓妍懒洋洋地不愿起床,趴在枕头上逛微博。景轩来了电话,梓妍盯着屏幕上那个号码,犹豫着要不要接——还是接了,(8s)

景轩:美女今天有安排吗?Does the beauty have plans today?(3s)

梓妍:“你有事?”You have something?(2s)

景轩:你看今天天气不错,我觉得我们都是单身,工作相仿,年龄相仿,只是互相没看上,又都是大好青年,不如,我们来次短线爱情吧……”I think we are all single. We are similar in our work. We are similar in age, but we are not interested in each other, but we are all good young people.(10s)

镜头二 梓妍很愤怒地挂断了电话(潜台词:他有什么了不起,居然跑来和她玩什么短线爱情!)What a great thing he had to come and play with her!(5s)

镜头三 半小时后,梓妍的手机上进来一条信息,又是景轩(下午两点,我来接你,目的地:N城。请马上梳妆打扮。At two o 'clock in the afternoon, I'll pick you up, destination: N city. Please dress up immediately.)(5s)

梓妍:什么人啊,What man,(2s)

镜头四 梓妍开始了洗澡换衣服。(15s)

镜头五 梓妍在路上看风景。

梓妍潜台词:说起来,城市风景不错,正是五月花香烂漫;再说,那个景轩也不难看,不是英雄,可也不是狗熊啊,不谈情说爱,打发一下无聊的周末也是很好的。Well, the city's scenery is good, it's the flowers of may. Besides, that jingxuan is not ugly, not a hero, but also not a bear, not to talk love, to send a boring weekend is also very good.(20s)

第十三场 时间:上午 地点:路上 人物:梓妍 景轩

镜头一 景轩很绅士地帮梓妍拉车门,取饮料,梓妍也不客气:“我说景公子,从现在开始,我们就是短线情侣了,你要做到保护我、照顾我、容忍我,打不还手骂不还口,尽快进入角色。”I said Mr. jing , from now on, we are short - line couple, you want to be able to protect me, take care of me, tolerate me, fight not to return to scold not to return, enter the role as soon as possible.(30s)

景轩:“二十一世纪,没有一见钟情,我们只好日久生情了。但愿我们的短线爱情能产生長线收益。”In the 21st century, without love at first sight, we have to go to love will come in time. I hope our short-term love will generate long-term benefits.(10s)

梓妍在心里撇嘴,潜台词:怎么可能,你又不是英雄!How can you, you are not a hero!(5s)

镜头二 他们停在了一处果园,桃花开得盛,漫天都是花瓣雨,美得不象话。梓妍好久没这么兴奋,在花海里旋转不停,一二三,茄子,嘴巴都笑得痛。景轩负责拍照。(15s)

镜头三 玩累了,俩人坐在树底下吃东西。景轩给梓妍开饮料瓶,削水果皮,梓妍,懒洋洋地坐在阳光下,靠在景轩背上,俩人像一对真正的情侣。(20s)

景轩:“我不是没有看上你,我是觉得,现在短线爱情比较流行,咱们何不尝试一把,权当周末旅行了?再说了,多一个了解的机会,也多一份希望不是。”I don't see you, I mean, short - line love is more popular now, why don't we try it? Besides, one more chance to learn, and one more hope.(15s)

第十四场 时间上午 地点:梓妍家 人物:梓妍 景轩

镜头一 日历母亲节,(2s)

镜头二 梓妍起了大早,给老妈买礼物,刚出门,手机响了,景轩很欢快的声音传过来:“美女,我找到一个好地方,一百里车程,风景优美,还有农家院,我们再去短线一下如何?”Beauty, I find a good place, a hundred miles drive, beautiful scenery, and the farmyard, shall we go to the short line?"(8s)

镜头三 梓妍潜台词:凭什么景轩看不上我,我站出来,虽然不是闭月羞花,好歹也是外表清秀内心内秀的小白领一枚啊,不信景轩就爱不上她!I stand up, although I am not a closed moon, I am a little white collar worker in the inner and outer show. I can't love her without the love of jingxuan!(10s)

镜头四 景轩紫研逛超市

镜头五 景轩紫研逛公园

第十五场 时间:晚上 地点:宾馆 人物:景轩 梓妍 服务员

镜头一 景轩:麻烦把我定的那两间房卡给我。Please give me the two room CARDS I have ordered.(5s)

服务员:好的。All right.(服务员笑了笑)(3s)

镜头二 二人回房间(5s)

第十六场 时间:晚上 地点:河边 人物:景轩 梓妍

镜头一 星光很灿烂,他们在河边散步,月光拖長了两条影子。(5s)

镜头二 景轩:茨威格有一本小说,叫《昨日之旅》,讲一对热恋的情侣,忽然间被一场战争分开,日日期盼终于盼到重聚的那一天,然后,他们为了躲开各自的生活圈子,约在了另一个城市相见……不知道,这是不是最早的短线爱情。Zweig, there is a novel, called "journey" yesterday, a couple in love, suddenly was a war apart, day after day look forward to finally look forward to the reunion of that day of, then, they in order to avoid their own life circle, about meet in another city... I don't know if this is the earliest love.(20s)

梓妍:“荒僻冰冷的苍老园庭,小径上两个身影窃窃前行……荒僻冰冷的苍老园庭,一堆幽灵在追忆往昔。你可曾记起旧日欢愉?”In the cold, cold old garden, two figures on the trail move forward... The desolate and cold old garden court, a heap of ghosts in the memory of the past. Do you remember the old days?(15s)

景轩惊讶:“你看过啊,还会背……”You've seen it, you've got it back...(5s)

镜头三 梓妍肩头上突然一沉,一个身影飞一样冲过去,她这才反应过来,是包被抢了!(5s)


景轩:“真猖狂,算了,别难过,我的卡还在。Don't be upset. My card is still here.”(4s)


景轩:陌生的地方,不了解情况,太危险了。It's too dangerous not to know the situation.(5s)

梓妍:你就是胆小,能有什么担当。(You are just a coward.3s)

第十七场 时间:晚上 地点:宾馆 人物:景轩 梓妍

镜头一 半夜睡不着,梓妍推开阳台的门去看夜色,郊区的夜,黑得很深沉。景轩也没睡,隔了阳台的小矮墙,伸过头来说:“梓妍,如果都没有找到合适的那个人,不如我们一直把短线爱情继续下去。”Zi yan, if we don't find the right person, we will continue to keep the short-term love.(20s)


景轩轻描淡写:“把你送回来,我就赶紧出去找,这种贼,一般只是要钱……你不知道,那个时候去追,真的会很危险的,谁知道他们有几个人,我还得顾及你的安全。I'm going to get you back, and I'm going out to find the thief, usually just asking for money... You don't know, it would be dangerous to go after them at that time. Who knows how many people they have, and I have to take care of your safety.”(15s)

镜头二 蒙太奇:景轩追小贼,把小贼打倒在地拿回包。(10s)

镜头三 梓妍心里暖了一把,怨恨飞跑了。(5s)

第十八场 时间:白天 地点:户外 人物:景轩 梓妍

镜头一 两人在草地坐着梓妍光脚。

镜头二 两人一起吃零食

镜头三 景轩抱梓妍

镜头四 两人公园漫步

镜头五 两人海边漫步

镜头六 两人城市漫步(背景音乐《你不来我不老》150s)

第十九场 时间 上午 地点 办公室 人物 景轩 丁政

丁政说;景轩,我既然结婚了,她叫辛然,很懂我心,我想自己干了,我去我老婆的城市,那边会更好发展,这边就靠你自己了。Jing xuan, I am married, she is called xin ran, very understanding my heart, I think I did, I go to my wife's city, that side will be better development, this side depend on you.

