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【air什么意思】Air 只有空气的意思?竟有至少17种用法,拿走不谢

航空[e (r)]美国[er]



1.n-uncount空气;备用air is the mixture of gases which forms the earth ' s atmosphere and which we


Draughts help to circulate air.吹风有助于空气流通。

• Keith opened the window and leaned out into the cold air. • 基思打开窗户,探出身到冷风中。

• 2• N-SING 天空;空中;空间• The air is the space around things or above the ground.

• Government troops broke up the protest by firing their guns in the air... • 政府军队朝天鸣枪驱散了抗议人群。

• People's cigarette smoke seemed to hang in the air. • 人们吸烟的烟雾似乎会长时间滞留在空气中。

• 3• N-UNCOUNT 空运;航空• Air is used to refer to travel in aircraft.

• Air travel will continue to grow at about 6% per year... • 乘飞机旅行的人数将以每年大约6%的速度持续增加。

• Casualties had to be brought to hospital by air. • 伤者不得不用飞机送往医院。

• 4• N-COUNT (简单易记的)曲调,旋律• An air is a simple tune which can be easily recognized and remembered.

• 5• N-SING 神态;感觉;总体印象;氛围• If you say that someone or something has a particular air, you mean that they give this general


• Jennifer regarded him with an air of amusement... • 珍妮弗觉得他很风趣。

• The meal gave the occasion an almost festive air. • 这一餐使整个场合有了近乎节日般的喜庆氛围。

• 6

• N-PLURAL 矫揉造作;装腔作势;做作• If you say that someone is putting on airs or giving themselves airs, you are criticizing them for behaving as if

they are better than other people.

• We're poor and we never put on airs.

• 我们贫穷但从不装腔作势。

• 7

• VERB (通过电视或无线电)播送,播放• If a broadcasting company airs a television or radio programme, they show it on television or broadcast it on

the radio.

• Tonight PBS will air a documentary called 'Democracy In Action'.

• 今晚公共广播公司将播放一部名为《民主进行时》的纪录片。

• 8• VERB 使公开;宣扬• If you air your opinions, you make them known to people.

• They sat for more than six hours, and both sides agreed they had aired all their differences... • 他们一起坐了六个多小时,而且双方都认为他们已经表达了所有的不同意见。

• The whole issue was thoroughly aired at the meeting. • 在会上完全公开了整个问题。

• 9

• VERB 使通风• If you air a room or building, you let fresh air into it.

• One day a week her mother systematically cleaned and aired each room.

• 她母亲按部就班地每周一次清扫所有的房间并开窗通风。

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• VERB 烘干(衣物、被褥)• If you air clothing or bedding, you put it somewhere warm to make sure that it is completely dry.

• When the shirts were clean, I ironed them myself, aired them and placed them in drawers in his room.

• 衬衫洗干净之后,我自己将它们熨好、烘干并放在他房间的抽屉里。

• 11

• PHRASE 消除分歧;解决问题• If you do something to clear the air, you do it in order to resolve any problems or disagreements that there

might be.

• ...an inquiry just to clear the air and settle the facts of the case.

• 一项只为消除疑团并弄清案件事实而进行的调查

• 12

• PHRASE 大模大样;摆架子;装腔作势• If you refer to someone's airs and graces, you mean that they behave in a way that shows that they think

they are more important than other people.

• The old cliché of the customer being always right is what gives them airs and graces.

• "顾客总是对的"这种陈词滥调让他们变得趾高气扬。

• 13• PHRASE 可感觉到;可被意识到• If something is in the air it is felt to be present, but it is not talked about.

• There was great excitement in the air... • 人人都感到无比激动。

• She walked away and left the question hanging in the air. • 她走开了,将疑问留在人们心里。

• 14• PHRASE 播送(广播、电视节目);(广播、电视节目)播放/停止播放• If someone is on the air, they are broadcasting on radio or television. If a programme is on

the air, it is being broadcast on radio or television. If it is off the air, it is not being broadcast.

• She is going on the air as presenter of a new show... • 她即将上电视主持一档新节目。

• Rockwell hopes the program can be on the air within a year... • 罗克韦尔希望该节目能在一年内播出。

• 15• PHRASE (消失得)无影无踪/突然神秘地(出现)• If someone or something disappears into thin air, they disappear completely. If someone or

something appears out of thin air, they appear suddenly and mysteriously.

• 'But where could they have gone?' he demanded. 'They can't just vanish into thin air!'... • "但是他们可能去哪里呢?"他追问道,"他们不可能就神秘消失了!"

• He had materialized out of thin air; I had not seen or heard him coming. • 他突然间神秘地出现了;我既没看见他来,也没听见他的脚步声。

• 16

• PHRASE 悬而未决;未决定• If you say that a decision or a situation is up in the air, you mean that it has not yet been completely settled or


• He told reporters today that the president's trip to Moscow is up in the air.

• 今天他告诉记者们总统是否前往莫斯科尚未确定。

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• PHRASE 非常高兴;兴高采烈• If you say that you are walking on air or floating on air, you mean that you feel extremely happy about something.

• As soon as I know I'm in the team it's like I'm walking on air.

• 一得知我加入了这个队,我高兴得像飞上了天。

责任编辑: 鲁达

