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第一节课是语文课用英语怎么说 一年级第一课语文 第一节课是语文课用英语怎么说?



As an international language, English has become more and more important in our daily life. In recent years, some schools in our country have begun to introduce English courses into traditional Chinese courses, so that students can learn and master both Chinese and English at the same time. Many students may wonder how to express "Chinese class with English" in English, and here are some common expressions.

Firstly, we can say "a Chinese class taught in English" to convey the meaning. This expression emphasizes that the content of the course is still Chinese, but the teacher uses English to explain and communicate.

Secondly, we can use "bilingual Chinese class" to describe the teaching mode. This implies that students need to learn both Chinese and English during the course, which requires their proficiency in both languages.

Thirdly, we can use "Chinese immersion class with English support" to describe the teaching style. The teacher may mainly use Chinese to teach, but at the same time use English to explain the difficult points and provide students with English language support.

In addition to the above expressions, we can also use "Chinese-English integration course", "Chinese course with English as an auxiliary language", or "Chinese teaching with the help of English" to describe the integration of Chinese and English courses.

In conclusion, while it's not necessarily easy to describe "Chinese class with English" in English, there are a number of common expressions and phrases that we can use to convey the meaning effectively. Ultimately, it's important for students to be able to learn and understand both languages in order to better position themselves to compete in an increasingly globalized world.



Asking how to say "first period is Chinese class" in English is a common question for non-native English speakers. In English, we use the term "period" to refer to a specific block of time in a school day.

So to say "first period is Chinese class" in English, we would simply say: "The first period is Chinese class." This is a basic sentence that includes the subject (first period) and predicate (Chinese class).

It is important to note that the word "class" can refer to both the subject being taught and the group of students who are learning together. In the example sentence, "Chinese class" refers to the subject being taught during the first period of the school day.

Another way to express this idea is to say, "Chinese is the first class of the day." This sentence also makes it clear that the subject being taught is Chinese and that it is the first class of the day.

It is important to use clear and concise language when discussing subjects and classes in English. By using the appropriate grammar and terminology, we can ensure that our message is communicated effectively and efficiently.

In summary, to say "first period is Chinese class" in English, simply say "The first period is Chinese class" or "Chinese is the first class of the day." These are both short and clear ways to express the idea that the first class of the day is Chinese.

责任编辑: 鲁达