景轩:咱们干的不是很好吗,而且马上就要注册公司了,你这时候走是不是吃亏啊。We're not doing very well, and we're going to sign up for the company right away.

丁政:吃什么亏,我是自己当老板,你不会栏我的财路吧。I am my own boss when I am the boss.

景轩:你这么说了,我没有什么好说的。I have nothing to say to you.

第二十场 时间:上午 地点:咖啡馆 人物 景轩 梓妍 相亲男

镜头一 相亲地点在茶座,对面的帅哥很养眼。景轩短信一个接一个,梓妍回:在相亲,不去了。一天的爱情,就是止痛片,我们不要再自欺欺人。On a blind date, no. One day love is a pain-killer. Let's not kid ourselves.(20s)

景轩:在哪里相亲?Where is the blind date?(3s)

镜头二 梓妍想了想,打开视频,悄悄放给他看。(3s)


梓妍吓一跳,景轩说:“梓妍,你不够意思,就算我们吵了架,你也不能来相亲啊。”Zi yan, you don't mean, even if we have a fight, you can't come to a blind date."(8s)

梓妍:“谁跟你吵架,我跟你有什么关系吗?”Who is quarrelling with you, what do I have to do with you?

景轩:“我们经常出去旅行,难道不算吗?”We often travel, don't we?(4s)

景轩又说:“别闹了,我道歉。”Stop that now, I apologize.又对对面的帅哥道歉:“对不起,我女朋友,赌气呢。”I'm sorry, my girlfriend.(8s)

梓妍大叫:“景轩你太过分,谁是你女朋友!”Jingxuan you are too much, who is your girlfriend!(5s)

景轩:“你别不承认,我……我是很爱你的!”Don't admit it, I... I love you very much!(5s)


第二十一场 时间:上午 地点:路上 人物:景轩 梓妍

镜头一 景轩拉梓妍走出咖啡馆。(5s)

镜头二 景轩:对于你来说,虽然没有遇到心目中的英雄,可是我也不错啊,起码我稳定踏实,保险系数高,过日子的潜质非常明显。最重要的是,他第一次吻她嘴唇的时候,竟然微微颤抖,这说明你对我是有感情的。短线爱情,也能带来長线收益,我以前说过,万事没有绝对,这个世道,不是没有好男人和好女人,是我们否定的速度太快,错失了不少机会,比如,如果不再相约,我不会知道你也爱看茨威格,不知道你也喜欢大自然,不知道你出门的时候,喜欢握住我的手……For you, although have not met the hero of the heart, but I am also good ah, at least I stable down-to-earth, the insurance coefficient is high, the potential of life is very apparent. The most important thing is that when he first kissed her on the lips, he shivered slightly, which means you have feelings for me. Short-term love, also can bring long-term profits, I said before, everything is not absolute, this world, is not without good men and good women, we are not too fast, missed a lot of opportunities, for example, if no longer meet, zweig's, I don't know you like don't know you also like the nature, do not know you when you go out, like to hold my hand...(35s)

紫研:那你想怎样?So what do you want?

镜头三 景轩抱梓妍。(20s)

第二十二场 时间:上午 地点:丁政家 人物:景轩 丁政 辛然 丁政父母

镜头一 辛然把莱端上来

辛然:景哥,你们先吃,我再做个汤。King, you eat first, I'll make another soup.

景轩:弟妹,别忙了,我就是来找丁政聊聊。Sister, don't be busy, I just come to talk to ding zheng.

丁政:景轩,听说你结婚了。Jingxuan, I heard you got married.

景轩:是,你没有来,我来给你送喜糖。Yes, you didn't come. I'll give you the sweetest.

丁政:听说你们家叔叔阿姨也去了。I heard that your aunt and uncle also went.

景轩:去了,Go to, (喝了一口酒)可是我不是东西,……But I'm not a thing...

丁政:别说了,我知道你的苦衷,别人不知道我知道。当初伊凡不就是因为你们家才离开你,这在他们心里是结。Don't say that. I know your reason. People don't know I know. It was in their hearts that Ivan did not leave you because of your family.

景轩:可是他们一口酒没喝,一口莱没吃。But they did not drink a mouthful of wine.(落泪)。

丁政父:孩子,当父母的只要你们好就行。Children, when their parents are good.

丁政母:是啊,你别往心里去。Yeah, don't take it to heart.

景轩:叔叔阿姨我没事,就是过来和丁政聊聊。来喝酒。Uncle auntie I'm ok, just come to chat with ding zheng. To drink.

第二十三场 时间:晚上 地点:景轩家 人物:景轩 梓妍 梓妍父母

镜头一 第一年的除夕,年夜饭

镜头二 景轩:我胃疼没吃下晚饭回房睡觉去了。I had a stomachache and didn't have dinner to go back to bed.

镜头三 梓妍让妈妈熬点大米粥也跟着进了房。

镜头四 景轩躺在床上,眼里还憋着泪。

镜头五 梓妍:景轩不带这样的,第一年的除夕就不跟我们一块吃晚饭,还跑房里这样。好象我们家亏待你似的,一过节你就胃疼,哪有这样的事情?其实我知道你不是胃疼,说吧什么事?The first year of the New Year's eve is not to have dinner with us. It seems like our family is treating you like you, you have stomach ache for a holiday, which have such thing? Actually I know you are not the stomach ache, what matter?

景轩闷了半天:对不起,他只是想起堂叔和堂婶还有他死去的爹娘,还有姐姐。我怕在桌上忍不住,惹爸妈不高兴才推说胃疼。I'm sorry, but he just remembered his uncle and his cousin, his dead parents, and his sister. I was afraid that I could not help it on the table.

梓妍搂着他说:真是个傻孩子,想他们我们过完年看他们去就成了,再说我也想知道他俩是怎么过日子的。It's a silly child, thinking that we'll see them over the years, and I want to know how they get along.

景轩:算了,那条山路特别难走。你会累着的,等以后路通了我们生了小孩再带你去那看他们吧。Well, that mountain path is especially hard. You'll be tired, and then we'll have a baby and take you there to see them.

梓妍心里想:(潜台词:等我们生小孩的时候他们还不一定在呢!):给他们再寄些钱物吧!They don't have to be there when we have kids! Send them some more money!

第二十四场 时间 上午 地点 丁政家 人物 丁政 辛然

丁政婚后很幸福,妻子也很贤惠,还给丁政生了一个女儿,丁政看着妻子,轻轻吻了一下妻子的额头,说;老婆,你辛苦了。Wife, you worked hard.

辛然:没事,瞧把你吓的,你还没有给咱们女儿起名字哪。It's okay. Look at you. You haven't named our daughter.

丁政:嗯,我想想,我们女儿就叫丁璇璇吧。B: well, let's see. Our daughter is called a ding xuan xuan.

辛然:你还想景轩吧。我就不知道当初你为什么和他分开,你们两个不是合作很好吗。You want to see the scenery. I don't know why you separated from him at the beginning, but you two are not working together very well.

丁政:是啊,景轩有魄力,有想法,既然公司成型了,他就不再需要我了,而我最终会拖累他,只是苦了你们娘俩了。Yeah, he's got the guts, he's got the idea. Now that the company is in shape, he's not going to need me anymore, and I'll end up being a drag on him, just the two of you.

辛然:你说什么呢,我们现在也不缺钱啊,虽然不是大富大贵,但是我很知足。What are you talking about? We don't need any money now, but I'm not too rich, but I'm content.

第二十五场 时间:晚上 地点:酒吧 人物:景轩 海山 坤阳 伊凡 客户

镜头一 有一次景轩出差,陪客户去酒吧,

镜头二 海山:哥,咱们可没有请客户来过这种地方。We haven't invited any clients to this place, brother.

