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【8.19是什么纪念日】8.19 世界人道主义日 World Humanitarian Day



Each year on 19 August, World Humanitarian Day advocates for the survival, well-being and dignity of people affected by crises, and for the safety and security of aid workers.

On this year’s World Humanitarian Day, we’d like to put the focus on Belgium’s humanitarian aid abroad, and more specifically for the war in Ukraine. The humanitarian needs for the affected population, both those in Ukraine and those seeking refuge, are still growing day by day. In May, Belgium decided todistribute 25 million euros from its Ukraine fund into humanitarian funds, humanitarian projects and other multilateral contributions.

在乌克兰,几乎每秒钟就有一名儿童逃离该国,也有许多人别无选择,只能留下来。而那些在逃儿童会特别容易受到虐待、剥削以及遇到贩卖儿童的情况。为此,比利时发展合作部长梅里亚姆·基蒂尔 (Meryame Kitir)与儿童基金会联合制定了一项计划,意旨要保护儿童,不仅在乌克兰 ,在前往比利时的路上和抵达比利时之后都要对儿童进行保护。

In Ukraine, almost one child flees the country every second, and many have no choice but to stay. Children on the run are particularly vulnerable to abuse, exploitation and child trafficking. For this reason, our Minister of Development Cooperation Meryame Kitir has set up a plan in cooperation withUNICEF to protect the children, not only in Ukraine but also on the road to Belgium and after arriving in Belgium.



A part of Belgium’s humanitarian action for Ukraine also lies in its rapid intervention structure B-FAST (Belgian First Aid and Support Team). B-FAST sent an aid convoy to Ukraine with generators, tents, blankets, hygiene kits, kitchen kits, camp beds, feminine hygiene products, milk powder and nappies. Neighbouring countries also received help. For example, Moldova received tents, generators and hygiene kits, while Slovakia was given beds, mattresses and blankets. Furthermore, the structure sent medical devices worth over 3 million euros to Ukraine, Slovakia and Poland.

Belgium stands in solidarity with the world’s most vulnerable people and humanitarian workers, who put their lives at risk in the most extreme circumstances around the world in order to help others.

界人道主义日/World Humanitarian Day:

发展合作部长梅里亚姆·基蒂尔/Meryame Kitir, Minister of Development Cooperation:


关于作者: admin

