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-标题-when dr . gullickson was assigning project mates for his introduction to experimental psychology class,I secretly hoped he would pair.up to my new lab mate and introduced my self . he looked at me as though I weren ' t there . I felt he treated me as though I would him back and Bly cause hihe but I tried to make the best of it and didn ' t say anything,lest I make things wor project required each lab team to develop a hypothesis,Set up I was uneasy . here was this challenging student who had a reputation for single-mindedness and good grades the exact opposite of me . I waw I actually waally 必须在5个以上的短文中使用加下划线的核心单词。3.续写部分分为两段,每一段的开头都已经为你写好了。4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出使用的核心单词。

—Paragraph 1: We started to meet regularly to draw up our plans.—Paragraph 2: One day I got word that he was admitted to hospital for a serious disease. -写作指导- 浙江这篇读后续写属于适应新环境,我觉得大家不需要受到这篇文章出处的影响,设计过于复杂的情节,比如,我这个搭档有女友需要照顾,有高的GPA需要追求,有无数实验需要做,生病了需要做血液透析,等等。相反,我们要把重心放在室友不行了之后,我如何迎难而上的,还有在我们的合作过程之中,我对这个室友印象的改观。即面对室友的掉链子,愚笨和学识有限的我并没有退缩,熬了无数个夜晚做我们的项目,最终获得了A。我没有拖后腿,同时,也赢得了这个之前鄙视我的搭档的尊重和友谊。大家也可以凸显主旨:What did not kill you will make you stronger.优秀范文Paragraph 1: We started to meet regularly to draw up our we discussed hypotheses, designed tests and found tools to collect and analyze our data, I found this guy both agile and sharp-minded. I, by contrast, was always slow in understanding the concepts and functions he raised. However, he seemed to have adapted to my nerdiness and took on more tasks, which should have fallen in my range of responsibility. Gradually, my impression of him started to reverse and I even fondly hoped we could become friends after the project. Paragraph 2: One day, I got the word that he was admitted to hospital for a serious disease. As it turned out, my teammate was born to suffer a frail heart and the demanding project invited his relapse. Now that the formidable project was falling on my shoulder, I stayed up innumerable nights to run tests and analyze statistics. My effort eventually paid off as Dr. Gullickson awarded us an A, to which my partner grinned in satisfaction. It was then that I realized not only did my tenacity and perseverance live up to his expectation, but also won the ‘impossible’ friendship from this demanding guy/this previously inaccessible guy


An Unlikely Hero另类英雄

unlikely adj 非心目中的;非想象的;不大可能发生的

When Dr. Gullickson was assigning project mates for his introduction to experimental psychology (实验心理学) class, I secretly hoped he would pair me witha cute coed (大学女生) or at least a classmate I could have some fun with. Above all, I hoped he wouldn’t assign me to work with the intense, fiercely competitive, singularly serious fellow who always wore dark clothes and apparently had a personality to match. As fate would have it, Dr. Gullickson very deliberately matched everyone in class and announced that I would be working with the one person in class I wanted to avoid.


assign v [课标新增词] [学术词] 分配;指定;布置assign sb to do sth 指派 / 派遣某人做某事pair … with 使……与……配对above all 最重要的是;尤其是intense adj [熟词生义] 严肃紧张的singularly adv 非常;特别;异常地(singular + -ly)apparently adv 明显地(apparent + -ly)as fate would have it 就像命中注定一样deliberately adv 故意地;有意地(deliberate + -ly)(近on purpose)

I went up to my new lab mate and introduced myself. He looked at me as though I weren’t there. I felt he treated me as though I would hold him back and probably cause his grade point average to take a nosedive. He wasn’t outright mean or abusive. He just gave me the impression he could do whatever project we dreamed up better if he did it alone. He was a loner, and I could only impede (妨碍) his research. He had important things to do, and I was going to be something of an annoyance he’d have to deal with.


as though / if 好像;似乎hold back 妨碍;阻挡;抑制grade point average GPA,(美国教育体制中的)平均学分绩点take a nosedive 突然下降;大跌outright adv 完全;彻底(out-+ right)abusive adj 辱骂的;毁谤的(abuse + -ive)dream up 想出(尤指不同寻常的计划、主意)loner n 独来独往的人annoyance n 使人烦恼的人 / 事(annoy + -ance)deal with 应对;应付

Needless to say, I didn’t look forward to an entire semester of being brushed off, but I tried to make the best of it and didn’t say anything, lest I make things worse.


needless to say 不用说;当然brush off 不理睬;打发make the best of 充分利用(尤指逆境)lest conj 免得;以免

The project required each lab team to develop a hypothesis (假设), set up an experiment to test the hypothesis, run the tests, do the statistical analysis (统计学分析) and present the findings. Whatever grade the team received would be shared by both students. When my lab mate and I met to discuss our project, I was uneasy. Here was this challenging student who have a reputation for single-mindedness and good grades — the exact opposite of me. I was outmatched. I actually wanted to drop the class at one point, but stopped short because I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of my chickening out. I asked my friends at work what I should do, and the overall response was to stick it out no matter what.


uneasy adj 不安的;担心的(un- + easy)challenging adj 富有挑战性的(challenge + -ing)have a reputation for 有……的名声single-mindedness n 专心;专注(single-minded + -ness)at one point 曾经;一度stop short 突然停下;放弃做某事satisfaction n 满足;满意chicken out(因害怕而)临阵退缩stick out(把困难﹑痛苦或枯燥的事)坚持到底