景轩:少说话,这不是这货好这个,记住咱哥们不找就得了。Talk less, this isn't this good thing, remember our guys don't get it.

坤阳:那倒是,咱哥们可不缺这个。That's true. We don't need this.

景轩:滚,少装。你先找个媳妇我看看。Roll, dress less. You need to find a daughter-in-law.

坤阳:别说我,海山也单身呢,给他先找。Don't say me, hai shan is single, give him first.

海山:我丈母娘可能还吃奶呢。My mother-in-law might be nursing a milk.

景轩:滚啊,想她妈老牛吃嫩草啊。Get out of here, think of her mother eating the tender grass.

镜头三 突然看见了一个卖唱女,景轩细看之下正是自己的初恋~~伊凡。

镜头四 蒙太奇 她晚饭都没留下吃一顿就走了,

景轩追出去伊凡说,和这样的人过日子她一天都过不下去。你们家基因有问题,以后的小孩肯定也不会健康。She could not live a day without her. Your family has a genetic problem, and future children won't be healthy either.

景轩:滚,有多远滚多远!Roll, how far away!

镜头五 蒙太奇 在学校里在操场走。

镜头六 伊凡:我们分手吧。Let's break up.


伊凡:“你是个木头人,根本不懂浪漫,而且你们家我无法接受,就你们家的条件你拿什么养我,就你们家看着就恶心让我怎么生活?你在你家不也说让我滚吗。我…… 慢慢的不喜欢你了,不要勉强我,相处的这么多天,对你来说是快乐,于我来说是难过,你快乐了这么久,应该满足了,以后的路还长,我们必须去走!”You're a blockhead, you don't know anything about romance, and I can't accept you at home, what's the condition of your family and what would you do with me, and that's how you would make me live with your family? Don't you say let me roll in your house? I...... Slowly don't like you, don't force me, get along with so many days, that is happy for you, it is sad to me, you are happy so long, should be satisfied, after the road is still long, we have to go!"

镜头七 景轩不说话,愣在原地,用手机给近在只尺的女孩发了一条短信:我会一直爱你,即使你已经不爱我了,我还是会爱你,这是我最后能给你的承诺!I will always love you, even if you do not love me, I will still love you, this is the promise I can give you at last!

镜头八 伊凡看着手机,笑了,回了一句:别傻了!Don't be silly!


镜头九 景轩这一天没在去,躲在家里对着镜子,说:“你真傻!You are so silly!”

第二十六场 时间:晚上 地点:宿舍 人物:景轩 伊凡 女学生甲乙丙

镜头一 晚自习上,还差10分钟9点,伊凡的手机振动了,景轩发来了短信:借我5分钟做我女朋友,我还有一个心愿没完成,我不甘心。Lend me five minutes to be my girlfriend, I have a wish unfinished, I am not willing.

镜头二 伊凡沉思了一会,回复:可以,

景轩的短信又来了:5分钟后看窗外,我把我所有的爱都给你,别回了。5 minutes later look out the window, I give all my love to you, don't return.

镜头三 伊凡既好奇又害怕,她不明白所有的爱意味着什么,这5分钟好漫长,

镜头四 蒙太奇 下雨天景轩给的温暖,


镜头五 蒙太奇 有病时景轩翘课给买的药,

老师 景轩你以后再逃课就挂科了,看你怎么毕业。


镜头六 蒙太奇 伊凡熟睡时景轩被压木的双腿,景轩别扭的伸一伸腿,特别小心生怕伊凡被惊醒。

镜头七 蒙太奇 伊凡闹心出走,景轩奔跑在马路上的身影......


镜头八 学生甲 哇,烟花,好漂亮呀!”Wow, fireworks, how beautiful!"

镜头九 伊凡同学望着窗外天上的烟花

镜头十 学生乙 送给谁的呀?要是送给我,我就嫁她!For whom? If you give it to me, I'll marry her!”伊凡的同学望着烟花傻笑着!

镜头十一 嗡嗡~~~伊凡的手机再次响了起来:你忘了今天是什么日子,9月14日,我们在一起的两年半的日子,是我喜欢了你十年的日子,这个烟花是我一个月前买的,打算送给你,给你个惊喜,现在,不用了,希望你喜欢!You forget what day is today, on September 14, the days when we together of the two and a half years, is the day when I love you ten years, the fireworks is I bought it a month ago, going to send to you, give you a surprise, now, no, I hope you like it!

镜头十二 伊凡望着窗外的烟花,泣不成声,慌忙的向后操场跑去,看见烟花后面不远处的篮球场上,景轩一个人坐在地上抽着烟!

伊凡的心抽痛着,才发现,自己还深爱着这个傻子!“对不起,我忘了今天......”Sorry, I forgot today...“

景轩:不用说了,5分钟到了,烟花也快放完了,我,该走了。”Needless to say, it's five minutes and the fireworks are running out. I should go.景轩打断伊凡的解释。

镜头十三 伊凡哭倒在地上,捂着肚子。

景轩:“怎么了?肚子又疼了?早告诉过你,别乱吃东西,药在你的书包里,前面拉练里左面第2个包,别和感冒药,消炎药吃错了!我,走了,你违背了我们两年前的承诺,所以我也要违背我们早上的承诺!对不起,我走了!What's the matter? Is the stomach ache again? Have told you, don't mess with food, the medicine in your schoolbag, in front of pull the left side of the second bag, don't and the cold medicine, the anti-inflammatory medicine eat wrong! I, I'm leaving, you broke our promise two years ago, so I'm going against our morning promise! Sorry, I'm gone!

伊凡 我也只是出来最后看看你,没有别的意思,你不要想多了。

镜头十四 ”景轩急匆匆的逃走了,他怕,他怕他那不争气的眼泪在伊凡面前流下来!

伊凡:潜台词:在这个世界上,能够如此深爱着我,又如此照顾着我的人,只有景轩一个!这辈子,除了景轩,谁还会如此疼爱着我?In this world, can so deeply love me, and so care for my people, only jingxuan one! In this life, besides jingxuan, who can still love me so much?

镜头十五 蒙太奇景轩 小凡,我们在一起吧,我一定把你当成我的公主。Fan, we are together, I must think of you as my princess.

伊凡 真的吗?Is it true?

景轩 真的,从今天开始你就是我唯一的公主。Really, from today on you are my only princess.

伊凡 恩,从今天开始我会一直爱你直到生命尽头。Well, from today on, I will love you until the end of my life.



第二十七场 时间:晚上 地点:酒吧 人物:景轩 海山 坤阳 伊凡 卖唱女甲乙丙丁 服务员 胖子

镜头一 景轩从回忆中回来,景轩把客户安顿好了

景轩:服务员,去把刚才那个小姐叫到我包房。Waiter, go and call the young lady into my room.

服务员:那个?That one?

景轩:就是刚才站在我们对面的那个。It's the one just across from us.

服务员:好的。All right.

海山:哥,你要疯啊,嫂子知道你就死定了!Brother, you're going crazy, my sister-in-law knows you're going to die!

景轩:想什么呢,老子有正事,记住待会和坤阳机灵点。What are you thinking? There's something wrong with Lao tzu. Remember that you're going to be smart.

海山:你要干什么!What are you doing?

景轩:抢人!Rob people!

镜头二 伊凡一进门两个人愣住了,很快伊凡冷笑说:看来现在你也不是什么好人!Now you're not a good person either!

景轩:坐下吧。Sit down.

伊凡说:该干什么干什么,快点,我还有客人,What should I do? Come on, I have guests.

景轩:你就没有别的和我说?You have nothing else to say to me?


景轩:你没有我有。You don't have me.


