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□陈保君(马来西亚) 邓琳娜(罗马尼亚)

最近,许多国家的人很喜欢中文歌曲。回想今年六月份,我去参加一个婚礼,婚礼上的两首著名的中国经典歌曲,着实让我感到惊讶,两首歌是《月亮代表我的心》和《大鱼》。许多人听中文歌曲,如果我问他们歌曲的意思,他们会高兴地回答歌曲的含义。我的妈妈是周深的粉丝,她喜欢听他的歌。 我的朋友喜欢看中国电视节目,例如《歌手》《天赐的声音》《我们的歌》等。

中国歌手和西方歌手有什么区别? 在某种意义上,我从未遇到过比中文歌曲更优美更动听的歌曲了。 小时候,我就知道,一开始的诗应该是唱出来的,每一个词之前的意思都是经过精心撰写的。人们过去常常为他们的爱人唱歌,而音乐家们在每个场合都有一首特别的歌曲。 在中世纪,音乐家受到追捧和尊重,所有人都非常珍惜好的歌曲。音乐是一种缓解压力、传递情感、表达感激,且也让每一刻都变得特别的方式。

有些歌曲大家都知道,而且很受欢迎。 一旦你听到第一个音符,你就知道是什么歌曲。 作曲家的歌词是融入他们音乐中的表达方式。 唯一的目标是将他们心中的想法,写在曲谱上并创作出精美的作品,艺术家可以与他人分享,以改变他们的观点。 这使听众能够从他们的角度查看情况。 这些词将在人们内部建立联系,并在相关时提供治疗。 如果歌词措辞得当,它们可以唤起人们对过去的回忆,并揭示作词者的想法。 歌词会将人们带到快乐或沮丧的特定时刻,同时将感官暴露于脆弱之中。

“紧抓住梦的手,脚步越来越轻越来越快活”,《跟着感觉走》 的歌词给我留下了深刻的印象,并鼓励着我追随自己的梦想。 有时在生活中,我不知道该做出什么决定,不知道是否应该听从朋友、家人,还是我内心的声音,不知道该选择什么专业,或者我现在学习的目的是什么。也许在某些时候,我不需要任何建议,我只需要听首歌,感觉只要努力工作以及拥有快乐开放的心态,我就可以做任何事情。

“朋友 一生一起走,那些日子不再有,一句话一辈子,一生情一杯酒”,周华健的《朋友》歌词是一个美妙的提醒,要珍惜友谊,永远珍惜身边的人。 中国文化自古以来就重视友谊和良好的情感关系,从他们的思维方式和许多关于友谊的歌曲中,我学会了重视我的朋友。 这些歌词让我想起了与朋友们在一起的美好时刻,他们在我身边,帮助我、引导我,让我感觉很快乐。

最近,西方音乐家关注如何快速销售一首歌,如何使其流行,以及如何尽可能地留在音乐排行榜上。 人们越来越在意听一首让他们感觉良好的歌曲,但他们并不关注歌词。 音乐家想要迅速成名和富有, 他们不想与粉丝分享任何东西。 这些毫无意义的最新歌曲中的歌词,是没有传播价值的。在某种程度上,它们并没有带来快乐,因为这些歌曲无法涌入人心,无法给听众的心中带来任何感觉。

也许人们喜欢跳舞,但他们忘记了为什么要跳舞,为什么要听歌,为什么我们的生活中会有音乐。 这就是为什么人们越来越喜欢新老中国歌手的原因。 中国歌手没有忘记音乐的真谛:连接、治愈和丰富人们的心灵。

A discussion starting from two famous Chinese popular songs

Recently, people from other countries also like Chinese songs. I went to a wedding and I was surprised to hear two famous Chinese songs: "The Moon Represents My Heart" and "Big Fish". Actually, I was very surprised at that time. Many people listen to Chinese songs, and if I ask them the meaning, they will happily answer. My mother is a fan of Zhou Shen, she likes his songs. My friend likes to watch Chinese TV shows, such as: "The Singer", "A Heavenly Voice", "Our Song", etc.

What is the difference between Chinese singers and western singers? In a way, I never encountered more beautiful lyrics than Chinese songs. I learned when I was little that poems in the beginning were supposed to be sing and the meaning before every word was carefully c used to sing for their lovers and musicians had a special song for every occasion. In medieval times, musicians were searched and respected and good songs were very treasured by all people. Music was a way to relief stress, to send emotions to people you love, to express gratitude and maybe to make every moment special.

There are songs that everybody knows and there are very popular. Once you hear the first note you simply know what song is. A songwriter's lyrics are expressions that go into their music. The only goal is to put what's in their heart or thoughts on paper. Together, they produce something exquisite that the artist may share with others in order to alter their perspectives. This enables the listener to view the situation from their point of view. The words will make a connection within peopleand provide healing if they are relevant. If lyrics are worded well, they can jog one's recollections of the past and reveal the lyricist's ideas. The lyrics will transport you to a specific moment in time when peoplewere joyful or depressed while exposing the senses to vulnerability.

“Hold the dream’s hand, the steps are getting lighter and happier”, the lyrics from “Follow Your Feeling” impressed me a lot and encouraged me to follow my dream. Sometimes in life I do not know what decision to make or whether I should listen to my friends, family or to my soul, what major to choose or what is the purpose of what I am studying now. Maybe in some moments I don't need a piece of advice, I simply need to listen to this song and feel like I can do anything with hard work and a joyful and open mind.

"Friends are together for a lifetime, those days are no longer there, a word is timeless, an eternal love a glass of wine" the lyrics from Emil Chau’s “Friends” are a wonderful reminder to value friendship and always cherish people around you. Chinese culture values friendship and good relations since ancient times and from their way of thinking and because of the many songs about friendship I learned to value my friends. These lyrics remind me of the best moments with my friends, when they were there for me, helping me, guiding me and making me smile and feeling good and happy.

Lately, western musicians pay attention to how to sell a song fast, how to make it popular and how to stay in the music charts for as much as possible. People increasingly care about listening to a song that makes them feel good, but they don't care about the lyrics. Musicians want instant fame and wealth; they don't have to share anything with their fans. Lyrics in these pointless newest songs have no value in spreading ideas. In a way, they don't bring joy, because the songs don't flow into the hearts of the people, and they don't bring any feeling to the listeners.

Maybe people feel like dancing, but they forget why are they dancing, why are they listening to songs, why there is music in our lives. That is why people are more and more attracted to Chinese singers, old and new. Chinese singers did not forget the true meaning of music: to connect, heal and enrich people's hearts.

指导老师:刘海明 王小杨

责任编辑: 鲁达

