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Why are some people always single?



Carol Ward
Aww, keep trying if that’s what you want and you can cope with the rejection. It’s 50/50. 50% rejection or 50% a positive result. Tell yourself what’s the worst that can happen. It’s a bit like applying for a job, it can be soul destroying. I remember a girl I worked with she was not very pretty but she was the most kindest beautiful person ever! Let your personality shine through, good looks can be shallow.


Thomas Hamelain
“but love discussing world events, ancient history, literature, languages, and physics”
That's what you've got ! Your brain is your most valuable asset. And among your subjects of interest you've got enough material to learn and explore to keep you going until the end of your life and beyond…
I am quite an introvert loner and have been both long term single and in long term relationships and trust me, relationships are way overrated.
We tend to idealise what we don't have but the grass is not necessary greener for couples.
In fact you're sparing yourself all the drama and irrational bullshits that romantic relationships usually brings along. Instead you can dedicate all your mental energy on yourself and what you really like.
As for the virgin thing, if its something that bothers you, go and meet a hooker and get this issue out of the way ^. ^

这就是你所拥有的! 你的大脑是你最宝贵的资产。在你感兴趣的主题中,你有足够的材料来学习和探索,让你一直到你的生命结束和超越......
Bella Freeman
Exactly right! I am in the ninetieth percentile for extroversion, but I will be alone for the rest of my life. Personality just doesn't matter.

Louisa Reynolds
It was really interesting to read this. I do not consider 5 ft 7 as overly short for a man, and I am a 5ft 9 woman. Also, I do not see why people would laugh at the fact that you are a virgin, although I am not going to make out that I relate to the majority of people. People seem to see losing their virginity as a box to be ticked. Just because someone has had a lot of sex doesn't mean to say they even enjoyed it particularly! It could well have been with someone they regretted doing such an intimate act with or the overall experience may not have been that enjoyable for them. There are far more important things in life to have done in my opinion, such as a steady job that you mentioned and other life skills. I think there are far more people out there who are virgins at older ages than we believe there to be simply because it seems to be a taboo subject that nobody wants to admit to. There's a lot more I could say about this but I will leave it at that.

Sam Tyler
Dude, this is bullshit.
For a start, 5-ft 7-in is not that short. I think the US average is 5-ft 9-in and in the UK 5-ft 10-in for a man of your generation. Taller men are generally more attractive, but the biggest womaniser I know it's 5-ft 7 tall.
And if you are working out a lot and in really good shape, that is very attractive. This really boosts how people perceive you. I worked with the guy that people described as good looking, when I met him, he looks like a bulldog but just had a muscular body.
Good looking people will always have it much easier in life, anyone that says otherwise is a delusional fool. People are drawn to pretty people.
But I honestly believe so much is down to how someone acts. Most of the time, when I see a really hot girl, the guy is hot too. But actually quite often I see a gorgeous girl with a little runty guy. He must have something about him and I'm pretty sure that he won't sit around moaning about how no one flirts with him.

Alexander Inkel
Your conclusion is false. Speaking as a male with good facial structure and a good body, relationships don’t just click or work out easily. Sure I see women who are attracted, but that initial attraction does not translate to success. A lot of it is how much social value you have. This I find comes down to your confidence, self image, and beliefs you hold over your self regarding social interactions, success with women, humor, etc. I’m a pretty introverted and abstract minded person, so the ways I communicate with people often aren’t very standard, so dating is strange. You really have to find people you just mix with I think.

Malik Hughes
you may or may not have ASD, your behavior resembles mine and I know I have ASD

Bella Freeman
Too many unattractive people are erroneously diagnosed with autism. There are other reasons why people get rejected.

Richard Shirk
The question has so many answers and none of them will ever be the same. Different circumstances and experiences guide folks in their decisions.
I use to think that the “ American dream “ was the basis of relationships and marriage.
The age I grew up in saw people stay married for many years. Relationships also were pretty much permanent.
In this age, a lot of “ superficial “ folks walk the earth. They want things ready made and don't want to make the effort to work things out when they go wrong.
Being single is a “ CHOICE" and not a “ DISEASE". I have read relationship books by different authors, but I can't seem to find authors from my generation with worthwhile experiences to draw from.
Relationships are like Google. You look on dating sites and the profiles are a joke.
It just seems to me that it is a lot of “ work" to do relationships and folks just are not willing to go through emotional pain and suffering for a chance to be happy.
Is it worth it? For me, it is not, so I will stay single ( unless something really changes my mind). I don't see a relationship in my future PERIOD???
Please note this is my opinion and experience speaking and some may disagree. There is this song I remember called “ PEOPLE MAKE THE WORLD GO ROUND". I will just leave it at that……