镜头三 到门外一个满身酒气的男子揽住伊凡说:小姐包夜多少?How much is the girl's bag?

景轩狂吼:滚!别他妈让老子看见你!Roll! Don't let his mother see you!

镜头四 景轩看到这个肥头大耳的家伙,心里一阵厌恶,话都不愿意说,那人身材魁胖,见景轩 坤阳 海山三个人都不是身材魁梧那种,再加上他身后还有十几个人,所以没有把这兄弟三人放在眼里,

胖子 他妈的,找死!Fuck it! Get it!


景轩 谁找死?Who the fuck?

镜头五 胖子小弟一看就去抓伊凡,伊凡这时已经吓的说不出话,景轩一个健步冲上去跳起一脚正好踢在那人胸口,随着闷响一声那人倒地,随后有两个人偷袭景轩,这时伊凡也回过神来,大叫:小心!Be careful!


It's nothing. Today is the day when the sky is falling and you'll be fine.


镜头六 这时候坤阳海山已经和十几个人打在一起,这两个人动作矫捷,虽然不吃亏但是也没有明显优势,只是把三五个人打到在地。

胖子起来大叫:你们她妈不会抄家伙啊,敢和老子抢马子找死You her mother won't copy the guy, dare and laozi to kill the horse。

话音刚落所有人都把匕首 甩棍 钢管等拿在手里。

镜头七 胖子的话传到景轩耳朵里,由其是马子这两个字像是针一样扎进耳朵,景轩冲伊凡一笑,转过身满面怒容吓的胖子不由得一哆嗦。

镜头八 坤阳海山正迫于压力往后撤,景轩向前一按他们二人肩膀借力使力身体起来多高,正好追上来的人没有想到会有人冲上来,在最前面的两个人同时被景轩磕膝盖顶到下巴上,由于双方速度都快两个人被撞到在地没有起来。

镜头九 景轩落地随即一个大龙摆尾把左边的人踢倒,身子向右一侧的瞬间手抓住了右边那个人手里的甩棍,拇指和中指猛一使劲扣住那人血管,这样那人手上就没有多少力气,景轩顺势把甩棍夺在手里,整个过程电光火石不过几秒。

镜头十 景轩甩棍在手,把地上那两个人的匕首踢向坤阳海山:拿着!Take!

镜头十一 三个人一摆手里家伙来回冲突,景轩主要是保护伊凡。

镜头十二 十几个人被打到的差不多,景轩猛冲向胖子,甩棍顶在胖子的咽喉,面沉似水:把你刚才说的再说一遍。Repeat what you said just now.

镜头十三 胖子看着景轩,知道这个表情意味着如果再不识相很有可能下半辈子就得坐轮椅,再加上三个人把十几个人打倒,这也让胖子心里害怕:兄弟,有话好好……好好说,今天是我不长眼,兄弟放我一马,咱们日后绿水长流。Brother, have a good word... Well say, today is my not long eye, brother let me a horse, we will be green water long.

景轩:滚,少她妈套近乎,我问你你刚才说她是什么?’Roll, little her mom, I asked you what you said she was?景轩说着指向伊凡。

胖子:误会,绝对误会。’Misunderstanding, absolute misunderstanding. '

景轩:你听好了,不管你是谁,什么身份,日后你敢动她我废了你,说到做到!’You listen, no matter who you are, what identity, later you dare to move her I waste you, speak to do! '

胖子:兄弟放心,从今往后没有人难为她’Brother rest assured that no one will be difficult for her from now on.

景轩:‘好,拿酒来!’All right, bring the wine! '

镜头十四 随后坤阳拿过两瓶啤酒,景轩也没客气,冲胖子一点,一口气一瓶酒就干了。胖子正在喝,实在喝不下,景轩说‘算了,今天到此为止,你们走吧!’Come on, let's call it a day. Let's go! '

镜头十五 胖子带着人就跑了。

镜头十六 景轩回头看伊凡‘这就是你现在的生活?’This is your life right now? '

伊凡:从我们分手那一刻我过什么生活和你景轩有什么关系!From the moment we broke up, what did I have to do with you?

景轩:好吧,坤阳海山送她回家。Ok, kunyang haishan sent her home.


坤阳海山:伊姐,我们送你回去。We're sending you back, sister.

伊凡:不用!滚!’Don't have to! Roll! '

伊凡近乎疯狂,坤阳海山见她哭的伤心也没有在意:伊姐,景哥特意交代的,这也是为了你的安全Yi jie, jing brother specifically explained it, this is also for your safety。

伊凡:‘不用,你们快走,我不想看见你们!No, you go. I don't want to see you!’

镜头十七 坤阳海山无奈只好走了,

海山 我们走吧。

坤阳 走吧。这时伊凡更加放纵自己的眼泪,她对自己说:当初若不是我家他家的原因或许我们已经结婚,但是当时不能爱,现在我不配爱,轩子我祝你幸福。伊凡独自在路口好久,伊凡正想走,听见手机的声音,低头一看是景轩的手机,来电显示‘老婆’伊凡犹豫了好久她接了电话‘你好,我是景轩同学伊凡。’Hello, I'm Ivan, a classmate of jingxuan.

梓妍电话:‘她怎么和你在一起?’'how could she be with you? '

伊凡:‘没有,这样吧我这就把手机给你送过去。和你聊一下。’'no, I'll send you the phone right now. Chat with you. '

第二十八场 时间:晚上 地点:景轩家 人物:梓妍 伊凡

镜头一 梓妍在家里心情忐忑到了极点,他不确定景轩见到伊凡是不是能够不动旧情,也不确定伊凡会不会再追景轩。一直到了十点门铃声响,梓妍打开房门,本以为会是景轩眼帘中却出现了一个漂亮的女子,梓妍心里一阵第一时间就知道对方是伊凡,嘴角强挤出笑容:你就是伊凡吧,果然是美女,快请进。You are Yifan, sure enough beautfull girl .come on in.


第二十九场 时间:上午 地点:景轩家 人物:景轩 梓妍

镜头一 梓妍拿着景轩手机问:你昨晚去哪儿了。Where did you go last night?


梓妍:她来过了,很漂亮。She's been here. It's beautiful.


第三十场 时间 晚上 地点 公园 (医院) 人物 景轩 丁政妻

景轩(接电话);你好,我是星云装饰景轩。Hello, I am the nebula decoration.

丁政妻:景哥,丁政在医院呢,他现在想见你,你工作不忙就过来一下。Jingo, ding zheng is in the hospital. He wants to see you now. You can come here without a job.

景轩:好的,我马上过去。Okay, I'll be right there.

第三十一场 时间 晚上 地点 医院病房 人物 景轩 丁政 丁政妻 丁政父母 丁政女儿

病房内,丁政躺在病床之上,看见景轩丁政强撑着起来,景轩过去把丁政扶着不让起来,丁政看着景轩苦闷的脸说;景轩,你现在也是一个老板了,怎么还哭。King xuan, you are also a boss now, why still cry.

景轩:那个孙子哭了,我走的急吹风了。I don't crying and I was walking in a hurry.

丁政:哥,这么多年了,我一直把你当哥,但是我从来没有叫过,但是在我心里你是我丁政最好的兄弟。Brother, for so many years, I have been a brother to you, but I never called, but in my heart you are my best brother.

景轩:你也是。So are you.

丁政:哥,你性格急,遇事容易感情用事,你最大的优点是有情有义,最大的弱点也是有情有义,但是这个世界唯一不变的就是永远在变化,而且你一个人的能力永远有限,所以如果想公司长久就必须定期完善公司的规章制度,不要一意孤行,我知道你性格刚强,,,,Elder brother, you nasty, he was emotionally, you the biggest advantage is sentient beings have righteousness,'s biggest weakness is the sentient beings have righteousness, but the world the only constant is always changing, and you a person's ability is limited, forever so if you want to the company for a long time it is necessary to improve the company's rules and regulations on a regular basis, the letter, I know you are strong character,,,,

景轩:别说了,你好起来,和老子吵一场,兄弟!Don't say, you get up, quarrel with me, brother!

