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那听起来不错的英语单词怎么写 那听起来不错英语怎么说



When we hear something that sounds good, we often want to share it or express our own interest. Here are some common ways to say "That sounds good" in English.

1. Sounds good to me!

This is a straightforward and commonly used phrase. It expresses agreement and enthusiasm.

2. That sounds great/wonderful/excellent.

These phrases all express positive emotions and excitement about what was heard.

3. That works for me.

This phrase acknowledges that an idea or proposal is acceptable and suitable.

4. Count me in.

This phrase is often used to express a desire to be a part of something that was mentioned.

5. I'm interested/I'm intrigued.

These phrases express interest and curiosity about what was heard.

6. Sign me up.

This is similar to "count me in" but emphasizes a willingness to commit.

7. Let's do it!

This phrase is enthusiastic and demonstrates a desire to take action or participate.

It's important to remember that using different phrases can convey slightly different meanings and levels of enthusiasm. Additionally, tone of voice and context can also affect how these phrases are perceived.

Overall, saying "That sounds good" is just the beginning of expressing interest or agreement in English. Adding variety to your vocabulary can help you more accurately convey your feelings and engage in meaningful conversations.




1. Restaurant (餐厅)—— 不少人容易将“u”和“a”搞混,拼成“restuarant”或“resturant”。

2. Definitely (肯定)——这个单词的正确拼写很多人也会念错,常常会将“i”和“a”搞混,拼成“definately”。

3. Accommodation (住宿)——这个单词的正确拼法很多人不熟悉,容易将“d”和“m”错拼,变成“accomodation”或“accommodation”。

4. Embarrass (尴尬)——这个单词的词根来自于法语“embarrasser”,很容易让人将“a”和“r”弄混,拼成“embarass”或“embarras”。

5. Calendars (日历)——这个单词的正确拼写也常常容易被人们忽略,往往被拼成“calenders”。

6. Opportunity (机会)——这个单词听上去容易拼写,但是往往会出现“t”和“i”发音颠倒的情况,被拼成“oppurtunity”。

7. Separate (分开)——这个单词的正确拼写也是经常被错误拼写的单词之一,很多人容易搞混“a”和“e”,拼成“seperate”。


责任编辑: 鲁达

