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【中秋卡通视频英语怎么说】Mid-Autumn Festival中秋节



In the Chinese cosmology', the moon-- not the sun-- is the dominant orb, and not only has its radiance inspired countless poets, priests, and peasants alike, but its waxings and wanings have inspired the calendar ac- cording to which most of Asia plots' yearly events. It's only natural that a lunar year should include a holiday set aside for appreciation of the moon. The Mid-Autumn Festival, a Chinese staple since the Song dynasty, is just that. The moon is said to be at its loveliest on this night: its roundest, brightest, and most magical.


cosmology/kɒzˈmɒlədʒi/宇宙论,宇宙观;orb/ɔːb/星球,天体;/ˈreɪdiəns/光辉,发光;waxing /ˈwæksɪŋ/月盈;waning /ˈweɪnɪŋ/月亏;plot测算,计划;appreciation欣赏;Song dynasty宋朝。

Outside their homes, families erect altars that are stocked with wine, tea, incense sticks and fruits, including the huge grapefruit-like pomelo, whose Chinese name, yow, is a homophone for "to have." Also on the altar is a stack of the holiday's ubiquitous "mooncakes - thick pastries shaped like corrugated" drums. The cakes are filled with sweet bean paste or lotus seed, and at the very heart of each is a boiled egg yolk to symbolize the moon.


erect搭起; altar/ˈɔːltə(r)/ 祭坛,圣坛,圣餐台;stack堆;incense stick香;pomelo /ˈpɒmɪləʊ/柚子;homophone /ˈhɒməfəʊn/同音异形异义字;ubiquitous /juːˈbɪkwɪtəs/普遍存在的 ;pastry/ˈpeɪstri/酥皮糕点;mooncake月饼;corrugated 有波纹的;yolk/jəʊk/蛋黄。

The Chinese tradition of moon-viewing parties was long ago carried over to Japan, where this holiday is called Tsukimi. Friends gather for the evening beside lakes or in special moon-viewing pavilions, having first enjoyed bowls of “moon-viewing noodles": thick white udon in broth with a perfect egg yolk floating on top.


moon-viewing赏月的;Tsukimi观月(日语);pavilion 亭子;udon /ˈuːdɒn/汤面,乌冬面;broth /brɒθ/肉汤。

关于作者: admin