丁政:哥,你别这样,你动不动就急怎么做大怎么发展,我想要一家集团,即使不是行业领头羊,但是会包揽所有行业,你得学会放权,幕后操作,哥大象无形啊。Elder brother, you don't do that, how you always hurry to do big development, I want to be a group, if not the industry leader, but will do all industry, you have to learn to delegate, operating behind the scenes, the elder brother elephant invisible.

景轩:兄弟,别说了。Dude, stop it.

丁政:你让我说,我说出来会好点,哥,这辈子我认识你不后悔。我就是王八瞅————绿——————豆。You let me say, I said it will be better, brother, I know you in this life you don't regret. I am m ung bean.丁政最后嘴角一丝笑意,说;哥,你永远都是我的兄弟。You'll always be my brother.

景轩:兄弟!兄弟你说完了,我还有好多话没说哪!兄弟!!!Brothers! Brother you finished, I still have a lot of words not to say! Brother!!!!!!

第三十二场 时间:上午 地点:酒吧 人物:景轩 服务员

镜头一 来到了那个酒吧,可是伊凡已经走了。

景轩 昨晚上那个小凡还在吗?Was the little one still there last night?

服务员 她辞职了,今天上午就走了。She quit her job and left this morning.

景轩 知道了。I see.


第三十三场 时间:上午 地点:伊凡家 人物:景轩 邻居大妈 伊凡妈妈 老师

镜头一 景轩:您知道伊凡去那了吗?Do you know Ivan went there?

邻居大妈 不知道。I don't know.

景轩 她这些年还好吗?How was she all these years?

邻居大妈 你是他什么人?Who are you?

景轩 同学,好长时间没联系了过来看看她。Classmate, for a long time not contacted to see her.

邻居大妈:这样啊,要说小凡可是个好孩子当初他妈得了乳腺癌她便退学,这些年她妈就是靠她了,当初要不是她妈这个病怕拖累她对象家两个人早成了。So, to say little that is a good boy when his mother had breast cancer she leave school, her mother is over the years by her, at the beginning if it weren't for her mother afraid of drag this illness already become the object of her home two.

景轩忍不住问:那她对象没有来过吗?Did she ever come here?

邻居说:没有来过,听说她对象家有个瘸子爹瞎子妈,这孩子是真不忍心,就这话也是她妈临走时说的……………这孩子命苦啊,要不然大学毕业肯定会有好工作,不至于……哎!No, I heard that she had a blind man with a lame father, and the boy was so unkind, and this was what her mother said when she walked away... The boy has a bad life, otherwise he will have a good job and not... Ah!

景轩 我知道,她当时学习很好。I know, she was studying very well.


镜头二 伊凡看着景轩远去的背影哭

镜头三 蒙太奇 伊凡对邻居 婶,如果有人来找我不要告诉他我在那里,好吗?Aunt, if someone comes to me and don't tell him I'm there, okay?

邻居大妈 怎么小凡,你不想见他直接告诉他好了。Why, you don't want to see him tell him directly.

伊凡 我不能见他,也不敢见他。I couldn't see him or see him.

邻居大妈 好吧!All right!

邻居大妈走后,伊凡自语 今生我们无缘了。We are out of this life.

镜头四 蒙太奇伊凡妈妈在医院,伊凡陪在一旁。

伊凡妈妈 孩子是妈妈拖累你了,咱不治了,不浪费那个钱。The child is the mother to drag you, we are not cured, do not waste that money.

伊凡 妈,你说什么呢,我能挣钱给你治病。Mom, what are you talking about? I can make money for you.

伊凡妈妈 孩子……………Children...............(哭)


镜头五 蒙太奇伊凡辍学,老师很惋惜,

老师 伊凡,你再考虑一下。Ivan, think again.

伊凡 不用了老师。No teachers.


镜头六 蒙太奇伊凡妈妈病逝。

伊凡撕心裂肺的喊 妈妈!Mom!

镜头七 蒙太奇景轩 小凡,我们在一起吧,我一定把你当成我的公主。Little fan, we are together, I must think of you as my princess

伊凡 真的吗?Is it true?

景轩 真的,从今天开始你就是我唯一的公主。Really, from today on you are my only princess.

伊凡 恩,从今天开始我会一直爱你直到生命尽头。Well, from today on, I will love you until the end of my life.


镜头八 蒙太奇 伊凡回忆景轩和伊凡过往背景音乐(今生爱前世债)(120s)

第三十四场 时间:晚上 地点:景轩家 宾馆 人物:景轩 梓妍

镜头一 结婚第五年的中秋期间梓妍正巧在外出差,中秋节那天又回不了家。

梓妍:这几天干么去了,就不想我?我出差几天。Why don't you want me? I'm on a business trip for a few days.

景轩:老婆,我想你,真的。Wife, I miss you, really.

梓研 就会说好听的。I'll say something nice.

景轩 没有,老婆,我真的想你。No, wife, I really miss you.



镜头二 梓妍打开电脑,重新申请了一QQ号名叫“读你”想捉弄一下景轩。查了一下,景轩果然在,梓妍主动加了他,他接受了。

梓妍:这样一个万家团圆的好日子,你为什么还在网上闲逛呢?Why do you hang out on the Internet like this?

景轩:因为我老婆在外出差,想她睡不着觉所以就上网看看。Because my wife is on a business trip, I don't think she can sleep, so I go online.

梓妍:老婆不在,可以找个情人代替,比如说网上,聊以自慰一下。The wife is not, can find a lover to replace, say on the net, Chat to masturbate.

景轩:如果你想找情人的话,对不起,我不是你找的人,再见。If you're looking for a lover, I'm sorry, I'm not the one you're looking for, goodbye.

梓妍:对不起,我不是那个意思,你别生气。Sorry, I didn't mean that. Don't get angry.

景轩:你怎么也在网上闲逛呢?Why are you hanging out on the Internet?

梓妍说:我在外打工,现在想爸爸和妈妈。刚刚和男朋友通完电话还是睡不着,就上网了。I work outside, now I want to father and mother. I just had a phone call with my boyfriend and I couldn't sleep, so I went online.

景轩:我也想我爹和娘,只是,亲在外,子欲养而不能。‘I also want my father and mother, just, be on the outside, son want to raise but cannot. '

梓研 亲在外,子欲养而不能。怎么讲?He who is on the outside, who wants to feed, cannot. How to speak?


景轩:你叫“读你”,我今天就让你读一次吧。有些事情放在心里很久会得病,拿出来晒晒会舒服些,反正你我也不认识,你就当作听一个故事吧!于是,梓妍意外地知道了景轩一直隐藏在内心的事情。You are called "reading you", I will let you read it today. Some things have been put in the heart for a long time to get sick, to get out of the sun would be comfortable, but you and I don't know, you are to listen to a story! As a result, zi yan unexpectedly learned that jingxuan had been hiding in the heart of things.

第三十五场 蒙太奇 时间:白天 地点:景轩老家 人物:景轩父母 景轩姥爷 小景轩 小景轩姐姐

镜头一 30年前,景轩爹快五十了还没娶亲,因为他腿瘸加上家里又穷没有姑娘愿意嫁他。

镜头二 (背景声音)庄上来了个要饭的老头还搀着个瞎眼的女人。老头病得很重,爹看他们可怜就让他们在自家歇息。The old man in the village was also supported by a blind woman. The old man was very ill, and his father saw that they were sorry to let them rest at home.