Evelyn Arden
How do you explain then that despite me getting compliments from people and being hit on and told that I'm a kind and smart individual, I've never managed to get a guy to take me to an actual date or gotten in a relationship with a man?
People perceiving you attractive apparently doesn't mean anything or the fact, that there's obxtively speaking nothing wrong with your personality either. We all know people who have no issues to attract the opposite sex, regardless of how they look, behave or what their personality is like.
They seem to find relationships with an ease, are never single very long periods of time and they're showered with sexual and romantic interest and attention. Others are those, who never attract anyone despite many positive attributes. I find this mysterious and odd, I've never managed to find any rational explanation to this phenomenon. These favored and lucky people typically also get exactly the person they desire for a relationship and the other person reciprocates their romantic feelings.

Michael Jones
A guy told me a long time ago, you've got to play the cards you've been dealt. It sounds like you're self-aware, so work on the things that you can change. You aren't born with social skills, you learn them through practice.

Ble Tolife
Omg i can relate to this beside the fact i dont work and dont have a degree and i am 25 which make me feel more worthless

Biboum Joelle Ojong
you are 1m 70 and you think you are short?

Andrew Ang
I love your answer, harsh truth, but truth nevertheless.

Kyrst Mitch
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Oyez Delta
idk man i’ve seen some nightmarish looking guys with partners/spouses. maybe there just isn’t anyone you connect with.

Sofia Safwa
First of all you arent short! 170 isnt short !! And I am a 172 female.
Second , if u have good shape.. then u r somewhat attractive. I just cant thing k of an “ugly “ man. its beyond me.
Maybe u go to somewhat young and pretty ladies. Young people have their ideals. U cant blame them. But if more unfortunate human beings want company they have to settle. I guess.

首先,你并不矮! 170岁并不矮!! 我是一个172的女性。
As a 31-year-old man who has never ever been in a relationship, it comes down to several reasons.
It seems that I’m physically unattractive to women. I go to the gym, eat pretty well, dress well etc. I’m not overweight or anything like that. But I’m short, went completely bald by the time I was 25 - no, shaving your head will not magically turn you into Vin Diesel - and got some congenital postural abnormalities I can do nothing about. I’m almost the opposite of “tall, dark and handsome”.
I have very nerdy interests that most people - which obviously includes women - find either boring or scary. I enjoy spending my time on things such as quantum mechanics, neuroscience, and macroeconomics. At the same time, I dislike small talk centered around TV shows, celebrities, food etc.
From high school on I’ve spent my entire life in male-dominated environments (STEM) where women are hard to find. The few that exist are all taken or not interested.
I tried online dating, but as an OkCupid user I’ve only become more disillusioned. It seems that the vast majority of women aged 25–35 online care about little else than traveling around the world all the time, eating fancy foods, taking snapshots for their Instagram profiles, and listing demands that I have to meet to be worthy of talking to them. Out of several hundreds of profiles, I sent what I believe were kind, thoughtful, personalized messages (no generic “hi there” stuff, nor anything needy or creepy) to five women that appeared to be at somewhat intellectually-inclined. None replied. I don’t blame them - I’m not one of those guys who think that women owe them something - but that about sums it up for me.
In summary, I’m always single because I’m not interesting to the opposite sex, and because I have a very hard time finding women I could connect with even if they were interested.

1.似乎我在身体上对女性没有吸引力。我去健身房,吃得很好,穿得很好等等。我没有超重或任何类似的情况。但我很矮,25岁时就完全秃了--不,剃光头不会神奇地把你变成文-迪塞尔--而且有一些先天性的姿势异常,我对此无能为力。我几乎是 "高大、深沉和英俊"的反面。
Emi Logane
Women probably aren't interested in you because you give off the vibe of low confidence and feel like you don't stand a chance. Women aren't shallow and only care about “tall dark and handsome men”, women want someone who is confident and open and friendly and approachable, who isn't scared to strike up a conversation and take a chance. Who knows, maybe the 25 year old very attractive girl sitting at the end of the bar actually loves quantum physics, you've just cultivatated a stereotype that all women like her will not be interested in you and are only interested in Instagram and selfies, and it definitely shows. Open your mind and stop portraying the image of “no women will like me because I'm short and bald and like science”, start coming across as “so what if im short and bald? I'm smart and interesting and not afraid to talk to women” type of attitude. Your luck will eventually change. Low self esteem and wallowing in self defeat is a major turnoff, looks aren't everything, maybe your personality is the best part about you.


责任编辑: 鲁达