After lengthy discussions, we somehow agreed to do a study on the tactile-kinesthetic (触觉与动觉的) perception of space. I wasn’t sure what it meant, but at least we had a topic. We started to meet regularly to formulate our plans, and every time I felt the project was more his than mine. The more we met, the more I resented his intelligence and his ability to cut through to the core issues. And I was aware he was much more advanced than I. He knew technical things and approached every detail with great singularity of purpose.


lengthy adj 长时间的(length + -y)somehow adv 以某种方式;不知怎么地perception n [学术词] 感知;知觉;认识formulate v [学术词] 制订;规划;构想resent v 愤恨;感到气愤cut through 轻松地解决(复杂或困难的事情)approach v [学术词] 靠近;着手处理singularity n 奇特;异常(singular + -ity)

I, on the other hand, must have seemed naive, with little to offer. At one point I summoned up my courage and asked him why he seemed so uptight and serious. To my surprise, he replied that he didn’t have time for small talk or petty people and things that would waste his time. He even went on to say that he didn’t have many friends because most so-called friends were just a distraction. But, he added, when he did choose someone to be his friend, they would be a friend for life. I was floored by his cold and cynical (愤世嫉俗的) response. Right then and there, I realized the end of the semester couldn’t come soon enough.


naive adj 幼稚的;缺乏经验的summon up 鼓起(勇气)upright adj 正直的;诚实的(up- + right)small talk 闲谈petty adj 小的;次要的so-called adj 所谓的(so + called)distraction n 使人分心的事(distract + -ion)floor [名词动化] v 使惊讶得不知所措

As the semester wore on, we tried to fashion a simple yet elegant experiment. Part of our job was to select students who had volunteered to be subjects for our project. I decided to devote myself to the task of working with the subjects, while he developed the scientific model. I put in my two cents’ worth whenever I could, but I still felt he was the driving force.


wear on(时间)慢慢过去fashion v [名词动化] 制作;使形成volunteer to do 志愿做某事devote oneself to 致力于put in one’s two cents’ worth(尤指在别人不想听时)发表意见driving force 驱动力;推动力

Then one day I got word that he was in the hospital. Apparently, he had been admitted for a hemorrhaging (出血) ulcer (溃疡). The stress of getting the best grades, holding down a job and helping his girlfriend through the medical crisis she was going through had taken its toll on him.


get word that 听说某事hold down a job 保住工作 / 职位go through 经受;遭受take one’s toll on 损害;击垮

When I visited him in the hospital, I noticed for the first time a sense of vulnerability on the face of my stoic lab mate. I knew that he was aware that I could blow the experiment, and our shared grade would shatter his lofty G. P. A. and possibly derail his chances for graduate school. I assured him I would not let him down and he should only concentrate on getting better. I would do my best. We both knew I’d have to do better than my best.


vulnerability n 脆弱性(vulnerable + -ity)stoic n 坚忍克己的人;不以苦乐为意的人blow v [熟词生义](因犯错或不小心)失掉;断送(机会)shatter v(使)破碎;(使感情、希望、信念等)破灭lofty adj 高耸的;崇高的(loft + -y)derail v 破坏,干扰(计划、协议等)(de- + rail)assure v [学术词] 使确信;向……保证let sb down 让某人失望concentrate on 集中精力于;专心做

I had a formidable task ahead of me. I was in over my head, running the statistical data. I pouredmore time and energy into that project than I had ever done on any assignment in my life. I was not going to let him see me fail and have it reflect on him. I was working the graveyard shift at my job, so I used whatever quiet time from midnight to 6 A. M. to work on the project. The work consumed me. There was a sense of challenge that completely overtook me. The question remained: Was I up to it?


formidable adj 可怕的;难对付的be over one’s head 超出某人的理解能力pour … into 向……投入大量……reflect on 给人以……影响graveyard shift 大夜班;凌晨班consume v [熟词生义] (某种情绪或念头)充满……的内心overtake v [熟词生义](尤指不愉快的事)突然降临到be up to sth 胜任(某职位);有资格,适于(做某事)

Eventually, the semester came to a close, and each team had to present its findings in front of the assembled class. When it was our turn, I did my level best to present his scientific methodology (方法论) with my showmanship. To my amazement, we were awarded an A!


assemble v 聚集;集合showmanship n 演艺才能;善于表演的技能(showman善于作秀的人 + -ship)to one’s amazement 令某人惊奇的是  

When I told my lab mate about our shared triumph, he smiled and thanked me for carrying on. Something connected then. Something special. It had to do with trust and the exhilaration of sharing a common prize.


triumph n 巨大成功;喜悦carry on 继续做;坚持干exhilaration n 高兴;激动;兴奋(exhilarate + -ion)

We have stayed close throughout the years. He went on to achieve a doctorate (博士学位). He also went on to marry his college girlfriend.



I learned more than statistical analysis and experimental procedures that semester. My life has been enhanced by our encounter and challenged by this man, who became my unlikely hero.


procedure n [学术词] 程序;手续;步骤enhance v [课标新增词] [学术词] 提高;增强encounter n [课标新增词] [学术词] 邂逅;遭遇;经历;交锋

And in the end, he was right: we have become friends for life.


关于作者: luda