景轩爹 没事啊大叔,只要你不嫌弃我们家穷,你就和妹子在我家住下,粗茶淡饭饿不着你们。It's ok, uncle, as long as you don't abandon our family, you will stay with my sister in my house.

景轩姥爷 给你添麻烦了。Sorry to bother you.

景轩爹 那里话,农村人不讲究这个。There, the rural people don't pay much attention to this.

镜头三 (背景声音)没想到一住下那老头就没起来过,后来老头的女儿就是那瞎眼的女人嫁给了我爹。I didn't think that the old man would get up, and then the old man's daughter was the blind woman who married my father.

景轩姥爷 我不行了,景程我能不能把我闺女托付给你,我知道她是个瞎子,你如果嫌弃就算了。I am not good, I can not entrust my daughter to you, I know she is blind, you if abandon even.

景轩爹 您说那里话,我愿意。If you say that, I will.

镜头四 (背景声音)第二年生下了我姐,之后生下了我。我家的日子过得很清苦,可我们从来没饿过一顿。The second year gave birth to my sister, then gave birth to me. My family had a hard time, but we never got hungry.

镜头五 (背景声音)爹和娘种不了田,没有收入就帮别人家剥玉米粒,一天剥下来十指全是血泡,第二天缠上布条再剥。Father and mother can not plant the fields, no income to help others to peel the kernels, one day to peel off ten fingers are all blood vesicles, the next day to be wrapped in a cloth strip.

镜头六 为了我们上学,家里养了三只鸡,两只鸡生蛋卖钱,留下一只生蛋我们吃。For us to go to school, we have three chickens, two chickens and eggs for sale, and a raw egg for us to eat.


景轩娘:她在城里要饭时听说城里的娃上学都吃鸡蛋,咱家娃也吃,将来比城里的娃更聪明。When she was in town, she heard that the children in the city ate eggs for school, and we ate them, and were smarter than the city's dolls.

小景轩 娘你放心,我以后一定有出息,让你们和我一起享福。My mother you can rest assured that I will have an interest in the future, so that you can enjoy the prosperity with me.

镜头七 (背景声音)有回我看见娘把蛋打进锅里后用嘴舔着蛋壳里剩下的蛋清,我搂着娘嚎啕大哭。说什么也不肯吃鸡蛋了,When I saw my mother put the eggs into the pot and licked the rest of the egg white in my mouth, I cried with my arm around my mother. I won't eat any eggs,

小景轩 娘,我以后不吃鸡蛋了,我不爱吃,你们吃吧。Mother, I won't eat eggs, I don't like to eat, you eat.

景轩娘 (哭)轩子啊!xuan zi

镜头八 (背景声音)爹知道原委后气得要用棍子打娘。Dad knew he was going to hit his mother with a stick.

景轩爹 让你嘴馋,让你——嘴馋,让——你——嘴——馋。Make your mouth crave, let you -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --(哭)

镜头九 (背景声音)最后我妥协,前提就是我们一家四口人一块吃。虽然他们同意了,但每次也就象征性的用牙齿碰一下。At last I compromise, if we have a family of four. They agreed, but each time they gave a symbolic touch.

小景轩 爹,你别打娘了,我吃,以后我吃还不行吗!Dad, don't you hit mother, I eat, I can't eat later!



小景轩 爹娘,好吃吗?Mom and dad, are they good?

景轩爹娘 好吃,好吃。Yummy, yummy.

镜头十 (背景声音)庄上的人从来不叫我名字,都叫我是瘸瞎子家的。The people in the village never call me names, they call me lame blind.

一群小孩围着小景轩大叫 瘸子家的,瘸子家的……The lame, the lame...

镜头十一 (背景声音)爹娘一听到有人这样叫我必定会跟那人拼命。Mom and dad, when they heard someone say this, I was going to be desperate.

景轩娘看不见就会拿了砖块乱砸,嘴上还骂着:你们这些杀千刀的,我们瘸瞎,我娃好好的,就不许你们这样叫唤。将来你们一个都不如我娃。You who kill thousands of knives, we are lame, my children are good, and you will not be called. In the future, you will be inferior to my baby.

镜头十二 那年中考,瘸瞎子家的考了全县第一的喜讯让爹娘着实风光了一把。姐姐为了我上学也早早辍学嫁人供我上学。镇上替我们家出了所有的学杂费,送我上学的那天爹第一次出了山。In the middle of the year, the county's first good news was a good one. My sister dropped out of school for me to go to school. The town gave us all the tuition and fees and sent me to school for the first time.


镜头十三 上车的那会,我眼泪扑剌剌的直掉,爹一手拄着拐一手替我擦泪:进了城要好好学,以后就在城里找工作娶媳妇。别人问起你爹娘你就说你是孤儿,没爹娘,只有一个姐姐,不然别人会看不起你。特别是娶不上媳妇,人家会嫌弃你。误了你娶媳妇,我都无脸去见老祖。He went to the city and got a job and married his wife. When people ask you about your parents, you say you are an orphan, no parents, only one sister, or they will despise you. Especially if you don't marry your daughter-in-law, they will abandon you. I have no face to see the old man.

景轩:爹!别在说了,这是什么话,还没有用呢咋就不认爹娘呢?Dad! Don't talk about it, what is it? Why don't you recognize your parents?

娘说:这是真话,要听。你不记得在学校里吗?只要说你是瘸瞎子家的,别人就会拿白眼挤兑你。刚开始连老师都不喜欢你。以后,你带了城里媳妇回家就说俺们是你的堂叔和堂婶。It's true. Listen. Don't you remember at school? If you say you are lame, someone else will run you. Even the teacher didn't like you at first. After that, you brought the city daughter-in-law home to say that we are your uncle and aunt.娘说完就在那抹泪。

爹:不要把媳妇带回家,一带回来你娘忍不住就会露馅的。Don't bring your daughter-in-law home, you can't help it when you come back.然后往我怀里揣了十个熟鸡蛋就拖着娘走了。

镜头十四 梓妍的眼泪也扑剌剌地往下掉,潜台词:残疾不是他们的错,那是老天对他们的不公。但他们却生了一个完美的景轩给我。这个傻景轩,这样的爹娘,无法再完美了。景轩怎么就这么小看我呢?It's not their fault that they're disabled, it's just god's injustice to them. But they gave me a perfect landscape. This silly landscape, such a parent, can no longer be perfect. Why is jingxuan so small to see me?

梓妍 那后来,你就告诉你媳妇他们是你堂叔和堂婶?Then you tell your daughter-in-law they are your uncle and aunt?

景轩:本来我不信。媳妇找的是我又不是爹娘,为啥爹娘都不能认呢?不过我在外十年,爹娘一次都没去过我的学校。第一年工作,我想带他们进城玩玩,他们都不肯,说让人晓得我爹娘是残疾人会在我脸上抹黑,影响我娶媳妇。一辈子都在山里了不想出去了。娘还说她就是从城里来的,也没啥意思。后来,我谈了第一个女朋友,就是伊凡。当我认为时机差不多的时候,就带她回了趟家。I didn't believe it. What the daughter-in-law is looking for is I am not a father and mother, why can't father and mother? But for a decade, my parents haven't been to my school. In my first year, I wanted to take them to the city, and they refused to let me know that my parents were disabled and they would blacken my face and influence me to marry a daughter-in-law. I've been in the mountains all my life and don't want to go out. Niang said she was from the city, and she didn't mean anything. Later, I talked about my first girlfriend, Ivan. When I thought the time was almost right, I took her home.

镜头十五 蒙太奇 伊凡晚饭都没留下吃一顿就走了,

景轩追出去伊凡说,和这样的人过日子她一天都过不下去。你们家基因有问题,以后的小孩肯定也不会健康。She could not live a day without her. Your family has a genetic problem, and future children won't be healthy either.

景轩:滚,有多远滚多远!Roll, how far away!

(背景声音)回到学校便分手了。直到现在我才知道她有苦衷。I went back to school and I broke up. I didn't know she had a problem until now.


景轩爹(哭) 你怎么这么不听话,不让你把女孩带回来你就是不听我们的话,非要断了咱家的香火不可。Why are you so disobedient that you don't want to bring the girl back? You just don't listen to us. You have to break our home.

景轩:后来,我遇上了第二个女朋友,就是现在我的老婆。我很爱她,做梦都怕失去她,她们家又很有钱,亲戚都是些上等人家,有了前车之鉴我很害怕只能不孝了。但是一到逢年过节我就想他们,心里堵得慌,难受。Then I met my second girlfriend, now my wife. I loved her very much, and I was afraid to lose her. They had a lot of money, and relatives were good families. I was afraid to be unfilial. But I think of them at the holidays, and I feel overwhelmed and uncomfortable.

梓妍:那你从来就没有告诉过你老婆?也许她不计较这些呢?Then you never told your wife? Maybe she doesn't care?

景轩:我没说过,也不敢说。如果她同意了我想我岳母也不会同意的。我和她们住在一起,岳父在外是有脸面的人。如果爹娘来了不是在他们脸上抹黑吗?我也只能在出差学习的时候偷偷回去看上两眼。谢谢你听我说了这么多,现在我的心里舒服多了。I didn't say that, and I didn't dare to say. If she agrees, I don't think my mother-in-law will agree. I live with them. My father-in-law is a man with a face. If the parents came not to smear them on their faces? I can only sneak back to my eyes when I'm studying on business. Thank you for listening to me. I feel much better now.

镜头十六 下了网,梓妍依旧没有觉意。潜台词:都说儿不嫌母丑,狗不嫌家贫,看看我们都做了什么?我理解景轩的无奈,也了解他爹娘的苦衷。但他们不知道却将无辜的我陷入了无情无义的逆境之中。The dog doesn't mind the ugly, the dog doesn't mind the poor, what have we done? I understand the helplessness of jingxuan and his parents' frustration. But they did not know that I was trapped in an unromantic adversity.

第三十六场 时间 中午 地点 丁政家 人物 景轩 丁政妻 丁政父母 丁政女儿

景轩到丁政家,丁政父母看见景轩说;景轩你又来了。Here you go again.jing xuan

景轩:叔叔我来了。Uncle, I'm here.

刚说完话,丁政老婆和一个陌生男人走出来,丁政老婆有些不好意思,景轩看来看说;丁政也希望你幸福。He also wants you to be happy.

辛然:但是哥,璇璇我想,,But brother, xuan xuan I think,

景轩:没事璇璇由我来抚养。I have nothing to raise.

辛然:这怎么好?How good is that?

景轩:这是我对丁政的承诺。This is my commitment to him.

第三十七场 时间 冬至中午 地点 丁政墓 人物 景轩 丁政女儿

景轩带着璇璇来到丁政墓前,这年璇璇四岁,璇璇问;伯伯,我们来这干什么啊?Uncle, what are we doing here?

景轩:我们来给你爸爸寄信,告诉他璇璇现在很乖。Let's send a letter to your father telling him that xuan xuan is very good now.

丁政女儿:那我爸爸去那里了呢,是不是璇璇不乖,爸爸生气了,不理璇璇了。That my father went there, whether xuan xuan misbehaved, father angry, ignore xuan xuan.

景轩:不是的,爸爸和伯伯说了,璇璇最乖了,但是爸爸现在工作忙,不能来看璇璇,所以伯伯会来看璇璇。No, father and uncle said, xuan xuan is the best, but father is busy now, can't see xuan xuan, so uncle will come to see xuan xuan.

丁政女儿:爸爸什么时候来看璇璇呢?When did dad come to see xuan xuan?

景轩:爸爸说了,他一直看着璇璇呢,看着伯伯,只要璇璇快快长大就知道爸爸在那里了,,,His father said, he kept looking at xuan xuan, looking at his uncle, as long as xuan xuan grew up, he knew that his father was there,

(内心独白)真正的兄弟是什么?真正的兄弟是把你看透了,还喜欢你,愿意和你成为朋友的人。丁政你就是那个把我看透了的人,无论什么时候你都是我景轩的兄弟。What is a real brother? The real brother is the one who sees you through, loves you, and wants to be friends with you. Ding zheng you are the man who saw me through, whenever you are the brother of my king xuan.

第三十八场 时间:白天 地点:景轩家 人物:景轩 梓妍 女儿

镜头一 临近腊月,回到家景轩不怎么说话,梓妍却处处强势,但是每次女儿稚嫩的爸爸都会让景轩沉迷其中。

镜头二 梓妍:刚拿到驾照21天的梓妍买车的计划还是磐石般不能动摇。The plan to buy the 21-year-old ziyan's car was rock solid.

镜头三 景轩下班回家看见一桌丰盛的晚餐已经上桌了,看来她早就回来了。

景轩问:“有客人来吗?”“"Is there any visitor? "

梓妍:没有客人我们自己吃不行吗?我们庆祝一下,我看好了,明天是初八又是星期六。我们去买车……”Can't we eat ourselves without guests? We celebrate, I watch, tomorrow is the eighth and the Saturday. We're going to buy a car... "


梓妍:“是你姐姐托人捎来的,真是好吃呀,又甜又香,趁热吃吧!”It is your elder sister who brought it, it is delicious, sweet and sweet, while it is hot!"

景轩潜台词:从小父母就没什么劳动能力,是姐姐把我带大的。为了供景轩上学,姐姐每天为人家摘枸杞,那时才十八岁的她却像四十岁。她十八岁就嫁人了,嫁给了村长的孩子,是为我景轩换学费……就是这样当初伊凡走景轩没有挽留,因为他知道他给不了伊凡富裕的生活。每次接到姐姐的信,景轩都整宿睡不着,尽管她说家里现在好多了,两个孩子的学费被“希望工程”中一个不知名的好心人包着,上半年那好心人听说家里修房子又寄了两千……My parents have not been able to work since I was a child. My sister brought me up. In order to go to school, her sister picked goji berries for others every day. At the age of eighteen, she was like forty years old. She married at the age of eighteen, and married the child of the village head. That is how Ivan went without a stay because he knew he could not give Ivan the rich life. Every time I received a letter from my sister, JingXuan whole night can't sleep, is much better now, although she said home two children's tuition is "hope project" in an unknown man wrapped, in the first half of the man heard that home house repaired and sent two thousand...

景轩端起饭碗真想哭,我算什么呀,虽然我背着妻子存点小钱寄去但也只是杯水车薪。What am I, even though I'm sending my wife with a little money to send it to me, but it's a drop in the bucket.


Zi yan: ah -, I today clean the bookcase to discover two thousand dollars, is you forgot or I forgot? Decorate the car after buying it...

景轩大喊:“酒,我要喝白酒!”Wine, I want to drink white wine!"

梓妍:吃年糕喝白酒对胃不好……”“It's bad for my stomach to eat rice cakes and white wine... ""

景轩:我不管,你拿不拿?”I don't care. You take it?"

梓妍像不认识景轩似的第一次被景轩震慑了,在梓妍面前景轩第一次喝了如此大的一杯,顿时血往上涌:“我郑重告诉你,那是要给我姐姐过年的……”I searious tell you, that is to give my sister New Year's... "

梓妍更加惊讶:“不行,我们的车还要装修……”No, our car needs to be decorated... "

景轩又喝下第二杯酒:“我知道你为我的工作付出了心血,可是没有姐姐岂能有我的今天,同意算你识局,不同意……”I know you worked hard for my work, but no elder sister can have my today, agree to calculate the bureau, disagree... "

梓妍:你敢……”Do you dare to... "梓妍的饭膨了景轩一身。


景轩 离婚!Divorce!


镜头四 景轩回忆景轩娘:她在城里要饭时听说城里的娃上学都吃鸡蛋,咱家娃也吃,将来比城里的娃更聪明。When she was in town, she heard that the children in the city ate eggs for school, and we ate them, and were smarter than the city's dolls.

小景轩 娘你放心,我以后一定有出息,让你们和我一起享福。You can rest assured that I will have an interest in the future, so that you can enjoy the prosperity with me.


第三十九场 时间:白天 地点:梓妍办公室 人物:梓妍 经理

镜头一 天将放亮时,梓妍敲开了部门经理的门:下面的事情请你全权处理,我有点非常重要的事情尽快要办,一切就拜托你了。I have something very important to do as soon as possible, and I will please you do it.


第四十场 时间:白天 地点:山区 人物 梓妍

镜头一 那条山路确实很难走。刚开始腿上还有点劲,后来脚上磨起了泡梓妍就再也走不动了。正是中午时分,太阳又晒得厉害,梓妍只有喘气的份。背来的水差不多快喝完了,也不知道下面还有多少路程要走。脱下鞋子挤了水泡,那一会疼得梓妍都哭出声来,真想打个电话让景轩来接她回家,最后还是忍住了。从路边揪一把芦苇花垫在脚底,感觉脚上舒服多了。想到景轩的爹娘此时还在家劳作着腿上忽的一下就来了劲,站起来继续往前走。


第四十一场 时间 白天 地点 景轩村 人物 梓妍 景轩父母 村长

镜头一 当老村长把梓妍领到景轩家门口的时候,那一片烧得红红的晚霞正照在他们家门口的老枣树上。枣树下坐着景轩爹,景轩爹比结婚时看到的老多了,手上剥着玉米,拐杖安静地倚在他那条残缺的腿上。娘跪在地上准备收晒好的玉米,手正一把一把地往里撸。这,宛如一幅画,而画中便是这世上最完美的爹娘。

梓研 村长,这就是景轩的爹娘?Village head, this is the father and mother of jing xuan?

村长 是啊,你找他们干什么?Yeah, what do you want with them?

镜头二 梓妍一步一步地往他们跟前走着,爹看到了梓妍,手中的玉米掉在了地上,嘴巴张得老大,吃惊地问:你、你咋过来了?Why are you here?

景轩娘在一旁摸索着问:他爹,谁来啦?His father, who's coming?

景轩父亲:小轩家的。The son's wife

景轩娘:啊!在、在哪?Ah! Where, where?娘惊慌失措地找着梓妍的方向。

梓妍弯腰放下行李,然后一把抓着她的手,对着他们,带着深深地痛、重重地跪了下去:爹!娘!我来接你们回家了!Dad! Mom! I've come to pick you up!

爹干咳了两下,泪无声地从爬满皱纹的脸上流出:俺就说,俺的娃没白养阿!And I said, my son is not a white wolf.


镜头三 梓妍在老家请客,放了鞭炮的。梓妍又为爹娘风光了一次。

第四十二场 时间 晚上 地点 景轩家 人物 景轩 女儿

镜头一 腊月的夜晚是如此的寒冷。景轩想着潜台词:在家就要买车的时代,姐姐家冬天连取暖的炉子都舍不得用,爹娘还在受苦。我还是男人吗……说实话我是真心爱妻子的,离?不知是胃还是心,在隐隐作痛,因为我唯一爱的是这个家是自己的妻子。In the age of buying a car at home, my sister is not willing to use the stove for heating in winter, and my parents are still suffering. Am I still a man... To tell you the truth, I really love my wife. I don't know whether it's stomach or heart, it's dull ache, because my only love is this home is own wife.

镜头二 回到家潜台词:,梓妍也走了,大概是回娘家了。是啊,她哪里受过这样的气呀。景轩走进书房,要做今生我第二次重大的抉择——离婚Zi yan also left, probably to return to the family. Yes, she was so angry. Jingxuan went into the study to make my second big decision this life - divorce

镜头三 书桌上钢笔下压着稿纸,也许梓妍早已写好了,当景轩打开上面真有妻子留言

“亲爱的,请原谅我已经很久没有这样叫你了。你发火让我心花怒放……想想当年我嫁给的是一个血气方刚、对人对事高度负责的、充满男人味的男人,我是多么的幸福。可才短短几年的工夫,你就成了一个谨小慎微、唯唯喏喏的小男人。我感到多么的悲哀……也许这不是你骨子里的东西,但是一个让别人一点也看不到骨子里的东西的男人是多么可怕……你摔东西让我很不高兴,但和我的心痛比起来我又是多么的幸福……我还要郑重地告诉你,你相信姐姐说的那个帮她的好人是我吗?还有伊凡现在工作了,在服装厂做实习设计师,你们那晚她全部告诉我了,如果这一切你相信,请快来接我!我就在爹娘家等你,别忘了拿上瓶好酒,结婚那天二老没有喝着……”My dear, please forgive me for not having called you like this for a long time. You make my heart explode with anger... I was married to a man who was a man of blood, a man who was highly responsible for things, and a man who was full of men. I was so happy. But in just a few years, you have become a very cautious, but very young man. How sad I feel... Maybe it's not something you have in your bones, but a man who lets others see nothing at all is terrible... I'm not happy about you throwing things, but how happy I am compared to my heartache... And I'll tell you solemnly that you believe that the good Samaritan who helped her is me? And Ivan is working now, in the clothing factory do internship designers, all you that night, she tell me when you are hitting the phone off, she picked up at home, if you believe it, please come and pick me up! I'll be waiting for you at my parents' home. Don't forget to take a bottle of wine and get married that day.

镜头四 景轩抱起女儿 宝贝,爸爸带你去找妈妈好吗?Honey, will daddy take you to your mom?

女儿 妈妈在那里?Where is mom ?

景轩 妈妈在爷爷奶奶家。Mom is at her grandparents' house.

女儿 爷爷奶奶家在那里?Where is the grandparents' house?

景轩(哭) 爸爸今天就带你去。Dad will take you there today.

第四十三场 时间 白天 地点 楼下 人物景轩

镜头一 景轩拉开窗帘,鼻涕和眼泪早就混在了一起,迅速打车直奔车站。

镜头二 蒙太奇 景轩和紫研点点滴滴,背景音乐(老婆我想你)

第四十四场 时间 白天 地点 农村 人物 景轩 梓妍 景轩女儿 景轩父母 村长 村民

镜头一 景轩抱着女儿在山路上走。

镜头二 当景轩打开农村老家的大门,看到一左一右站在梓妍身边的爹和娘时吃惊不小,怔怔地愣在那,一语未发。

梓妍说:景轩,我是读你的人。我来把咱爹娘接回城里。这么完美的爹娘,你怎么舍得把他们丢在山里?King xuan, I'm the one who reads you. I'll bring my parents back to town. How can you leave them in the mountains?

景轩:谢谢!Thank you very much!


梓研 别哭了,告诉你个好消息,我又怀孕了。Stop crying and tell you good news. I'm pregnant again.



镜头三 景轩父母满眼泪花,景轩爹娘回忆自己的历程。

镜头四 村里人点头称赞

镜头五 景轩父母姐姐泪中带笑

镜头六 景轩紫研看着父母姐姐会心一笑

镜头七 农村山岭全景


责任编辑: 鲁达

